Doc McCullough is a worldwide historical hero.

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In reality, this corrupt ABIM, in attempting to strip him of his license, can never strip him of his dignity and fame. Patients will continue to seek him out, the world (the remaining sane ones of the world) will continue to respect and hold him in high esteem for his knowledge and especially for his courageous actions.

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McCullough is one of the true heroes of the last few years.

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methinks it's time to de monopolize medical licensing institutions...

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How did we get to a point where these professional organizations have veto power over our medical care? I don't care what these MF'ers say, I'd much prefer to go to McCullough than to anyone who still has their (tramp) stamp of approval.

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Maybe that group should be dismantled since they obviously are being paid to support the corruption !!

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We should all be contacting these people and let them know what we really think.

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If they only cared about what we really think...

It would have to be a substantial amount of us banging down their doors in order for them to be forced to take notice

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I know!!.It's crazy they think they can convince a person ( after 2 yrs) to get the jab! Nobody who hasn't by now is going to change their minds. Especially with all the death and disabilities we all see in our circles alone.

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"The ABIM is the institution that provides doctors with an official license to practice medicine in their field. " untrue. But without board certification, Dr. M cannot bill insurance and he will be left with only cash pay patients. There is an alternate route to board certification and possibly if Dr. M gets his merit badge through this group: https://www.abpsus.org, he may be able to ignore the ABMS/ABIM insult and wear it like a badge of honor.

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Thanks! Good to know.

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So much for science and the freedom to form an informed opinion about experimental treatments that are not subject to any responsibility on part of the manufacturer.

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Or the gov't that ultimately encouraged and PAID for it using OUR taxpayer dolla dolla!

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Thank you for this information regarding the role of Weber Shandwick. We continue to learn about the seamless web of corruption involving all of the major institutions of the world. These include academic-educational, political-governmental, MSM, corporate-financial, mainstream medical, and now we learn marketing institutions. This however does not change the fact that the ultimate power always resides with the people. Witness the speed at which the CCP ended its Zero COVID draconian lockdown policies when the people began to rise up. The question to be answered is: Do the people really prefer to live the lie, and accept the consequences, in exchange for the pseudo short-term perks offered by the establishment?

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I wonder if funding for ABIM and Weber Shandwick is trackable. I'd bet they've both gotten funding from Bill and Melinda, Open Society or the federal government. Always Follow the Money.

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Kudos to Dr. McCullough. He has the integrity to stand up to Fauci, Bourla, Slow Joe Biden, and the rest of the Democratic hacks who peddle, promote, and mandate Fauci's poison death shot.

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How to help?

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Who cares what ABIM says? Just ignore them and continue doing what you are doing.

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Since debilitating claims of this virus are fake then all treatments are also fake. The battle line is drawn on which fake treatment has authoritative standing.

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