Haha, love the title :-)

Your thought experiment reminds me of the one I posed in “Letter to a Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel):

“I wish I could talk to your self from two years ago. If that self had been told the entire world could be brought to a halt and our freedoms suspended at the whim of its leaders for a phenomenon humans had been living with and adapting to in countless variations for millennia, you would think I was describing a dystopian fiction. I might still be able to reason with that self. Instead, this is likely a futile exercise in trying to awaken a hostage suffering from Stockholm Syndrome to the fiendish machinations of her captor.

“Think back to a couple of years ago—summer 2019, let’s say. What were you doing then? What was your life like? How did you feel about your past, present, and future? What did you care about? How did you spend your time? What were your core values? What would you think about how you think, feel, and behave today?

“That’s the person I want to talk to—not your present self. I’m sure your 2019 self would be fascinated to hear what your current self has to say—although I’d be willing to bet a few thousand inflationary dollars she wouldn’t recognize what you’ve become.”

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Love this!

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Dr. Peter Levine has something called "trauma first aid." He describes something called SIT. Focus on sensations, images then thoughts. Basically one must tune in to what's going on in the body then through images n thoughts one reframes the experience, leading to action. However, as long as one remains in a heyperarousal/freeze mode, action is difficult.

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Wow, that sounds really helpful. I wonder if it would help the sleeping awaken from their hypnosis.

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Exactly! His book is called, "Awaken the Tiger." It's directed at healing individual trauma, but fascinating to c it applied at group level. The ultimate objective is to regain an internal locus of control 😁

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That's why I wanna get my hands on ur bibliography... Looking for alternate perspectives 😎

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It’s on my todo list! (along with a trazillion other things ;-)

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Like the direct message: stop playing the game! " 👏👏

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This was made because society for decades and centuries has domesticated humanity to rely on not thinking for themselves... Lazy people who trust in a higher power, just like religions did ....

Hope there are more boosters to take care of these idiots that support the idiocy that got us into this and many other messes. Both parties are to blame because they're both pro authority in their own ways.

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While there are plenty of experts and writers on 'our side' who do a wonderful job of disseminating expert understanding and analysis of the myriad covid issues, there is a woeful lack of people who articulate the basic common sense and layperson's perspective. This is a critical viewpoint to have available to the public, because most people lack the time and/or academic literacy to absorb reams of data and studies necessary to understanding even distilled down analytical points, but they can understand and intuitively relate to basic sense that people have used for thousands of years to discern truth from fiction.

This substack really does a spectacular job of articulating this sort of common sense and intuition in an easy to digest manner, expertly superimposing common sense and logic upon a mosaic of science/data/etc that cuts through the discordant messiness of the confusing and contradictory mass of talking points and claims.

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