Following last month’s findings by Ed Dowd, he and his actuarial insurance expert partner have dug even further into the raw data and came back with a not so pretty picture.
Ed went on Daniel Horowitz’s podcast last week to break down the numbers and explain his theory as to what it all means. He took the CDC data on all deaths, established a baseline rate by showing the death rates from 2015-2019, and compared that rate to the rate of death in 2021, The Year of the Mandated Vaccine.
Next, they took the data and sliced it into age groups, and that’s where a really disturbing signal emerged. 2021 excess deaths in the millennial cohort reached an astounding 84% increase rate over the baseline. For the young, healthy working-age population this is extremely alarming. In raw numbers, there were 61,000 excess deaths of people aged 25-44 in 2021.
Note: While drug overdoses/suicides/accidents likely did rise in 2021, the majority of those deaths would be included in the baseline rate, because of course all of those have been occurring since 2015.

Ed and his partner did something really interesting. They split low-vax rate states (<60% vaccinated) and high-vax rate (>80% vaccinated) states to look for trends that might add to the picture. While there were alarming excess mortality rates across the board, low-vax states had a dramatic spike in the fall of 2021 that did not occur in high-vax states.
The Theory: Low-vax states had a huge spike in excess mortality rates (+107%) in Aug-Oct of 2021 due to the vaccine mandates. High-vax states had a steadier vaccine uptake and therefore saw a steadier rise (+53%) throughout 2021.
The Signal: The key is in the rate of change. While there may have been suicides, overdoses, and accidents included in the excess mortality of 2021, the rate of change for the 3 month period in the fall doesn’t allow for that explanation, as there would be no reason for such a huge, sharp spike and an equally sharp fall in deaths if those were the primary causes.

Other actuaries studying this are coming to similar conclusions, and while there can be a debate on what caused the spike, Ed is personally as sure as he can be that it’s caused by the governments via vaccine mandates.
He notes that the military data that was leaked by whistleblowers correlates at a micro level to the CDC data that he analyzed, in that they saw sharp increases in non-Covid death among a young, very healthy population across 2021. The Aug-Oct spike in deaths is a statistical anomaly that resulted in a Vietnam War size disaster for millennials last year.
Gen X / Young Boomers (44-65)
Gen X- saw a spike in death, but not as acute as the one in Millenials. In raw numbers, they had 101,000 excess deaths, which is awful, but less surprising as that age group is no longer young.
Boomers (65+)
Boomers experienced spikes in 2020 from Covid and hospital treatments, in 2021 when the vaccines came out, and now they’re experiencing another spike in early 2022 that’s almost as high as the 2020 spike.
Milo Mac did a detailed dive into the excess mortality data in comparison with vaccination rates across age groups.
Emerald Robinson also explored this issue extensively.
This is a disaster across the board. If everything was fine with the vaccines, the trendline would be heading down towards the baseline. The data for the last few weeks is still unconfirmed, but signals are showing the uptrend continuing for excess deaths in March so far.

Others in the industry are reaching out to Ed and agreeing with his signal.
Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer is talking out of both sides of his mouth, trying to distance himself from the mRNA tech, and then days later recommending the 4th shot. The pharmaceutical industry is rotten at this point, and it’s only a matter of time before this blows up into completely uncharted territories with unknown consequences.
The consequences of the actions of the pharmaceutical companies in tandem with their governments are already being felt by innocent people and their families around the world, in yet-untold numbers. It’s time for the consequences to start being felt by the perpetrators. There are lawsuits and major political pushback signals emerging against the villains in this story, and we’re only at the beginning of the accountability phase.
...and that's in the short term.
I view cremation services as getting rid of the evidence.