Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

The funeral industry was told by whom not to talk about it?? They MUST speak up!! Being silent is no better than those doing it. In fact it makes you complacent! My prayer is for these people to find strength to speak out and do the right thing. For Gods sake humanity depends on it!

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Heather, the person I spoke to saw your comment and responded to me that there's basically an unwritten law that you don't speak about the deceased if you're in the industry, similar to how doctors keep things private.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

So, b/c they just don't talk about it it makes it okay? These are kids dying that we are talking about here. Not some hypothetical situation but real kids dying and they don't want to say anything...I don't know how they can live with themselves if that is their reasoning for not saying something, anything...

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You are 100% right!

Pffftt, so its "go with the flow?!" No one has balls. No moral compass at all.

Same with doctors and others who have knowledge they refuse to share. Bloody cowards!

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Bloody, truly, because they all have blood on their hands.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

If I were to find myself in similar circumstances I would ask the Funeral/casket salesperson "Do you do family discounts?"

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Several funeral directors/embalmers have spoken out about strange long rubbery clots found in vaccinated dead. So even when they speak out on video, no one listens and mainstream ignored it.

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Certainly, it's appropriate to keep personally identifying info private.

But anyone who is aware of mass death, be they doctor, funeral director, or ANYONE... they ought to speak up.

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Maybe some of them are pleased with the situation (their business is death after all)... and they've had their eye on the BMW 4 Series.. and now they have the spare $$$ to buy it....

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I’d argue that they have a duty to holler. Screw convention. In the past, they would have been most unlikely to have been dealing with a mass death situation.

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Agree. Unfortunately far too few people have the courage of you and your colleagues.

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Call to duty: Holler. Holler loud. I so love you Dr. Mike Yeadon, best to you from Oregon. My paltry offering of some music....https://soundcloud.com/jacquelynsauriol

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Thank you, Jacquelyn!

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Greetings Dr Yeadon love to connect Midwife based New Zealand both yourself and Dr Paul


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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

Can I ask you to elaborate? Doctors are not allowed to speak about specific patient's medical histories, but they CAN talk about health issues in NON-PERSONALLY-IDENTIFIABLE ways.

In other words (and I'm trying to determine if I'm misunderstanding), if funeral directors were not allowed to talk about deaths related to the spanish flu, would we know what the death toll or impact would be?

I'm just trying to understand what the scope of silence entails. We've obviously seen evidence of rubbery items being taken out of bodies (not identified) during embalming efforts.

Can they address what the scope of silence covers? Can they talk about ANYTHING? Numbers? Causes of death?

What questions CAN I ask of funeral directors and get meaningful information? (besides the cost of funerals and associated services/products)

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Self assembling tissue scaffolding tech, made from umbilical cords of aborted and nano jizz Stew Peters interview Dr. Ariyana Love presents evidence of patents, only 10 min. worth it https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/06/human-umbilical-cord-being-injected-in-kids-tissue-scaffolding-technology-in-covid-jab/

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Scary stuff.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

All deaths have to have a death certificate that is submitted to the state. All states would have these deaths recorded. It seems it would be simple math I don’t know who collects this data as something I have never had to think about before. but u would think someone responsible for the states health would notice something big was happening. What dept in the state gets these certificates to record? I would think we would start there.

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Ask around at the local flower shops. They do all the flowers and generally have a close relationship with the funeral homes. We usually find out how everyone dies. I've got some friends in the industry and they report the same.

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It doesn't matter about some unwritten law. The only law that matters is God's law. No one is asking for the names of the deceased but this kind of information matters. To many people are standing back and making comments like this but doing nothing else (I am speaking of your source, not you.) This is the livlihood of our country and of our children. This is all nonsense.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

Seems docs signed total non disclosures in some cases...this is good-dr astrid stuckelberger and zeeemedia bitchute-part 2, there is also a part 1 but this is yuge-


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That is a very bizarre interview.

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Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 9, 2022

Don’t talk about the gas chambers said one Nazi to the other🤫🤭🤥🤐

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You have it wrong…those that control us and force this vaccine on us are the same “folks” that tried were responsible for 30 million white Christian holocaust in Russia and tried to create the same scenario in Germany. They were just ballsy enough to fight back. “Don’t talk about the gas chambers said the true parasite to the rest of us” or you will lose your job, your reputation, your money…open your eyes you are in the matrix.

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They are cowards.

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The context here is numbers of kids dying. Doctors can speak to numbers. NO ONES CONFIDENTIALITY IS BREACHED. No personal medical information is being provided to the public.

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Doctors are not allowed to speak of specific patients or name them by name. Obviously they can say something if they are seeing a large number of the same problem with people. Same thing goes with the funeral industry. They don't have to reveal names or individual circumstances just that there's been an increase in children being buried. Pretty sure they're not restricted by law from saying that.

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see any interviews with O'Looney, England...he does explain that most of the companies are very corporate and so dictates were issued early, O'Looney went private to avoid it. Try Rumble and Bitchute, not sure are Youtube...best Heather from OR

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Money talks, I guess....tragic...

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

HI Heather. For context.....

I was in the funeral industry in my country, Australia, for a few years.

Thankfully left about 4 years ago.

I've been in contact with former colleagues and other funeral directors who have all said they were gagged by government here in this country from saying anything about what they were seeing since the whole apparatus started in early 2020. When the toxic so called virus supposedly killed people, funeral directors here were told to make sure death certificates and medical causes of death stated that the deceased died of CoV, even if they didn't. No one died of old age, at 100, they died of CoV.

My former colleagues had to comply because they were threatened with huge fines or even closure of their businesses if they didn't. Here, in Australia, many funeral homes are owned by local families. So fines or closure would have devastating consequences in their communities, not only in their personal lives. Unlike other countries.

Sadly, this set the precedent for when the toxic venom, disguised as a helpful thing, was rolled out in this country. Now we are starting to see the impacts and deaths.

The same funeral directors cannot speak out about what they are experiencing. Consider this aspect as well, these people were also forced to get the toxin venom to keep their jobs and businesses, and they are confronted by the short term and potential longer short term effects of the toxic jabs. They see every day how they and their loved ones who have had the jabs will potentially die.

We, of course, are 6 to 8 months behind those in the Middle East, Europe and the North American countries.

Heather, I respect your view. It's a question I had asked myself back in early 2020.

If government bureaucracies in your country are anything like they are here, that might explain the silence from the funeral industry.

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Thanks for this explanation, Dan! Any chance you have access to numbers that the funeral homes are seeing, or know someone who would be willing to come forward as a whistleblower?

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Hi Etana

All contact was severed as my former colleagues found out I am not vaccinated. They've all closed 'ranks' and no one will communicate with me in any way. It's interesting that this has occurred as some of these people I considered to be my friends. Sadly, that is not the case.

This had occurred over the past 8 months. Even no social contact.

It is what it is.

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Not just complacent - but COMPLICIT with the actual perps of the crime!? As are all the doctors and nurses who insisted on people getting tested and jabbed, or given remdesivir rather than HCQ or Ivermectin and other more natural remedies that work quite effectively but gently against a virus. "Just doing my job" IS NOT AN EXCUSE for these "health care (sick care) workers, as per the Nuremburg Trials!?

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hey, like it used to be illegal for a caregiver, nurse or doctor to murder a patient...funny how things change! now they get paid to do it, and they are so clueless they sign up! who'd of thought!!

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Complicit was the actual word I meant to use. Haha!! Agree!!

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I assume you meant to write "it makes you complicit" and it does. They are also complacent by going along with this evil.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

Ha!! YES!! That is the word I was looking for!! Lol!! Thank you!!

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

As awful as this must have been to research and write, as hard as it is to read about tiny caskets, I thank you.

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I read that the UK had bought more than 400,000 caskets I believe was the number. They bought them several years ago. So planned and so diabolical!

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I applaud Naomi Wolf and others for trying to fight through the traditional channels, but I worry that it’s too little too late. We no longer live in a law and order society. I think that a true peasant’s revolt would be a revolution of self-reliance.

“Secession”, the deliberate withdrawal of our bodies and minds from the poison of mainstream life, is the most viable form of combat today.

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We haven’t lived in law and order for years.

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I love Naomi Wolf’s work! She wrote a book titled The End of America in 2008 describing what we’re going through now. I didn’t read it then I just learned about it. She’s been warning us for years. 

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I was reading Naomi Wolf’s books decades ago! She sure has gotten red pilled…thank God! Her and many others are getting off the leftie bandwagon.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

How many children have to die before the nooses, pitchforks and torches come out?

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

God Bless, Uruguay!!!

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

Thank you for your hard work. It is of extreme importance to all of us. Here in Norway the majority are still in total oblivion as to the cause of all the sudden deaths and the overflowing of the hospitals. I try my best to «spread the news».

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So kind, thank you <3

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

Thank you for the update. It feels like the walls are starting to crumble. I expect it will go slowly for awhile and then very fast when we hit the tipping point.

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I believe we’re about to reach the tipping point!

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From your lips, to God's ears. 🙏

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Thank you for your amazing work. All of this has been beyond disturbing and CRIMINAL! But, once they started coming for these babies my reaction has felt far more visceral. The FDA put the nails in their own coffin when they authorized this under EUA. May the accountability for the atrocities of the past two years come swiftly!

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They have become legitimate MONSTERS!

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I could not agree more but as I read more carefully what has happened historically, there is nothing new under the sun ☀️. Fortunate this time around, people are waking up and we are sharing the truth of these horrors. We could not have done this 20+ years ago. Etana wrote a great Substack about this a couple of weeks ago.

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20 years ago the populace was less submissive, less surveilled, and less zombified from digital media. Men had higher testosterone levels.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

I can't believe we are relying on Uruguay to lead the charge. Shameful.

Why can't funeral directors talk about it? Who is stopping them?

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God bless that judge in Uruguay. I hope they don’t Epstein him. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

Or he doesn't "commit suicide" a la clinton.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

Thank you Etana for writing, sharing such crucial information as you always do.

💔😥 Absolutely heartbreaking!

"..can't talk about it..."?! Says who? And for one to actually NOT talk about it is abhorrent.

Life insurance companies have released their data about the unprecedented claims for ages >60 during the past 2 years. The statistics are shocking.


"...including whether graphene oxide and nanotechnology components are included.”

They are indeed! Scientists, researchers, doctors have written about and posted videos showing via microscopes.

We need to keep protecting our children from the horror experiment, they have no voice.

Stay safe and sane my friends, and do not comply. Plandemic 2.0 is right around the corner.

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

In the UK we have a lone funeral director, John O'Looney (Milton Keynes), who has been speaking out for many months. It is appalling that he is still on his own. He knows many others who are saying the same thing as he is, but they are afraid to speak out. Same with the doctors here. Dr Sam White has only recently been joined by one other family doctor, Dr David Cartland. All those who are 'too afraid' to speak out need to grow a pair!

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

There are other possibly related reasons for the increase in coffin orders that might be teased out with careful geographic and temporal analysis. Since the start of lockdowns, school, playground and park closures (but also the George Floyd/BLM protests) many US inner cities have witnessed double digit or more increases in violent crime and random gun violence which often kills innocents like children; the US has also seen, concurrently, dramatic increases in deaths from alcohol and drug overdoses and suicides among young people. Further, rates of obesity, diabetes and other metabolic diseases are skyrocketing, even among children. I think the excess deaths are multi-factorial and interrelated but they are also in NO WAY "natural". I do think the vaccines are a terrible, terrible part of the story--but only part. With data being withheld, obscured by political correctness, and even deliberately corrupted out of institutional/individual fear, it won't be easy to arrive at a final weighting. I hope to live to see some truths revealed and some justice done.

In the end, though, I believe G-d will be able to judge and render a full measure of justice--to believe that is my greatest consolation and hope.

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Your thoughtful analysis just expanded my perspective. Thank you.

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Do explain the VAERS data which highly under reports injury and death but now is showing that all deaths and injury from 30 years of vaccines combined has been surpassed with just these clot shots?

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Outstanding post, Etana.

Brilliant work.

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Thank you dear Sage!

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Working on the assumption that logic and data is not going to swing the masses, I have theorized that alternative types of approaches such as comics now pointing out the absurdities may break some Mass Formation brains.

The lists that MCM does, Dowd's work on disabilities and ACM insurance, the celebrity injuries, the athletes collapsing, the "SADS", the pilot injuries all are salient where "Look at this UK data, see?!" does not move the needle.

The child sized coffins one is very persuasive.

All of this is building up. Just really, really great work, E. Bless you.

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For some comic relief and some great mocking - this is my favorite Israeli comedian making fun of vaccines in English - enjoy! https://youtu.be/Q97VUhke8Hs?list=PLmVgcbFFjMBCSYmzMkbTEVQNeKnX931jJ&t=32

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht


Could use a laugh after the sad post

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Yohay Sponder is the bomb - look out for him, he's working on a Netflix special!

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"child sized coffins one is very persuasive." - I think this may be a key to opening the minds of the v---ed. We need a 'baby seal' moment, like debating about the seal harvest in Newfoundland. One picture of a cute seal pup and the debate is over. Logic goes out the window. Maybe a similar technique could shake them up? Make them look at the facts and data perhaps?

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

These sources all have inventory lists, P.O.’s, GL accounts of the increased debit and credit transactions, AP and AR receipts, truck bills of laden that are signed as proof of receipt. Even the smallest mom and pop have these in some form, simple manual, or electronic if they’re a larger outfit. Redacted of course, but without the paper trail to prove any of this it remains institutional hearsay. I believe you, but……

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I know, that's why I phrased it in a way that told it as a story of someone I spoke to, not hard data. It's also why he was able to tell me about the 400% increase :(

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

I totally believe you and the source. But someone is going to have to have the courage to share the hard evidence. Great Substack, as sad as it is. Thank you for doing all you do.

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Those people will start speaking, and eventually, as Ed Dowd discusses, it'll reach a critical mass. I think people are in shock and denial.

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It better happen soon. I am appalled at the lack of moral compass and courage of my fellow citizens, willing to be slaves to the global elite, instead of fighting for our rights given by God and secured by the blood of the Patriots and American military which now has been corrupted. Such sad times, people only think of themselves not of humanity in general.

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Personally, I don’t need hard evidence. I’ve been feeling this coming since 2020, after listening to several brave souls speaking out since before the shots were rolled out. I follow my God-given intuition. We all have it.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

I second Heather’s question; the funeral industry has been told, by whom, not to talk about it??

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The powers that shouldn’t be, that are controlling everybody and everything!

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The funeral industry needs to get together and pray for courage to come forward with information.

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