Thankyou for this rational, concise summary of RFKs work . Posted it on my Facebook page. I hope it opens some minds , but sure it will get some negative comments. Oh well

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Thank you Barbara!

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Barb! (my dear friend) Keep posting these things on FB! This is certainly how we open minds!

I saw this on Malone’s stack of this morning:

“Parent of a vaccine-injured

son, Kim Spencer of The Thinking Moms' Revolution, noted of the vaccine industry, "their claim that vaccines are 'unavoidably unsafe won them liability protection, their claim that 'vaccines are safe' won them school and work mandates, but their claim that both are true has won them the distrust and contempt of parents."

I’m keeping that one in my arsenal.

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Excellent rundown of what’s at stake for America!

I’m one of those who was convinced that he was a clueless curmudgeon but have seen the light and now realize his heart was always in the right place and his brainpower in understanding why our health is on a downward trajectory is massive.

I look forward to the day when healthy Americans of all political stripes will thank him for his role in Making America Healthy Again.

Go, Bobby!

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Thanks Andrew!!

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As always, you are very welcome!

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I know that the american people want Robert Kennedy in this job. He has the ability to stand up to the so called elite and make them sit down at the same time. The name Kennedy does not hurt in this case.

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I guess it’s good to be optimistic regardless of whether it’s well grounded. Gates asserts that all citizens must take the vaccines in order to participate in society. It seems he’s found a friend in his recent three hour meeting with Trump. Somehow that doesn’t sound good.

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Etana - you may not know this, but embalmers Richard Hirschman and John O’Looney both met with Bobby a few years ago and discussed the white clots they were finding in the deceased.

You may already know that I write about these clots (my first post):


Bobby is a man willing to gain knowledge and do good things for humanity with that knowledge.

Fervent prayers for his confirmation. 🙏🙏🙏

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Yes, Laura Thank you!! I also covered their findings, which are sadly still occurring!

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Brilliant, as always. ❤️💪

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