Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

It was great to hear Danielle Smith speak up and out, however, given that she is being shredded by the legacy media (called Premier "Loon" by Andrew Coyne), I'm not holding my breath for others to follow. As Karen Hunt recently wrote, these people are living in an alternative reality. I had a visit with a friend yesterday, and it was shocking that she believes what she does. I didn't bother saying much of anything, as it would have got me nowhere. All I did say, was that we've been subjected to military-grade propaganda (words of Dr. David Hughes), and I reminded her of early footage from China. But I left it at that. Here's what she said over the course of the afternoon:

We had to protect hospitals that were overflowing with bodies (my thought-bubble: Were they? Not according to some insiders like Dr. Trozzi).

We had other vaccines our whole life, so I'm okay with this one, and I'll take as many as I can get (my thought bubble: Those were vaccines. These are mRNA gene shots, with zero long-term data and concerning short-term data).

People are suffering from long covid (My thought bubble: Those would be vaccine injuries).

The convoy to Ottawa was a bit much (My thought bubble: People like my husband, working from home, lost their jobs. It's the nation's capitol. What would you suggest instead)?

Stores closed due to the convoy (My thought bubble: The government closed stores off and on for two years. The three weeks of the convoy didn't break that business. The convoy was there to protest government overreach).

People protesting kids getting vaccinated with C19 shots should mind their business (My thought bubble: Should we just pretend that these shots aren't killing kids unnecessarily then)?


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Yes, where do you even begin when family and friends spew 🤡🌏 speak. Sadly, it will take a serious adverse event or death of a loved one post covid vaxx, to convince the brainwashed they are wrong.

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Even then there is no guarantee.

B/c now they have to deal with what can happen to them or what they did to their child.

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That paragraph is refridgerator worthy, a great complilation of the most common fallacies around this genocide. You are well minded!!

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A gem of an idea. The refrigerator apology. Clear, no excuses, sincere, memorable.

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And seen 10 times a day..ok, 15. Thanks Dr. Betsy...

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Even more brilliant.

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About the legacy Herd Culling media?

They are paid to Cull, and Cull they do.

Hang these War Criminal Banality of Evil creatures from lamp posts.

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But how DO they sleep at night? I don't get it...

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The short answer is that some have had "good-bad" switch in their brains twisted with some manipulative lies and others are just blissfully following Incentive Structures.

The long answer is thus:


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I think I was holding my breath while reading that...it hurts to relive some of the horrors of the past year plus.

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All vaccines are basically death shots. There's no benefit from any of them. But this one was worse than the others.

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I've not done a deep dive on other vaccines, other than that my DD had a horrible reaction to the H1N1 shot which opened my eyes...I can only go down so many rabbit holes at a time. :)

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Apparently the book Turtles All the Way Down is a really good read to better understand the entire story of vaccines

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

nyc city worker mandate is dead https://tessa.substack.com/p/nyc-mandate-unconstitutional

too bad lots of city workers are dead too

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Great link, thank you!

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Cue the Psy Op Normies saying, "But we shouldn't ask if it was the injection, otherwise people will think we are Conspiracy Nuts!"

Then cue the Psy Op Kumbayas saying, "But we have to forgive them and anyway, I didn't die yet, so..."

Then cue the Dolts Botching Shit crowd: "This was all just a big mistake!"

(This is how I wake up!)

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i woke up to the real anthony fauci pt. 2 - ostensibly it's only up for 3 days, but you know jeff hays' steez...

vera sharav: "People don't want to compare the Holocaust to anything else. Why?"

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I can answer that, vera.

B/c people simply do not want to wrap their minds around how Evil "nice people" can be when coordinated.

So they have to externalize the phenomenon as a "special case" that no way applies right now.

These are the same people, btw, whose brains melt if you show them what was done all over the World in their name, as they noshed on Doritos and watched The Kardashians.

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something tells me that frito-lay is less likely to sponsor shoah instead. as long as frito-lay (or pfizer) calls the shots, we get the kardashians.

and as mcm used to say, a conspiracy theory is something that's just too frightening to contemplate

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Let’s hope other leaders will do the same.

While here in America (where we use to be free) they have passed a vaxx law trying to force parents to get their children jabbed or they can’t attend public schools!

Seems the elites really want more depopulation in America?

We know their vaxx also has caused many to become sterile so that also makes them happy.

Why is America’s government agencies acting more & more like the CCP???

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

Because our dear leader is completely compromised by the CCP.

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Every leader for the last 2-5 decades(at least) has been compromised by someone. Check out Bailiwick news - Katherine Watt's substack


This is an amazing write up of all the legislation that got all of you here. I say 'you" because I'm canadian, and I wish we had a Katherine Watt here in canada to correlate all of this for our country.

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You can't have her!

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but we can clone her! we, freakishly, have the technology!

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Triple like

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How about prosecutions ?

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Agree. We need the people in power who are willing to apologize to help prosecute the others.

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This is a very naive and narrow-minded, and dangerous way of thinking. Why? Because they take people for fools... and they are right. For everything that transpired during the last 3 years, no amount of apology will be enough, and people should never accept it, even if they are promised job reinstatements. This is nothing more but a political soft landing attempt to keep the illusion that the governing system is still legitimate and functional. That, as long as they apologize and make it up to people somehow, everything will be fine, and "mistakes" will be forgiven. No politician who chooses that approach without telling people the truth and exposing the global agenda directly in front of the cameras can ever be trusted. But people are naive, stupid, and tired, and those who still dream of "old normal" returning will believe and accept that kind of change in narrative. What they forget, though, is that they allow for the destruction of society, human rights to take place, and crimes against humanity to be committed, as long as there is an apology attached to the massive abuses in the end. Predictably, people are getting played once again. They just cannot see it. There is, and there will be no road to recovery as long as The Party, the perpetrators and useful idiots, are in power and escape punishment.

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Exactly right. This is simply the next phase of their War Against Humanity.

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I think that the Alberta premier is genuine.

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do you think Smith is lying? controlled opposition?

I think she is sincere. Apologies don't fix everything but they are a step in the right direction: acknowledging that great harm has been done is necessary. That being said, I agree that there is a lot more going on and we need to remain vigilant

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Apologies are a big nothing if there are not prosecutions of every politician, bureaucrat, and corporate executive who instituted any of the covid mandates, restrictions, censorship, theft, etc.

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The amends need to follow, don't they, in a big way.

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In North America there have been a handful of people who stood up. A couple in the Ontario legislature (and they paid for it wit their jobs), Ron De Santis in Florida, Kristi Noem in South Dakota as well as Kemp in Georgia. The last two voiced opposition from the beginning. Abbot and De Santis later. Smith is the first PREMIER in Canada to courageously speak on behalf of people who believe all of this was unscientific, illegal and unethical. And she's taking a lot of grief from the Covidians and media for her position. Scott Moe in Saskatchewan was the least offensive of the Premiers. So all told, out of 60 jurisdictions and two territories in North America, these were the main leaders who questioned the narrative. Not many.

In Canada, the three biggest provinces are run by corrupt cowards. Their names are Horgan (B.C.), Ford (Ontario) and Legault (Quebec).

They are deferent to the biggest corrupted coward of them all: Justin Trudeau.

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"And she's taking a lot of grief from the Covidians and media for her position."


She's taking a lot of shit from the fellow Kanadian Nazis, y'all!

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Do you recall who in Ontario spoke up? I seem to remember "Roman Barber" as one of them. He tried to run as a different party, after he was cast out for asking for a cost benefit analysis(demonstrably justify), but has gone back to the conservatives, which I'm not ok with..

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Barber. Brenda Karahalios. Randy Hillier and Rick Nicholls.

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Nice to hear an apology. However, I'm not ready to forgive or forget until those who perpatrated crimes against humanity are brought to justice. Too many lives were destroyed by the Covid jabs, mandates, and madness.

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Our neighbour, I would say in his late 60s, became paralyzed after a booster shot last November. He had taken the shot just before going down to Phoenix for the winter with his wife. His paralysis happened while in the US and created huge problems for them. My husband and I speak to him often when we walk our dogs, and we tried to convey our concerns about the shots from the very beginning. It was immediately clear that he wasn't interested in listening, and he blames his paralysis (which has improved a bit) on a spinal cord infection. Upon googling this condition, it appears that there are a lot of these cases since the shots. Nobody blames the shots.

Another couple that we know, have a teenaged son who developed dangerously high levels of ketones and almost died, had the boy not asked his parents to take him to the hospital late one night because he wasn't feeling right. His family blame his condition on working out too hard.

A family friend in Kelowna just developed a serious auto-immune disease. Her family says it's because she was "too clean" and that ruined her immune system. This will impact her for the rest of her life.

People are going to believe what they want. Eventually they will learn the truth and there will be many, many law suits. It is heartbreaking to see people die and suffer unnecessarily.

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Truly mindboggeling, but not surprising that many jab-injured (and relatives of the dead jabbed) blame everything EXCEPT the jab.

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My mom is 80 and completely trusts and believes all of the "safe and effective" vaccine narrative. She took the 2nd booster this past spring and 2 weeks later her lower back started hurting very bad.

She rarely goes to the Dr unless it's for a physical or something serious. Her back hurt so bad she could hardly walk. She was afraid something was wrong. Like cancer..

The Dr told her that her spine was swollen and she has osteoarthritis. He said she had alot of inflammation from cytokines.The nurse that took blood for tests said her blood looked "odd-like it had something in it." Not one word was said about the vaccines.

My mom has been healthy and active all her life. She definitely had nothing wrong with her in 2020. She's never caught covid this whole time.

When she asked the Dr what to do about it, he said: "You're 80, what do you expect?" She was mad because he blew her off.

If he would have told her the truth about the side effects and terrible risks of these injections, perhaps she would stop getting them. Instead, she went for her 3rd booster last month. 😪

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Horrid. I'm so sorry for you and your mother. Medical error was the third leading cause of death in the US, pre Covid. If the truth were told, jab and propaganda-pushing, and lying about side-effects has elevated medical "errors" to the number one cause of death, probably world-wide.

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Apologies and punishment are not mutually exclusive. An apology is the necessary first step and our Alberta premier is to be commended. It does not follow logically that she or others of us Canadians will consider it to be sufficient.

Let’s not denigrate the positive first step by assuming there will not be a stampede to follow.

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Wasn't Alberta the province that started hiding data once some really bad news for certain parties became obvious to the non-credulous public?

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Laws were openly broken and people's rights abused by these criminals. Her apologising for them is like me killing twenty people and getting my mum to say sorry for me and expecting people don't want to see me jailed at the very least. When will charges be brought against those who did this? When will they be losing their jobs and pensions as they were happy to do to others?

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Now just sit back and watch the left accuse her of being a right wing extremist.

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How refreshing!

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Great! Now waiting for the stampede of other politicians, public health officials and health professionals with clear, public and sincere apologies. Each person apologizing should in turn call on colleagues to follow suit.

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Bravo, Ms. Smith... THIS is what true leadership looks like.

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