I was offered the opportunity in a local FB group to post a few questions for a pro-vaccine nurse in the group. I’m a bit of a rabblerouser, and I know people are getting annoyed when I pipe into vaccine discussions, but as long as we have questions with no answers, and they’re insisting on vaccinating the kids, I’ll be as annoying as I can, until I get kicked out of the group.
A nurse in the group who’s been on the front lines of Covid since the beginning, and who I have a lot of respect for, said that I can post questions for her in the group, and she’ll answer. We don’t have a lot of common ground ideologically regarding the vaccines, so it was difficult to build the foundation needed for a productive question, and I had to try and word this to be as respectful, pointed, and commonly factual as possible. Here are my 3 questions, please let me know what you think.
What medical reason is there to coerce vaccination for a child who’s recovered from Covid? This question is based on the fact that re-infections are incredibly rare, and we have no data on re-transmission, because it’s not being collected.
There’s a not-insignificant and rapidly growing portion of society who have lost a lot of trust in the toxic combination of governments(politics), pharma companies, the medical community, and a whole lot of money flowing between them. The govt is openly pushing to get a vaccine (or 3 or 4 or…?) in every arm. That doctors all over the world have to whisper to their patients that if they said their real opinion on the mass vaccination campaign they would be fired, is unconscionable. Legitimate questions, including ones about the growing number of adverse reactions to the vaccines, and the shortcuts and manipulation that went on during the clinical trials are met with a stone wall of insults, and attempts to discredit anyone who reports on such findings. That’s not a reassuring response to people who are following the data/stories/bigger picture.
How would you, as someone on the front lines of treating patients, respond to both their questions about the negative side of the vaccine, and reassure the skeptics that this forced mass vaccination campaign is being done with their best interests in mind?
How can anyone have the chutzpah to mandate my child to take a vaccine, that no one’s convinced me is medically necessary for him, yet refuse to take a shred of responsibility or liability for any adverse event that may occur?
Thoughts? If I get permission, I’ll post her response here.
My question would be: Why would the nurse vaccinate her children when the children are not dying or getting serious covid-19?
My understanding is the CCP Jab is not a mRNA vaccine, is a traditional vaccine technology.
As far as I know, mRNA vaccines are not allowed in China. We know the CCP has bio-warfare experiments to Kill by Race that have so far failed.
If the mRNA vaccine gives the CCP a vulnerability to attack the mRNA vaxxed, are not the mRNA vaccines a national security threat?