My question would be: Why would the nurse vaccinate her children when the children are not dying or getting serious covid-19?

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They're TERRIFIED of "long covid". They see it as their public duty. They think it will prevent spread. There was almost no space to reason with them.

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My understanding is the CCP Jab is not a mRNA vaccine, is a traditional vaccine technology.

As far as I know, mRNA vaccines are not allowed in China. We know the CCP has bio-warfare experiments to Kill by Race that have so far failed.

If the mRNA vaccine gives the CCP a vulnerability to attack the mRNA vaxxed, are not the mRNA vaccines a national security threat?

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In the first question, why not ask why ANYONE (adult or child) who has recovered from Covid and has natural immunity would or should get vaccinated. Studies regarding SARS COV-1 are ongoing and show immunity is still evident.

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I need to keep the questions as obvious as possible, with little room for disagreement. The lowest common denominator HAS to be recovered children. If we can agree on that, we can possibly move on.

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I would assume whatever the answer, we can extrapolate it to adults.

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Great questions! I'd love to hear her answers.

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Me too…..

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Why does my doctor have to agree with your doctor?

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How about asking her to explain this:


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My thoughts are that your overall goal is to get some readers of your post, and perhaps the head nurse, to question the narrative. You only need to get some readers who have otherwise bought the narrative, to question part of it (that will encourage them to think more on it and question more of it).

To avoid possible defensiveness from the head nurse, I would leave out strong words like coerce and chutzpah.

I'm using [] to indicate my comments in these suggestions.

[Similar to what Deb said above]

Question 1. What medical reason is there to require any child who has recovered from Covid--and therefore clearly has immunity--to take a vaccine?


Question 3. Pfizer's clinical trial for children aged 12-15 included only 1,131 children who got vaccinated and at least one of those children in the study, formerly-healthy 12-year old Madeleine de Garay [use her name, it's a sad story that readers will research regardless of the head nurse's response], now needs a wheelchair and a feeding tube.

[ you may, or may not, want to include this link or another--I don't know what Facebook will do to your post if you include a link

that questions the narrative https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/fda-buries-data-on-seriously-injured ]

The manufacturers have Liability Waivers, the size of the clinical trial for children was very small. I love my little _______ [use your child's name, and age or hobby to make it personal], what happens if she has an adverse reaction to the vaccine?


Additional Question 4. I'm not aware of any healthy children that have died from Covid. Myocarditis is a known side effect of the Covid vaccines in teenage boys. The Covid vaccines do not prevent transmission of Delta (or Omicron).

Why are we using these vaccines in children?

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These are really good- however, the second I post any link, the source will be immediately attacked.

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Did you get any responses? I know that if a nurse is a critical thinker (!) they will have already observed lots of damage FROM THE JABS. So any nurse who is still on board is, and I do say this with complete awareness of the implications, any nurse who will still jab should be targeted for removal from all human care because they are compromised. They should lose their accreditation until they can speak intelligently about the true effects of this injected poison.

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