every time i read a story like this i thank god i live in Florida. This is utter madness. Even though there are many in Florida that bow to the altar of St. Fauci, they have no power. We are free to live our lives here thanks to Governor DeSantis. He is the one that stood up for our children. I know left to there own devices the school system in the deep blue county of Florida I live in would resemble this piece. But we have laws on the books, not executive orders, laws, that make it impossible for mini tyrants to operate. Thankfully my children are older, and never had to deal with this insanity as elementary age. The author has done the right thing and I urge all parents to follow her suit and remove there young children from this insanity and homeschool. Even in the free state of Florida, only this school year have things been semi normal. If my kids were elementary age they wouldve never returned too a governement school after they cancelled end of 2020 year. I applaud this author and wish her nothing but the best in her fight vs the tyrants currently running isreal.

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Thanks Jim. Enjoy every minute of Florida, it's amazing there! Israel is my land, my home, my heart and soul and I will never give up on her. There are some evil forces at work out there, but the Israeli people have a strength and a love for life that I believe will beat out the evil in the end.

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keep fighting the good fight!

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DeSatanis is not the saint you think he is.

My friends in Orlando and Miami are facing mandates. Why? Because Florida gives companies more rights than people, even before this mess.

Also why is he pushing monoclonal antibodies but not ivermectin/hcq?

Oh and a bit before covid, DeSatanis passed an anti protest law, because free speech isn't free lol.

I think he's pretending to be anti jab, but like Trump is pro power, so pro jab. I hope I'm wrong, because he has a shot at 2024.

But then, since when did a president do what they promised?

They're just puppets of big money/power.

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I never said Desantis was a "saint" those are your words. All I said is pure facts, he got laws passed against covid tyranny. No vaccine passports, kids can not be forced masked in public schools. Penalties for employers that mandate the vaccine. Not sure about Ivermectin and HCQ, but hes not a doctor. He has mostly said there are many treatments out there, not just the vaccine. He pushed the monoclonal antibodies because they were working, especially vs the delta variant. He never pretends to be anti jab, hes vaccinated and thinks people should use whatever option is out there. The anti protest law was something I would probably differ with him on, but havent really read about it so dont know what it actually entails. He's the best governor weve ever has in Florida, hands down. Im a 42 year resident so Ive been here awhile. No politician is perfect. If you live in Florida I hope you vote for him, if you dont live here, its really no concern of yours how bad you say he is. I will take him over the hacks who will be running against him any day. Charlie Crist is a career political hack. Nikki Fried is far left Broward loon. Those are the only 2 names Ive heard trying to challenge him. Your argument was pretty weak, probably got your talking points the Sun Sentinel, or some other useless local rag down here.

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I may be more supportive of Desantis than you and your friends but you make excellent points. For the life of me, I don’t know why he hasn’t spoken out about Ivermectin and HCQ. I was able to get a prescription for ivermectin but it shouldn’t be so hard (or expensive). Hospitals here in palm beach county continue to refuse treatment even when people are dying. I don’t know why Desantis doesn’t step it.

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Generic Ivermectin SHOULD be available and inexpensive. They may have Brand names and call it something different.

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There are some views that Ivermectin and HCQ are not all they're made out to be as well. Maybe just keeping ourselves healthy and making sure that we have the right balance is all that is needed. I mean if you look at 2020 stats from Sweden, US, Britain there's no real evidence (some anomalies) that there was a pandemic in 2020.

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Tell your "friends in Orlando and Miami" about how to file a complaint against their employers - there are 5 different exemptions that their bosses must accept https://alachuachronicle.com/how-to-file-a-private-employer-vaccine-mandate-complaint-in-florida/

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The anti protest law was aimed at BLM type protests

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This is what the state wants. Submissive, fearful, obedient, and conditioned to accept any rule forced in them no matter how irrational. This is a feature, not a bug, of the great reset embrace of totalitarianism.

On the topic of failing our kids, on our first team meeting video call of the new year at work, many shared stories of how they spent their holiday week (here in the US). One triple vaxxed colleague shared how he masked up AT HOME when his vaxxed kids tested positive. I understand some people with potential co-morbidities may need to be cautious, but an otherwise healthy and relatively young man masking up and being afraid of one’s own children is just too much for me. What message does it send them?

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Difficult for the parents if they around the kids who tested positive.

DO THEY HAVE SYMPTOMS? If using PCR false positives are common.

Get a valid test!!!!

The father is probably doing the correct thing until the kids are totally clear!

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Thank you, Etana, for the wonderfully brave work you and your fellow sane Israelis are doing to fight this madness. As someone of partially Jewish origin and who knows Jewish history inside out, I find it incredibly that Israel is the point nation for this hysteria. One question: how are the Orthodox Jews coping with all this? From my visits to Israel in past years, I got the impression that they don't take any crap that goes against their beliefs. Anyway, may the forces of life, love and goodness triumph this year over the evil!

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We're a unique bunch - we're fiercely independent and skeptical due to our history, but at the same time we have an obligatory national army that we're very proud of, and we raise our children to be proud to serve. That comes with some level of deference to authority, so I think we have a confused nation who really were fine following the rules, but as we say in Hebrew- Yesh Gvul - there's a boundary, and I really believe we're close to a turning point and that amazing Israeli spirit is coming alive and getting ready to fight back.

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Dean truly is a Hero!

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He's amazing! I strongly encourage people to like his FB page and follow along when he goes live. I'm going to find him one of these days and join, as long as they don't arrest him first!

Courage is contagious, and we need to remind people that there's LIFE out there! Yesterday I was in the supermarket with my 9 year old daughter, and we weren't masked. When we were checking out, a fun Britney Spears song came on the loudspeaker and the cashier started humming along- me and my daughter started singing along with her, and she broke into a huge smile- she was so happy! These masks are destroying our connection with each other and smothering our light. I don't agree, and I'm not playing that game anymore.

Take off your masks and smile at EVERYONE, even the assholes!

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I just watched the mall video. Incredible!

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Love the email description, as many of us don't know what's going on behind the scenes 👍👍

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Why? Why? WHY???

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Total power.

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It’s, sadly and scarily, no different in Ireland at the moment. >95% jabbed.

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How are they treating the children? Are they making them mask?

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Masks in schools and pushing the ‘vaccine’ in the 5-11 age group!

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Same here. It really makes me nauseous.

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Kids learn so much by SEEING facial expressions it is a crime to block that particular path of learning!!!!

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This is terrible! Everything stops at the innocent kids and parents.

I have officially reached the end of my rope. Usually, I try to deflect my anger by humor, but I am so pissed off right now. This whole mess is so UNBELIEVABLY IDIOTIC that it defies explanation.

Three things;

1. It is forcing me to inject something into my body. MY BODY got it?! it is a complete violation of bodily autonomy. It’s my decision, not anybody else’s, PERIOD. That should be enough to end the discussion.

INFORMED CONSENT. Look it up! NO PERSON CAN DETERMINE THE RISKS THAT ANOTHER PERSON CAN OR CANNOT TAKE! (Incidentally, if I hear some useless cretin utter the word “asymptomatic” one more time, someone’s going to have to call the cops and a news crew!)

2. It is an INDISPUTABLE FACT that a vaxxed person has the same chances - probably better - of getting covid, the flu, whatever the hell you want to call it, as an in vaxed free person.

I will beat this drum until my last dying breath: If the shots don’t prevent you from getting it and it doesn’t prevent you from spreading it, then just why in the hell am I being forced to take it and have my livelihood threatened to boot?

Please spare me the “It will lessen the severity” line of bull. Just shut up already!

3. These shots have proven to be highly toxic to some people. This is not up for debate! READ THAT AGAIN!

When some far-left looney tells me that it’s safe for most people, that is - by definition - an admission that it's NOT SAFE for everybody. GET IT?!

No one else gets to make that decision for me!


Older adults with compromised immune systems suffering through several morbidities have been dying for years. It’s kind of how it works.

No, I wouldn’t say I like it either, but you’re going to have to take that up with a higher authority.

That’s it. Just 3, and we don’t even need #2 or #3.

But, no, we are so screwed up as a society that this has to go to the Supreme Court AND, they are currently STALEMATED?

Are you freaking kidding me?! Is this a joke? Am I on Candid Camera? Maybe if they moved on from looking at case law from the time of the druids and focused on how this would exacerbate an already horrific situation.

Hey, maybe they could even throw the Constitution in there just for laughs. Just what the hell is the problem here?

Granting highly coveted status and preferential treatment to your employees who wave their vaccine card around like it's some impenetrable force field of life proves that you are pompous, intellectual pinheads with massive superiority complexes.

You’re either complete assholes, stupid, or both! I suspect both.

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Paralysed by its own script! See also https://ianweinberg.substack.com/p/truth-in-jeopardy

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