Thank you for this excellent and detailed synopsis. The call was long and attended by well over 1000 participants. It was emotional at times with all sorts of contributions. What is extremely helpful here is your extraction of all the essential elements of the whistleblower complaints and its meaning for the airline industry and secondarily the military. The parties on the call were all in agreement that there must be ways to help pilots without ending their careers and medical certificates.

I will share with those who can get to interested pilots. I would assume this will get wide circulation.

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Thank you for summarizing that meeting; it was amazing in every sense of the word (both positive and negative!) and important. This is helpful to share with those who were not able to attend it, and as a eye opener for those who are not aware of the severe threat we are working against.

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Is there a link to watch? Thank you.

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FYI, I believe I read it’s temporary.

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Thank you for posting the link!!!

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Not yet that I am aware of.

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Thanks for answering me.

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Not that I would wish it on anyone, but we need more pilots and their colleagues in the air to say why they can no longer work. Even if it is women and men near retiring age where they can go on FMLA or whatever, there needs to be greater visibiity into this population.

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I had no idea a 2005 study documenting the antiviral effects of Chloroquine existed. Thank you for highlighting that! I found that study here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16115318/. It's not a randomized controlled trial, but a study of primate cells in vitro.

Here's an even earlier study supporting the potential use of Chloroquine against coronaviruses, from 2004: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15351731/ which concludes "Chloroquine, an old antimalarial drug, may be considered for immediate use in the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV infections."

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Wow thank you so much!!

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And in 2010 from our "friend", Dr. Ralph Baric, and others confirming zinc's ability to inhibit coronavirus activity. If I'm remembering correctly, this is the paper that Dr. Zelenko used to develop his protocol -- zinc, HCQ (ionophore), and a Z-pak. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21079686/

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Astonishing isn't that the criminals had all the antidotes well in hand long ago and hid them purposefully from the public and shamed medical professionals for finding them and using them safely.

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Dr Lee Merritt wrote an article on this reminding us we really don't need to suffer with any viral respiratory illness for the most part as we should have been treating them all along with a range of medications, including chloroquine and hydrochloroquine:


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That's a really interesting paper. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

It's interesting for me to learn that medical education has more or less always had a bias or blind spot about treating viral infection. Doctors learned that anti viral medicine was vaccination or nothing. (AIDS treatments being the big exception. That kind of viral infection can "officially" be treated.) Even as a member of the general public, I've always heard that only our immune systems can fight a viral infection. It was just "accepted truth."

This whole thing explains a good deal about what just happened over the last several years.

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So many willful blind spots in medicine, science journalism, being revealed by the C19 event. That is an excellent silver lining.

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re: "AIDS treatments being the big exception." I always wondered about this crash. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/malaysia-airlines-crash-joep-lange-among-up-to-100-aids-researchers-and-activists-on-board-flight-mh17-9613821.html You need to register to read it.

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Thank you so much for this, Dr. Herr. I am a huge fan of Dr. Merritt's. This paper is excellent!

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Another excellent post. It is clear that the genocide is a coordinated effort and not about to end any time soon, unless more of the masses wake up and push back.

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The presenters and commenters, and there were many, talked a lot about the clear worldwide planning that must have gone into this. It wasn't a theme that was hiding in the background.

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Absolutely. The agenda has been discussed openly for years. Still, anyone who mentions the "planning" is called a conspiracy nut.

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I’ll tell you one thing - I will not be flying anytime soon. NO THANK YOU. This is so much darker than I could’ve ever imagined. The criminality. The complete lack of caring about killing people or crippling people for life. I never could have imagined witnessing something this absolutely horrifying in my lifetime. Dr. Mark McDonald does a podcast (Informed Dissent with Dr. Jeff Barke) predicts catastrophic airline incidents in six months or so

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Think the attacks of Sep 11 -- in broad daylight -- an absurd official story that the world swallowed almost without question. The world's acceptance and credulity for the absurd set the stage, IMO, for this.

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Here’s the unmitigated truth about 9/11


Please read and share widely.

And ignore trolls like Simcha Jacob 👇

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Thank you for this. I 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 I had seen it, but good to review/remind the absurdity. As for Simcha whoever, learned to ignore garbage like that years ago. :)

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I was in the WTC on September 11th, 2001. I saw everything that happened. There is no question that the official story is an accurate story. Please stop spreading nonsense

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God bless the whistleblowers and those helping them.

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I'm also enjoying all these details, especially about HCQ and ivermectin.

My own effort in this war is publishing a set of memes each night:


Memes have a way of getting through to people who have their ideological defenses up before they even know what happened.

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These are terrific! Keep it up. Everyone loves seeing the ones that Robert Malone posts on his Friday and Sunday funnies.

You might be intrigued by this interview in totality, but specifically there is a spot at about 46 minutes 43 seconds where James Tunney discusses WB Yeats view that symbols help humans access "the great memory" of humanity.

New Thinking Allowed is a long running YT channel hosed by Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. who is focused on spirituality, consciousness, paranormal and the psychic, and just won the top $1 million prize for the Bigelow Award for his essay entry on consciousness. So many profound interviews over the decades. This interview generally revolves around science fiction writer and modern prophet Philip K. Dick and his views on additional, counterfeit, and parallel realities:


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Thanks Betsy!

I enjoy making them and hope people will redistribute them in any form they want. Forwarding them by email would be good.

My biggest problem is getting them in front of people. Search engines won't link to them, so I have to individually tell people.

Please let me know if you have ideas on how to get around the censorship apparatus and reach more people.

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Thank you for this. If only the sheep would wake up and get to read this. Printing for my children who were forced to vaccinate in order to stay in the military, as well as a federal job. Their careers were on the line and felt they had to take it or be terminated.

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Is there a recording of the Zoom meeting? Where can I see it?

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However, I believe it’s posted temporarily.

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Thank you so much for reporting on the zoom call Etana! Once again, you give a well written account of what we're dealing with.

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Thank you for this summary! I only caught the last hour (it was amazing), would love to watch the replay. I heard it would likely be posted on Rumble? Have not been able to find anything yet.

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Here's the link for the presentations that was requested

Todd Callender, Whistle-blower, & US Freedom Flyers presentation on 31 August 2022


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Great article

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Fantastic article!

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