The US started vaccinating the children 3 weeks ago, and has vaccinated ~10% of kids so far. Israel started yesterday. Brace yourselves, and prepare to remain emotionally strong as a tsunami of pressure is about to unleash.
So far every ad that’s popped up for me on YouTube today has been very professional looking Israeli doctors from the Health Ministry telling me to vaccinate my kids, so we can end this pandemic. My FB feed is filling up with masked children getting vaccinated to “contribute”. I’m hearing stories of friends unvaccinated kids who aren’t allowed to go to houses of some of her vaccinated friends. Teens are pressuring other teens. The schools are going to start asking who is and who isn’t vaccinated, and create rules that are different for the two groups. The Green Pass system will tighten up and get more streamlined and efficient.
They have enough vaccines and boosters for everyone, and they want to use them. If your immune system is still untouched by the Covid-19 vaccines, the pressure is about to be ramped up big time. If you have taken the vaccine, but you still support the right for it to be a personal medical decision free of outside coercion, then join us on this hill that is the last flimsy barrier between a modicum of freedom and global tyranny.
It’s extremely important to find freedom minded people in your life and stay connected to them. You share strong values, and that’s increasingly necessary to stay sane in a chaotic, upside down world. Find those people, hold onto them tight, and build strong connections, because that’s the most important thing that’s still in your control. /End Rant
Listen to Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche explain how he predicted exactly what ended up happening, and why he’s been against vaccinating into an ongoing pandemic from the beginning. Deaths in the US for 2021 just surpassed the numbers for 2020, so maybe he was right all along?
You’re right about the need to brace ourselves for the onslaught of pressure. Steve Deace in his podcast/BlazeTV show often speaks about our need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. They are banking on us giving in bc we don’t want to be uncomfortable — being maskless, resisting the vax or the next booster, being uncomfortable with their accusations that we’re the problem. It’s hard to be comfortable being uncomfortable but it’s what’s needed. And we need our kids to be comfortable being uncomfortable too in these same situation among friends and peers, at school, etc. We have truth and Truth on our side.
I, too, am a latecomer to your Substack work. So pleased to find another sane, strong voice against Covid mania and vaxx tyranny. Cheers!