The CDC and FDA have both now officially signed off on enriching Pfizer by BILLIONS of dollars this year, in exchange for the service of their giving millions of children a risky vaccine that they don’t need.
There are 2 giant bubbles of information that are floating around next to each other, with some occasional narratives/stories/facts crossing into both worlds.
The first is obviously the Acceptable Narrative. I don’t need to tell you what it is, we have all been bombarded with it for the last 20 months, and even though the story changes with the wind, those who promote the lines of the day all march along to the same beat. In one sentence, as one voice they preach the narrative - Covid Very Bad, Vaxx Everybody. Dissenting voices not welcome.
The second realm is occupied by those who’ve long been skeptical of the BigGovMediaTech apparatus. As we’ve watched the Narrative twist and turn, with gaping holes, provable lies, and overbearing mandates that treat citizens like animals, more people than ever are losing faith in the Institutions that are supposed to serve us. The people in this universe don’t trust the folks making decisions at the CDC and the FDA any longer, and they certainly don’t trust their decision making process regarding the Coronavirus vaccines.
The Skeptics don’t get their news from publications backed by giant corporations, or anchors on TV that talk down to you like you’re a child. Skeptics are used to sifting through fake news that’s blasted through their various screens, all day every day. The curious ones follow journalists online wherever they’re platformed (often de-platformed by the main players) and through following some, they find others and find fellow readers as well. They follow the reporters, journalists, analysts, and content creators who have a track record of being accurate in their reporting and their analysis of current events, and interview people across the political and ideological spectrum. People like Tim Pool and Joe Rogan have audiences that tune in at far higher numbers than Brian Stelter and Don Lemon. There’s a thirst for authenticity which is sorely lacking in corporate media. For better or for worse, the internet has allowed for that on a scale the world has never seen. The stars rise to the top based solely on merit - reliability, authenticity, likeability, accuracy and many more. They then answer solely to their audience, who in turn funds them so they can continue growing. It’s the most authentic form of journalism we’ve ever been privy to.
Amazing journalists like Bari Weiss and Glenn Greenwald left high profile jobs at the NYT and the Intercept when they kept running into a wall of censorship that prevented their honest reporting from being published. Their Substacks now have hundreds of thousands of subscribers that make up a high quality, engaged audience.
The reporters on the Covid beat who are trying to get their findings out to the public are being stifled everywhere they turn. It takes people who are actively curious with time on their hands to find reporting that a quick skim at the Google headlines will never show you. These reporters and their audience are trying to wave giant red flags and sounds alarms as the mass vaccination program for children kicks off. You owe it to your children to at least listen to what they have to say. Here’s a roundup of links from this past week that are important for parents to see. Try and get this out to as many passive news consumers as you can.
If you haven’t yet had the chance to watch at least some of the panel that was convened by Senator Ron Johnson, I strongly recommend it. It’s a broad coalition of health professionals, lawyers, frontline doctors, and vaccine injury victims meticulously discussing all aspects of the vaccine in great detail with impeccable sources.
Brianne Dressen goes into further detail explaining what it was like to be a participant in the clinical trial for the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine in late 2020, and subsequently suffering injuries which are being ignored and left out of the vaccine reports that are then used to determine it’s safety for you and your children.
There was a summit in Florida over the past weekend of top frontline doctors who’ve come up with treatment protocols and collectively treated and saved millions of Covid patients in the past year and a half. They gathered to present their experiences and findings both regarding Covid and the vaccine. They unequivocally declare that there shall be no Covid 19 vaccines given to healthy children. You can read their full declaration here.
Over on Twitter, Matan Holzer details how flimsy and unreliable the Israeli vaccine injury reporting system is. The FDA relies on the Israeli data when they make their recommendation, and like the injured being dropped from the clinical trials, it’s just another example of how the FDA decision was based on faulty and incomplete data.
Steve Kirsch is digging at the severe manipulation going on at the CDC, and the outright coverup of vaccine injuries.
If you have some time over the weekend, take a look at the above links. If these journalists and sources are new to you, consider subscribing to their substacks, or following them on Twitter. Don’t let a media that’s desperate to keep the control they used to have over their audience dictate what you’re exposed to.
Great list of resources as always. Unfortunately far too many people don’t even know what they don’t know. They don’t realize corporate media is lying to them. They don’t realize social media is engaged in systematic censorship. These are crimes against humanity being perpetrated by global elites.
Dear Ms Hecht, THANK YOU. I’m going to share this post far and wide.