All doctors who do harm to children must be named, shamed, and punished: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

I agree. The collision point is coming. Evil is doubling down, we must ramp up. Thank you again for being a voice of truth in this sea of lies and propaganda.

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from another perspective: Parents like me who have been in the vaccine mandate trenches since we lost our children to vaccine injury or we have surviving vaccine injured kids that suffer today: Those of us on my state Pro bodily autonomy page in Colorado all agree that this is war and we are going to have to push harder and win or die. And we believe that these monsters have overplayed their hand. We all knew when the lockdowns occurred that all childhood vaccines would cease and there would be in incredible drop in "SIDS". It turns out that according to VAERS the SIDS deaths plummeted by at LEAST 30%! Also, we knew that once people started getting injured and dying we would finally have alot more people on our side of the table. So, we believe that it will get VERY VERY nasty and scary. But we WILL win. People not only wont do covid shots but now they are actually seriously questioning childhood and adult shots!!!I I just keep sharing factual info and links and give them to people when Im out in public. I never pass by an opportunity.

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The meeting was a shame.

It’s Theater.

Much like the January 6 committee hearing on TV

The decision and outcome was I known even before they convened.

Everyone submitting comments… was simply an exercise in an illusion of a process that both sides were heard.

The votes were bought and paid for… long before today… every person on that committee was just filling a role.

It is my hope this shines a light on the corruption within the pediatric vaccine schedule that parents have been fighting for two DECADES

This is WAY bigger than just the covid vaccine- for all newbies to this vaccine issue.

Let’s hope they overplayed their hand!!! 🙏🏻 And parents will begin to see the truth.

May the level of corruption be exposed now upon the world stage. Only then, can this wrong be corrected… that’s been injuring innocent children …for decades!!!

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That would not be all that surprising. Never liked Reuters, always had a bad feeling.

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I'd include the AP in that. Seemingly minutes after Dr. Pierre Kory finished his testimony at the December 2021 Senate hearing on the use of Ivermectin, a ready hit piece was put out by a non-medical writer named Beatrice DuPuy. (she used to write for Teen Vogue......). This all follows with the medical journals scrapping accurate information from studies, the news outlets sending out inaccurate information and The Lancet printing a fake article maligning early treatment options that their medical editor stated that he "hadn't reviewed" before publishing - in the middle of a supposed hair-on-fire pandemic. They are all owned by Gates, Big Pharma and the WEF psychopaths. Thousands died needlessly without early treatment.

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So, those CRIMINALS just added THIS to the "vaccine" "schedule": ALC-0315 and ALC-0159


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The Times of Israel used to have one Covid article after another a few months ago. Now you have to scroll way way down to find anything. Not sure if that is due to lack of interest or attempted burying. Was hoping, based on historical issues, that Israel would have led the way out of this disaster.

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4+5G EMF Weapon - Affecting Blood Cells, Graphene Oxide Electrical-Radiation Weapon, and BlueTooth Smart Auto-Assembling Nano-Technology.

First, there are no corona-19 viruses because it was never isolated and tested for proof of its existence. The initial mass 2019-2020 deaths in Wuhan, Rome and NYC mass deaths were 5G EMF attacks at 60 GHZ to kick-off the fear and panic and which functions by the deformation of red blood cells so that oxygen atoms cannot be transported throughout the body.

Second, Graphene Oxide (GO: a superconductor material) is introduced into the body via the Covid-19 injections which over time spreads to all major organs especially the the electrical ones: brain, heart and spinal column. 4+5G EMF absorbs and energizes the GO which re-emits a new EMF in the terahertz (THZ) ranges which then energizes the self-assembly of nano-technologies such as nano-AI designed nano-rectifiers (power supplies), nano-routers and CPUs, nano-sensors (brain waves, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) and nano-antennas.

Third, the smart nano-technologies are designed to operate as transceivers within the protocols of the BlueTooth (BT) frequencies and digital interfaces which can and does allow the GO injected person to become a member of the Internet-of-Bodies (IoB).

Fourth, the BlueTooth BT) digital signal will show a MAC address that is unique to that person. This can be shown by downloading a phone app for BT device tracking and prove it all to yourself. Try it our at a train or bus station as the BT persons come and go. Go to a cemetery and observe BT signals from the dead and buried. It's all true and frightening. Get the word out NOW!!!!!!!!!!

See video:


[What graphen oxide and nanotechnology have to do with 5G](https://www.bitchute.com/video/Llos2f29muHs/)

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F them. I’m never getting another vaccine and neither in my family. Everyone needs to just stop and their is nothing they could do about it

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Etana, I think what you wrote here is spot on.

I've consider this for a long time and I believe globalists I using psychological warfare by simply pressing forward with all their desired goals, such as injection based genocide. While it is clear that injections make no sense and are in fact dangerous, they press on.

EMA takes them down to 6 months old. ACIP puts them on the childhood vaccine schedule. Power is cut, wars escalated, inflation is encouraged, Digital Currency is forced ahead. These and other vicious cruelties are not wanted by the vast majority of humanity. These are the desires of the few.

In order to get to their end goal, they push forward as a way to: 1. accomplish the actual goal by doing it (for example, killing/maiming children) but 2. demoralizing people who fight back by making our actions useless.

But the truth is, we aren't going away and globalists are on a collision course with people who value life. They are working really hard right now, in many nations, because we are fighting back really hard. That collision is happening and I'm so glad you wrote about it.

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The biggest tragedy is that Israel's Knesset had the power to put a stop to all this.

A part of the collaboration agreement with Pfizer that isn't redacted shows that one way of terminating the whole agreement was:

"either any law, rule or regulation is amended or promulgated, or any new interpretation is made or given of any law, rule or regulation or any legal action, including any investigation, is commenced by a governmental agency against either of the Parties... which renders illegal or unenforceable material obligations of the other Party under this Agreement..." (section 4.2.6)

All our lawmakers had to do was launch an investigation of Pfizer and/or of the Health Ministry -- which was totally justified by Pfizer's history of fraud and the unscientific reasons for the MOH 'green pass' coercion.

Or just overrule the MOH with a regulation disallowing medical coercion.

It was the Knesset coalition led by Bibi Netanyahu that betrayed our people by not lifting a finger to stop the medical abuse.

I hope ALL ISRAELI VOTERS will remember this in the upcoming elections!!

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Like the MOH, the media has been bought and paid for with pharma bucks.

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"No official at the MOH signed his or her name to the comment."

The DoD played this game with the DMED data. In a world in which chain of custody of decisions and information has been the normal route to transparency, this feels like a coordinated trend.

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