Thought experiment - conjure up an image of yourself from back in 2015. Try telling yourself what getting your kid through a week of school looks like in January, 2022. About the emotional toll of traveling. Tell yourself about how you lock your healthy child in the house for weeks, because those are the rules. Tell yourself that your child has been sitting all day with a piece of cloth covering their mouths and noses for the past 2 years.
When 2015 you asks current you how many children have died from such a horrific disease that justifies the above behaviors, you’re going to say… a few? Less than the amount who tragically die from the flu? What are we DOING?
It’s time for anyone who can see even a glimmer of truth in what I’m saying to stop playing this game. The people who worship Covid rules and get drunk on the control it gives them to monitor other people’s behaviors must be completely ignored. They can do whatever they want, they can muzzle their face, inject themselves once a month with an outdated and leaky vaccine, lock themselves in the house over and over, and wait for hours in a testing line to check if they test positive for a cold, but it’s time for them to get off my lawn.
If this game makes absolutely no logical sense to you, then STOP PLAYING. We have early treatments that work, and the virus that tragically killed so many vulnerable people early on has mutated into a mostly mild cold. We need to thank G-d for this gift, get physically and mentally healthy again, and inform the control freaks that the game is over. This is necessary at a grassroots level because it will never come from the top.
Parents: Please protect your kids. If you know in your heart that a dirty, sloppily worn mask does far more harm than any benefit they’re possibly getting from wearing it, stop letting your kid wear one. Don’t let them get used to an expressionless world. Courage is contagious. Empower your children to understand that they’re free people who deserve to breathe and speak normally. Do whatever you need in order to get your child out of sitting in a mask for hours a day.
Teachers: Please protect your students. Don’t go against parents’ wishes, but please inform your principals and the parents of your students that no child will be forced to mask in your class against their will.
Principals: Please protect your teachers and students. Please inform the monolith that is the Ministry of Education that your school will not be enforcing masks. Please find like-minded principals and push back.
There are serious cracks forming in the foundation of Covidology, and it’s time to turn up the pressure from the citizens.
“Newly discovered” vaccine issues are finally making their way into the mainstream media world.
Aaron Siri reports that his lawsuit resulted in a court decision that says the FDA must produce all the Pfizer data at a rapid rate - 55,000 pages per month, as opposed to 500 as the FDA had requested.
Even the Covid lovers are watching their triple vaxxed masked friends getting sick.
I’m not naive. I know I’m shouting to the wind. But I also know that there are a lot of people who are starting to listen, and courage is contagious.
Haha, love the title :-)
Your thought experiment reminds me of the one I posed in “Letter to a Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment” (
“I wish I could talk to your self from two years ago. If that self had been told the entire world could be brought to a halt and our freedoms suspended at the whim of its leaders for a phenomenon humans had been living with and adapting to in countless variations for millennia, you would think I was describing a dystopian fiction. I might still be able to reason with that self. Instead, this is likely a futile exercise in trying to awaken a hostage suffering from Stockholm Syndrome to the fiendish machinations of her captor.
“Think back to a couple of years ago—summer 2019, let’s say. What were you doing then? What was your life like? How did you feel about your past, present, and future? What did you care about? How did you spend your time? What were your core values? What would you think about how you think, feel, and behave today?
“That’s the person I want to talk to—not your present self. I’m sure your 2019 self would be fascinated to hear what your current self has to say—although I’d be willing to bet a few thousand inflationary dollars she wouldn’t recognize what you’ve become.”
Like the direct message: stop playing the game! " 👏👏