This is a powerful report. I look forward, although with dread, to your next instalment. Heartbroken. I sit here in tears for my precious daughter, recently married, fully jabbed against my wishes, who waits to get pregnant. God help her. God help us all.

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there are many of us crying for the grandchildren who may never be.

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I worry about my granddaughter who is multiply jabbed in order to continue in college, who has drunk deep draughts of the Kool-Aid, and the great grandchildren she may never have. All hopes now reside with my grandson. No pressure!

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My niece, an RN fully jabbed, just delivered a perfectly healthy baby this week. Not all babies are dying in utero, not all babies are being born with deformities. Perhaps physical frailties will show up in both mom and child down the road, time will tell.

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there are reports of saline placebo being found in the vials, and some with the empty LNPs and no mRNA, so there is reason to hope. There was a nurse in UK who was dismissed for giving out 7500 saline jabs in nursing homes....(yay!)

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Yay is right! Hero!

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Thank you Mary Ann! I love hearing stories like that. I will cling to that as I pray. My niece is fully jabbed as well (2 and boost) and delivered a healthy baby girl who seems to be just fine.

She even nursed when she got her booster. She held her ground, good girl, when the paediatrician tried to guilt her into getting her babies jabbed! It rattled her, but by that time she regretted being pressured into getting the booster. She's now done with the nonsense and I'm sure she's daily grateful her baby is okay.

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There are different doses and different batches. Maybe some were saline so everyone didn't get sick or infertile or die at the same time? We know very little about this genocide.

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I’m so very sorry Lynn. 😢

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Thank you Laura!

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It is SOO sad that these ignorant women do not listen to their mothers!! Their mothers are old enough to remember thalidomide and these foolish young women live with their heads in the sand. This is so sad but they make their bed and they will have to sleep in it.

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Interestingly enough, the jowma drs all discussed these menstrual changes bec it happened to them!!!! They discussed it amongst themselves on their chat. And they were first to be vaxed in dec 2021, yet they still recommended and claimed “safe and effective and does not affect fertility.”

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Is there any way to get screenshots of their chat?

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Chanan Morrison had it in his substack, Dangerous Docs.

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Do you recall which article?

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Study was out of Israel. Saw the preprint. Probably over the summer.

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As a retired physician, the "official response and management of the pandemic" was, and continues to be, extremely troublesome.

The Swine Flu vaccine was pulled off the U.S. market after roughly 25 deaths resulted from the vaccine.

Hospitals were incentivized to give COVID patients unproven medications, masks were required at California beaches, and safe meds like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were, and continue to be demonized.

These Israeli observations, and many others, reveal the global vaccine lie, "safe and effective.

To what purpose COVID policies are officiated is not known, but whatever it is, they know it would not be supported by the voting public.

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How were they able to take the non-Kosher clot shot?

In about 5 years, the chances a vaxxed couple, assuming they are still alive or not distracted by their own cancers, stroke, or heart disease, can reproduce will be near zero. Only the unvaxxed will be fertile.

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great question. Something like orthodox women and men can't touch one another even to greet one another, but orthodox women can have a male gynecologist. I heard many of the rabbis came up with some bs why the non-kosher gmo toxic juice was OK for their congregations. smh

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Follow the money.... billions have been distributed to influencers to push the bioweapon.

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So the globalists/elite can decide who can reproduce and have children which has always been one of their top priorities. Stop having children, get the jab.

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I am horrified by this. As I described in my Substack essay, I attended nursing school not long after the thalidomide catastrophe. I cannot believe something like this happened again. It is truly shocking.

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At last, the answers to the questions I haven't had the courage to ask the local mikveh attendants. My heart breaks for all those parents who cautioned their young married daughters. "I told you so" could not be more bitter than this.

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If memory serves, there was a Facebook group of more than 28,000 members that had been formed around the central topic of 'women's issues' post-vaccine. I distinctly recall reading that Facebook summarily banished the group from its website for being 'anti-vaxxers'.

This was over a year ago, when cancel culture was running amok.

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Don't forget the 20% chance of sterility in men.

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20% sterile men? Based on what data?

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Israeli study, came out in June. And when it was published, the analysis was fudged (maybe to get it printed they had to make it seem less bad than it was?) Anyway, someone re-analyzed and found the truth - 1 in 5 men were sterile at the end of the study. https://truth613.substack.com/p/brand-new-male-fertility-information

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Excellent reporting! This info directly supports the claim that depopulation is the goal of the jab game. I wonder if the large family Mormon community is seeing the same decline in births, and rise in stillborns and birth defects?

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Just jumping in to say that Etana Hecht's coverage of this issue has been outstanding all the way across the board. The world is blessed to have her voice.

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I have only of late been hearing of these babies being born with malformations. I was sorely aware of the thalidomide debacle years ago and what a tragedy that was. Where is the alarm? I hear no siren warning anyone of this and more and more TV and radio ads about getting the jab. Where is common sense? Where are ethics? Are we nothing but lab rats now? Wait, don’t answer that.

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Wondering how many of the mothers experienced a difficult or life threatening birth? My best friend who does ultra sound at a women's clinic on pregnant women said they are seeing all kinds of things not normally seen like blood clots on the placenta wall.

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18 Rabbis in Lakewood,N.J, the city with the largest school for Talmud and Jewish Law in the US, signed a letter in September 2021 that the Jewish Law is to not take the covid vaccine.

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Do you have a copy of that letter?

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I have a 77 page pdf with a collection of letters. Its called "Rabbanim Around The World Speak Up" How do I send it to you?

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Thank you!

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It would be good if you uploaded it to the cloud, and provide a link to all and sundry. Or, if easier, you could post it to my public storage: https://mega.nz/filerequest/fXHHnNYpmgQ

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Here are secondary COVID vaccine side effects among people at my clinic.


I had first warned about the COVID vaccines in Feb 2021.


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Would love to know where the kallah teachers are. Where the rabbis who answer questions are. Where are these ppl? Do they not make connections?

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Hello EH and concerned readers,

I went into shock and great disappointment when I watched 13 influential rabbis shout from the rooftops to "get vaccinated" in this awful 2min44sec ad:


How could Netanyahu participate in mass murder of his own people via an exclusive contract with Pfizer, how could these wise rabbis all conclude for everyone to get vaccinated. This is insane or evidence of mass mind control.

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It is mass mind control and it is totally destructive in its' intent. No mistake about it, it's orchestrated, it's deliberate, it's genocidal and many including, of course, Netanyahu are personally responsible for going along with this agenda.

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Hello Etana - This is a confirming article to my report identifying a large increase in pharma sales volume in reproductive health. The top brands all share the same +30% demand increase vs pre-MRNA rollout. I deduce the injections are causing fertility issues. See my link to the report below. Thank you for what you are doing.


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Hi! I can't view that link. Would you email me a different version of it? etana@dailyclout.io

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It works in Brave browser.

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