Once I learned that Hotez' own child is vax damaged, I knew he would never ever cross the rubicon to understand it....he is the epitome of a believer or he would have to face the uncomfortable reality.
Stupidity in power is more common than evil, and up until 2020, I would have said that evil traditionally has the higher human body count 😉🤷♀️🤦♀️. I think when the final count is done, stupidity will have killed more than any other time in history.😐
Add to that, a guy like Hotez has been rewarded well for his obstinate stupidity. Worst case scenario for him; it's a tightening downward spiral. If he ever had a conscience, it's been bludgeoned to a pulp.
Denial is an incredibly powerful mechanism through which pain and grief (and the dark consequences of pharma fascism) can be avoided. Not an excuse. But an observable reality.
One of the ways I identified the Covid-19 scam early in Feb2020 and published on 21Mar2020 was good quality data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship and a few other sources. Covid-19 was NOT dangerous to students and the working population.
We only needed to over-protect the very elderly and infirm. Six months later world experts published their identical Great Barrington Declaration.
The other was the familiar Lenin/Goebbels/Alinsky "shout-down all opposition” tactic that I had experienced in the Climate and Green Energy scam for the past decades. Blatant falsehoods!
The final straw was when I learned on 20Mar2020 that our Alberta hospitals, which had been emptied to make room for the anticipated ”tsunami of Covid-19 patients”, were actually EMPTY! I published the next day.
The same scoundrels were the perpetrators of both the Covid and Climate scams.
Then the usual “village idiots” (Justin Trudeau, Prince Charles, etc.) actually linked the two scams, saying “To solve Covid we also have to solve Climate” – utterly illogical propaganda!
The remarkable observation about both the Climate and Covid scams is how previously-competent people were rendered utterly incompetent and unethical by government pressure to conform. That includes most medical professionals, and they are still in denial! These gutless pr!cks must find their courage and their integrity. Their ~40 million Covid-19 vaccine-killed patients worldwide are deeply disappointed in them.
My new book:
MURDER OF MULTITUDES: Covid And Climate Chronicles - The Big Cull
Thanks for all you've written, Etana! I'll pray your vision recovers completely.
I'm a Roman Catholic, and hate that Pfizer struck an exclusive deal with the Vatican two years-plus ago. It's interesting that Pfizer is also encamped in Israel. Is the Israeli government changing its stance on the covid jabs? The Vatican dropped the initially mandated jabs for all who work there and backed down on its plan to fire anyone unjabbed. It finally relaxed its jab requirement for visitors over a year ago, I think. Are people in Israel waking up?
I think it's similar to the US - the government seems to be preparing to roll full steam ahead with Jab #6, but I'm confident the uptake will be in the toilet. Most people I speak to agree with my views on COVID these days, and are kind of embarrassed if they ever went along with it. I don't let people forget, I bring up the topic with everyone I meet. We can't memory-hole the crimes!
A finely written article Etana. May I enquire as to your visual / eye issue? When you mentioned it was due to the extended use of the computer I am guessing at a catch all condition called “ eye strain “. For myself I have been on the handheld device everyday since late 2019 due to this global fiasco. What is happening with my eyes is that shortly after using the phone reviewing emails and articles my eyes become extremely watery and goopy. I use drops to try and alleviate that but with only mild success. I guess it’s another indirect consequence of these tyrannical days we have subjected to.
Once I learned that Hotez' own child is vax damaged, I knew he would never ever cross the rubicon to understand it....he is the epitome of a believer or he would have to face the uncomfortable reality.
It's mind-boggling.
Watching that video made me want to punch Hotez in his whole face. 😡
The guy is actually stupid. You can read that in his face. What a tool.
Stupidity in power is more common than evil, and up until 2020, I would have said that evil traditionally has the higher human body count 😉🤷♀️🤦♀️. I think when the final count is done, stupidity will have killed more than any other time in history.😐
Add to that, a guy like Hotez has been rewarded well for his obstinate stupidity. Worst case scenario for him; it's a tightening downward spiral. If he ever had a conscience, it's been bludgeoned to a pulp.
Denial is an incredibly powerful mechanism through which pain and grief (and the dark consequences of pharma fascism) can be avoided. Not an excuse. But an observable reality.
I assumed he was gay, from bowtie and mannerisms.
Good article – thank you Etana.
Watch the first 4 minutes of this video:
"How to spot the big scams":
One of the ways I identified the Covid-19 scam early in Feb2020 and published on 21Mar2020 was good quality data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship and a few other sources. Covid-19 was NOT dangerous to students and the working population.
We only needed to over-protect the very elderly and infirm. Six months later world experts published their identical Great Barrington Declaration.
The other was the familiar Lenin/Goebbels/Alinsky "shout-down all opposition” tactic that I had experienced in the Climate and Green Energy scam for the past decades. Blatant falsehoods!
The final straw was when I learned on 20Mar2020 that our Alberta hospitals, which had been emptied to make room for the anticipated ”tsunami of Covid-19 patients”, were actually EMPTY! I published the next day.
The same scoundrels were the perpetrators of both the Covid and Climate scams.
Then the usual “village idiots” (Justin Trudeau, Prince Charles, etc.) actually linked the two scams, saying “To solve Covid we also have to solve Climate” – utterly illogical propaganda!
The remarkable observation about both the Climate and Covid scams is how previously-competent people were rendered utterly incompetent and unethical by government pressure to conform. That includes most medical professionals, and they are still in denial! These gutless pr!cks must find their courage and their integrity. Their ~40 million Covid-19 vaccine-killed patients worldwide are deeply disappointed in them.
My new book:
MURDER OF MULTITUDES: Covid And Climate Chronicles - The Big Cull
Allan Malcolm MacRae - Amazon.com
75 pages, ~$10 on Amazon
Thanks for all you've written, Etana! I'll pray your vision recovers completely.
I'm a Roman Catholic, and hate that Pfizer struck an exclusive deal with the Vatican two years-plus ago. It's interesting that Pfizer is also encamped in Israel. Is the Israeli government changing its stance on the covid jabs? The Vatican dropped the initially mandated jabs for all who work there and backed down on its plan to fire anyone unjabbed. It finally relaxed its jab requirement for visitors over a year ago, I think. Are people in Israel waking up?
I think it's similar to the US - the government seems to be preparing to roll full steam ahead with Jab #6, but I'm confident the uptake will be in the toilet. Most people I speak to agree with my views on COVID these days, and are kind of embarrassed if they ever went along with it. I don't let people forget, I bring up the topic with everyone I meet. We can't memory-hole the crimes!
And thank you for the kind words!
Another excellent post. I've missed your commentary. May your eye condition heal soon. Happy New Year!
Thanks BT!! <3
Shana tova and a Refuah shleimah for your eye.
Thank you! <3
It feels heartening every time I read another substacker speaking clearly about the tyranny we are facing. Thank you for your work.
A finely written article Etana. May I enquire as to your visual / eye issue? When you mentioned it was due to the extended use of the computer I am guessing at a catch all condition called “ eye strain “. For myself I have been on the handheld device everyday since late 2019 due to this global fiasco. What is happening with my eyes is that shortly after using the phone reviewing emails and articles my eyes become extremely watery and goopy. I use drops to try and alleviate that but with only mild success. I guess it’s another indirect consequence of these tyrannical days we have subjected to.
Many blessings to you and your family.❤️
Be well Etana🤗
Godspeed on your recovery.
Love the T-Shirt! Best of luck with your new enterprise.