I love her work and her ability to think critically. She has changed her mind on certain topics as her life evolved. I admire that ability greatly. Her work with a great group of volunteers on daily clout is priceless and they are doing what a responsible government should But Is Failing to do.

I have shedding problems, unvaccinated for Covid and experienced bleeding in menopause around vaccinated elderly family members.

God bless and protect all truth tellers.

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I also had post menopausal bleeding one year ago after being with my vaccinated partner (twice, after each of his 2 doses). So excited to see that this is being investigated and believed. Finally.

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I agree! At first I was embarrassed to mention it, but I’m yelling to anyone who can hear. The hardest part is not knowing & not letting fear of unknown creep in. I started taking cats claw supplement, it doesn’t interfere with my numerous autoimmune issues. Thanks for sharing & speaking up. Our younger generation has a right to know how it may affect fertility and general reproductive health. The Pfizer documents clearly knew about shedding & playing dumb. Such a crime!

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I love her work and her ability to think critically. She has changed her mind on certain topics as her life evolved.

She is truly special. Very very few people are able to absorb new data, analyze it objectively, and change their underlying assumptions if things don’t jive. It’s so much easier to ignore things that don’t fit into the old world view.

Literally nobody I know can adapt to the new reality. They keep hoping that 2019 will magically come back.

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Agree. My son is teaching me how to cope :)


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my daughter spent 5 hours with her brother-newly vaxxed- at a pizza n movie night, and 2 days later was in the ER with cardiac symptoms: very high BP and pulse rate that would not come down. When they drew her blood- it shot out of her arm like a fountain 3 feet high

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That's awful. Hope she's OK. The shedding or transmission seems to be worst from touch, and is likely aerosolised too.

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she only had the single episode, and her brother now sees a cardiologist

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Evidence The Vaccines Shed Other Toxic

Materials Besides Spike Protein - Pt1 https://rense.com/general97/URA-36651.jpg

Part 2 https://rense.com/general97/URA-3665-2.jpg

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A friend has a problem with not clotting. She was going for a surgery for an ankle defective hardware replacement surgery. Blood shot across the room. She hasn’t been able to have surgery. She’s furious about having taken 2 doses. Hope your children are doing well.

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Not medical advice, but I know several shedding injury cases (all unvaxxed) that have had great results with good Ol ivermectin, tractor supply type or prescription. Good weekly updates on similar cases from researcher Erica Kahn on right column of rense.com as well

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Thanks very much for sharing! Renee is another unexpected hero in the battle.

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Another crazy puzzle piece is how much HHS/FDA/CDC know about adverse effects of gene therapy products, shedding and other topics, and for how long.

2006/11/28 - HHS FDA Guidance: Gene Therapy Clinical Trials - Observing Subjects for Delayed Adverse Effects


2011/01 - HHS FDA Guidance for Industry: Potency Tests for Cellular and Gene Therapy Products https://www.fda.gov/media/79856/download

2015/08 - HHS FDA Guidance: Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products.


“...the term “shedding” means release of VBGT [virus or bacteria based gene therapy] or oncolytic products from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (feces); secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids etc.); or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds).

Shedding is distinct from biodistribution because the latter describes how a product is spread within the patient’s body from the site of administration while the former describes how it is excreted or released from the patient’s body.

Shedding raises the possibility of transmission of VBGT or oncolytic products from treated to untreated individuals (e.g., close contacts and health care professionals).”

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the product clinical trial had specific language about touch, and about men not trying to get someone pregnant during the trial

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That's a wild find. Just looked through it. It keeps getting crazier

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Something about pregnant women reporting if they’d been exposed to vaccinated people?

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Thank you for comment and details!

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We live in Los Angeles. I am grateful for summer vacation so my 2 pre-teen kids get a break from their highly vaxxed classmates.

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Dr. Wolf is a lion among sheep and lemmings. Kudos!

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I’m reading her new book now. This information attained by legal means must have action taken. We are letting monsters loose into our very bodies let alone our minds. And they are coming for our children.

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They always come for the children.😪

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Oh I cannot wait for this case to go to court. How dare the cdc, this government ban free speech, censor, suppress free speech. Those guilty must pay the price for breaking our laws.

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Her bravery is legendary.

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Naomi Wolf has been censored because the verifiable facts that she has reported and commented upon are thought-provoking.

Those whose thoughts are thus provoked may decide to act on those thoughts.

This type of decision and the resulting action are known as "informed exercise of the freedom to choose."

The censorious are determined to deny citizens that freedom by restricting access to the information that presents a choice.

Thaler, in his book "Nudge," refers to this as "choice architecture."

Governments and their unelected bureaucrats have embraced the concept of choice architecture, and what we are witnessing in the attempts to silence Naomi Wolf, are the informational equivalent of designing a two-story building without a staircase.

The bureaucrats are preventing anyone from providing stairs, have chopped away the railings encircling the second-story landing and are busily shoving people through the gap that they created.

Meanwhile, Wolf, Malone, Kory and a few other brave souls are running around beneath that gap in the railing, trying desperately to prevent all those people from breaking their necks as they fall to the floor below.

There is a special place in hell, reserved for the censors.

May the censors receive a fair trial in our courts and be sent to that special place as speedily as the law allows.

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Indeed, and Amen!

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I went through menopause 15 years ago but whenever I’m around my guy who’s been triple vaccinated, I come home with odd bruising all over my body as if I’m bleeding internally, every single time... And otherwise I never have that problem... Anyone else noticed that ? I thought it was just a coincidence but since it happens every single time now for a year and a half, I think there’s some connection. And now he’s thinking about getting the fourth jab🤯🤯🤯

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What does the Dr say about it?? So crazy.

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Dr. Wolf has been unjustly persecuted and not only by the government. The regrettable Alex Berenson, not contenting himself with questioning Dr. Malone’s credentials on live television, decided to add to his sins by questioning her sanity in recent tweets.

She is a hero and should be treated accordingly.

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"At this point in time, it is critical to not become complacent from the concessions the federal government has made; it we do, the concessions will likely vanish and everything will return worse than it was before (this is the blueprint they are following). Rather, these concessions show the work we are making is having a big impact and by these agencies finally admitting they lied through their teeth, has created a brief window to push much further towards ending the pandemic industrial complex and red pilling the public. Now is the time to talk to your circle about what has happened over the last two years; we put in a lot of work to create this window and we need to make the best use of it now that we have it. https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/why-are-the-top-vaccine-officials?

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Does anyone know where in Israel Ms. Hecht is from? Is it Haifa by chance?

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The problem is that people choose darkness over light.. Jesus, the light of the world said that 2000 years ago.. He is the light of the world and the source of all the freedoms we once enjoyed.. from the Magna Carter that was drafted by a bible believing Cardinal to the USA constitution also based on biblical principles…

It is people who ignore God and don not honour him who make these decisions.. Naomi honours God..

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