Before you Vaccinate your Kid:
Please listen to the dissenting views, for the sake of your children.
The children’s vaccine is about to be unleashed to the world, and it’s an irreversible move. You at least owe it to your kids to look at the decision from all angles before you decide whether or not to get them vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccines that are currently available.
There are many voices emerging that are raising red flags about the mass vaccination program, and the alarm is only growing as more time passes. The vaccine is waning in efficacy, and severe unreported adverse side effects are being discovered in droves. I say unreported because those that attempt to report their injuries are being completely stonewalled. This is a fact, and it’s an extremely important fact, because their injuries- ranging from neurological, to paralysis, to death - are NOT being recognized by the drug companies and the US Health agencies on the risk side of the equation.
It’s obviously impossible to make a proper risk/benefit assessment without having accurate risk data. Your average physician recommending the vaccine who’s followed CDC and FDA guidelines his entire career is relying on faulty data. I know that’s quite an accusation, which is why I don’t want you to believe me, I want you to look at the information for yourself. You, as the child’s parent is the only one who is taking his or her health and ONLY his or her health into account. Your doctor has many other pressures driving recommendations. The CDC, FDA, and the drug companies have tremendous pressures and conflicts of interest driving their decisions, which appear to have been pre-determined regardless of outcome.
If you’ve reached this point, please- look through the links I’m going to list here. Educate yourself about the underground world of dissenting views being driven by real events, raw data, and most of all - the complete and total unwillingness of anyone in the mainstream media, in public health agencies, and in the pharmaceutical companies to hold a public debate with the top notch doctors, scientists and health professionals who STRONGLY recommend against mass vaccination for kids. There’s a concept called Loyal Dissent. One person is tasked with bringing an opposing viewpoint in order to prevent groupthink. The brave men and women who are trying to present their opposing views are being shut out at every turn, and it’s up to us to seek them out and hear what they have to say, if only to make sure that we ourselves are not engaged in groupthink.
Here are 4 of the top links I’d recommend checking out:
Let’s start with the names and credentials of the professionals who are requesting a public debate with a US health official or an executive at one of the vaccine manufacturers. Steve Kirsch has put together an impressive group here. We’re not talking about trolls and rabblerousers. These are people with decades of experience in their respective careers who are putting everything they’ve built on the line because based on what they’ve personally witnessed or researched, they do NOT believe the vaccines are safe, and that there needs to be much more rigorous debate, as well as extensive studies before embarking on a mass vaccination program for children.
Aaron Siri is a lawyer representing the vaccine injured who are being stonewalled by the drug companies, and being met with a medical community that has no idea what to do with them, because there is no research on their conditions. Maddie de Garay is a 13 year old girl who participated in the Pfizer clinical trial 9 months ago. She was paralyzed within 24 hours of her second shot, and remains in a wheelchair until today. After months of trying to receive help, or even acknowledgement from Pfizer, they retained Aaron Siri to represent them. In the link above you can find details of the case, correspondence between the family and the health officials, and a phone call recording of the one call they finally had with the Pfizer principal investigator. If they’re not acknowledging her injuries, then those injuries are not being considered when the FDA recommends injecting YOUR child.
Toby Rogers compiled a list of his top ten red flags regarding the conclusion of the FDA to approve the vaccine for children ages 5-11. It has been read by tens of thousands of people, and has yet to be refuted.
Senator Ron Johnson is perhaps the only official in Washington taking these concerns seriously. He convened a panel of lifelong health experts, doctors, scientists, lawyers and vaccine injured victims to discuss their concerns and hear the victims’ stories. They invited everyone from the mainstream media, the officials at the CDC and FDA, and all the executives at the vaccine manufacturing companies. None of them showed up. This is long, but well worth the watch.
The only one who is putting your child first in this decision is you. It’s your responsibility to make sure you’re armed with proper information.
When the pressure mounts, and it seems like everyone is just going along for the ride, remember - only 20% of Jews followed Moses out of Egypt to find freedom in their Promised Land. 80% refused to believe it, or couldn’t be bothered to go and chose to remain as slaves in Egypt.
We used to be able to trust our Doctors. Now the majority are nothing but group think ,group speak apparatchiks of the democrat party.
Great list of resources. All parents need to open their eyes to what’s going on.