Note: We are in a rampant Information War. “Misinformation” and “anti-vaxxer” are tools used to disable the ability to have a conversation. Please judge all links and sources by their content, as opposed to by the Wikipedia page and Google results of the author.
The insanity continues to ramp up as political leaders all over got their knickers in a bunch this weekend because of Omicron, a guest who was identified in South Africa and is making his way around the world. Draconian border closures were announced in Israel over the past couple of days, in what feels like a knee-jerk reaction to give the appearance of some semblance of control, having learned absolutely nothing from the past 20 months. But at what cost? The cost of border closures is tremendous, both financially and emotionally on a very weary nation. If the so called “corona cabinet” is going to implement such hardships on the people, they better have a damn good reason why, and be able to adequately reassure the public that these measures are necessary beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Unfortunately, that continues to never happen, and we’re left with a public that is confused, disengaged and completely distrusting of political bodies that are continuously playing with our lives like we’re characters in a video game. While you’ll always have the CoronaCrazies who beg for more rules, stricter enforcement, and post on FB about how shocked they are that people in the local market barely wear masks anymore, I seem to be coming across more disillusioned people every day. My dread at the thought of what the government is going to cook up next is mixed with a hope that the boy cried wolf way too many times, and the people are over it.
NEVER forget that the politicians work for US, not the other way around. No matter where you live, the leaders only have the power that we as a people allow them to have. Your freedoms are not up for discussion, and they’re not settings on a video game that the politicians and “health officials” can turn on and off, as they make wild bets with our lives and livelihoods based on the Covid fashion of the month. /End Rant (for today).
Here’s a roundup of links from the past few days that I think are well sourced, important and relevant:
This article in the Everly Report is from December 2020, right before the vaccines were rolled out to the public. The predictions and warnings regarding the vaccine are unfortunately unfolding in front of our eyes. Worth the read.
“Put an end to the mandates. History will not be on their side, and the people will not forgive them for it”.
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Mordechai Sones of America’s Front Line Doctors publicly resigned from his position as a journalist at Arutz Sheva due to an increasingly oppressive atmosphere that stifled important findings of their own writers that didn’t fit into the opinion of the publication.
Steve Kirsch is still plugging at the numbers and trying to alert anyone who will listen that the numbers for an acceptable risk/benefit ratio are NOT adding up. a.
Hello? Does anyone care? Is anyone listening? (Insert red alarm emoji here)
I think this back and forth was well done, if you have the patience for it.
Don’t forget - only 20% of Jews followed Moshe out of Egypt towards God, freedom and Promised Land. 80% never left.
Ultimately, this whole debacle will come back to bite the pharma industry, vaccination, and all of traditional medicine, in ways they've not begun to consider. In fact, all of BigGovCo may never recover the trust they once had...and rightly so!
"Don’t forget - only 20% of Jews followed Moshe out of Egypt towards God, freedom and Promised Land. 80% remained as slaves." That, I did not know!
I will dump this link on Telegram, Gab and GETTR.