Do you see the edge of the cliff?
This train is picking up speed, and we're about to go over the edge.
Counting the chaos:
Kyle Rittenhouse verdict due
OSHA/Biden vs the Courts re: Vaccine mandates
Vaccine injuries skyrocketing while BigGovTechMediaPharma attempts to censor as much of it as they can
Biden approval rating crashing while the economy tanks
The Biden administration waging political WAR on it’s enemies
It feels like we’re sitting on a tinder box with bated breath, and the tiniest little spark can blow the whole thing up. I know I sound dramatic, but prepare physically, emotionally, and spiritually to be thrown into a global frenzy. The stronger your own home is, the better off you’ll be.
Let me know what you think is going on out there, and the craziness that you’re seeing.
The tinderbox is real. Even those whose eyes aren’t open to what’s really going on will notice the higher prices and smaller packages at the grocery store (not to mention the empty shelves in US stores. You’re right about the need for spiritual strength. Evil is all around us and this is a spiritual war as much as anything else. It’s no accident that people like Posobiec are regularly reminding us to to connect with God.