I'm sorry it got to Isreal so soon. I'm as sorry for your country as I am my own. I find it inconceivable what the doctors are doing, but after covid, obviously I'm still naive about doctors being real doctors.

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Exactly. Thank you!

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Quite what a real doctor is can be very debatable. Sadly to doctor means among other things 'to alter deceptively'. Most main stream doctors nowadays do this for various reasons including money, prestige and plain ignorance.

I was misdiagnosed by the NHS in 2020 so I am not keen on doctors to put it politely.

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I'm "not keen on doctors," because they refuse to listen. They prescribe medicines knowing you just said you feel sick when you take them and much better when you don't. It's all about getting those drugs prescribed for the bonu$e$ from the insurance companies.

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Glad that more people are speaking and writing about

the problems associated with 'gender surgeries', from

lifelong dependence on pharma to daily pain and trauma.

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I remember during the Covid lockdown a story came out about nine girls in the UK who were in the same class at school and all were about to start to transition together and then they had to do schooling from home and after a few months only one of them still said she was going to transition, she didn't, so clearly as that example shows a lot of this is peer pressure which is especially strongly felt by young girls and especially when it is being pushed by teachers and schools as well with the hateful trans flags emblazoned all round the classrooms.

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Oh. My. God. The progression of that situation is amazingly revealing. If that's not a clear path out of government schools into home schooling or coop schooling or private schooling - I don't know what is!!!

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Hm. Kind of sounds a little bit like the hysteria among a group of young girls who fueled the Salem Witch Trials.

If that's not an in-your-face example of the insidiously real dangers that face kids in the public school system, I don't know what is.

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It is a very complex issue - not only psychological and cultural. 2 other dimensions - I think all of the chemicals in the environment and food include endocrine blockers, so kids are biochemically screwed up. I read decades ago that frogs in contaminated water changed their genitals. Also Big Pharma has a lifetime of profit for each person who changes gender so they are normalizing it and at the FDA and CDC meetings they say "pregnant persons" and also I believe get many TV shows, sponsored by Big Pharma to have trans characters and plot lines. The kids and young adults who are going through this deserve much compassion. Also, my 6 year old granddaughter's best friend has 2 dads, one born female just gave birth to their third child. They are a loving family and should not be discriminated again but the predators should stop preying and we should detox from chemicals and be cautious.

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Are these endocrine blockers in plastics? I remember we were warned against plastics, and microwave heating of plastics ages ago. But nowadays even clothes have plastics in them..

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Estrogen mimics in plastics, soy, pesticides. Not puberty blockers.

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Yes Alex Jones was made fun of for years for speaking about frogs changing sex due to female hormones in water and yet all he was doing was speaking about what science papers had been saying for years before. By being accepting of this in any cases we are condemning evermore children to become the prey of these predators. I think it has gone so far now in the West that inevitably tens of millions of children, mainly girls, are going to have their lives destroyed by this degeneracy. By definition by destroying a girl's genitals that prevents her having children and so no generations from her so the degenerates have their way to "save the planet" in a multi-verse with more planets like this one than there are atoms in your body and engineers just about to give us easy access to them all.

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I've summarized this trend here: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/108-i-must-have-been-asleep-during#details

it might help you understand this author and the subject better.


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Fantastic! Thank you

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Good quote. Thx for the link. Love Orwell.

"Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them."

George Orwell

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Did you know that 'Estell lunatic' is just one of many interesting anagrams of intellectuals? I really must do a post.

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How sneaky are they concealing the English version from the largely conservative/ religious Anglo crowd whose kids have mastered Hebrew and have the language and thus access to this kind of info?!? Clearly exploiting our disadvantage and naïveté. Despicable.

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It is shocking that mainstream media or social media ia calling Ms Shrier controversial in her "so called claims" against transgenderism and policies funded by the you know whos. This is evil to promote and influence young teenagers who by def experience a lot of hormonal problems and changes and often outgrow these problems or live with it as trans-sexuals, gays etc. Who is promoting these transgender policies, these soros like companies. Let us de-sex them for a change and make their names public... this is sick the way they promote and defend these sexual cannibalistic irreversible rituals.

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Wow is there any nation free from this toxin? The push to transition young people and particularly girls is obviously a social contagion. However the kids here are the victims trapped between their own confusion about their body and the changes they undergo during puberty and the immense external pressures. It should be the parents job to be the so called “blocker,” and protect their children from this ideology and from the medical community at least until the child reaches adulthood. As parents from day 1 we make decisions every day to protect our kids and guess what...our kids don’t like it! From the moment they learn to speak, “NO” tends to be one of the first words that comes out of their mouths! They don’t like it when we tell them not to touch a hot stove, or run into traffic, or talk to a stranger, or drink something poisonous. They don’t like being told what to do, like their chores or cleaning their room, or doing their homework, or having a curfew. They don’t like being told not do drugs or smoke or drink, or have unprotected sex. So of course they’re not going to like to be told not to cut off their breasts or penis! The problem here is the unwillingness of the parent to do their job and protect their child while still a minor. Most of these parents, just like these doctors are guilty of child abuse! Parents who are consenting to this type of permanent disability on their children should be forced to have a psychiatric consultation and also to sign a consent that they are knowing causing permanent, irreversible, physical damage on their child!

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Well said.

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Thank you for your honesty & courage. Our world certainly needs a lot more of both.. 🙏

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"Dr. Asaf Oren, then-director of the Ichilov Transgender Pediatric Health Clinic who tacitly admitted that kids as young as 11 were receiving puberty blockers, which he claimed were reversible with 'virtually no side effects.'”

I wonder how Ichilov plans to win the inevitable lawsuits after their docs have gone on record lying to the parents.

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That video showed a full-blown parade taking over a Tel Aviv street, overwhelming bystanders with the colors and noise and hostility. All because of one lecture about one translated book?

My first thought: Over-kill....

My second thought: A free publicity boost for Abigail's book!

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Even evil can be turned for good and there is no such thing as bad publicity. The curious will look further into the matter. The brain dead won't care anyway.

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Intriguing that the Twitter account showing the protest also included a Palestinian-Arab flag in its username, in order to show that the user is thoroughly intersectional and oikophobic (opposed to every form of normativity).

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Noticed that as well.

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I'm really puzzled by the cult-like behavior of these violent protesters. Most do appear to be woman defending the practice as if it were an attack on all women. Why are they so rabidly defending it? Was the anger already below the surface and this issue has somehow triggered it? Anger at being a woman? The same thing that is driving the young women to mutilate themselves is driving these other women to defend it so strongly. I expect no less of the therapists and MDs that encourage transgender surgeries. They follow the money. This is clearly a cash cow.

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These clinics started to act and sound like sectarian churches, shiney page magazines.

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Not sure if it was mentioned (this subject is painful as my only grandchild is transitioning to a boy) but another piece to this puzzle is sexual abuse. A biological girl may have been abused and traumatized. So transgendering to a boy may make her feel safer and unattractive to men. I dare not broach this subject to my daughter but remember a remark that one of her male cousins was a bit creepy once when younger. This is a nightmare.

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I'm sorry Janet! Hopefully they wont do anything permanent. How old is your granddaughter?

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Already has happened with 1 mutilation. She is 17 now. I never find out anything until it’s been done. I’m sick and worried about it. Also I believe she was injured by Gardisil with neurological damage. Mild autism and OCD plus other damages so why the therapists gave this the go ahead at 15 is monstrous. It didn’t take me long to figure the entire system is in on it. They live in NY. I’m 1000 miles away. This is the child sacrifice system we are in. I ask for prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻.

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I can remember in the 80’s when the gay agenda was getting started and there was a pushback from CHRISTians standing up for family values. Bumper stickers were out saying” Hate is not a family value.” The hatred that is being shown against those who disagree, and not only this issue,is pure evil, plain and simple.

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Well said. Satan is LGBTQi+ and heads up the evil.

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