Incredible list of resources as always. But any “health professional” still committed to vaxxes (particularly for children) may be beyond convincing. They are members of a pagan death cult throwing babies and children to Moloch. My first question for them would be about treatments. If they aren’t familiar with the I-MASK+ treatment protocol, that’s not a “health professional” I would ever trust. To your outstanding list I would add material from Dr McCulloch. For me, my jaw is still on the ground from having watched the Dark Horse video from earlier this year in which Bret was joined by Kirsch and the fearless Dr Malone. Kirsch was hot which detracted at times, but I’ve come to understand and appreciate why he was/is so angry. Let us know how your presentation goes.

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Yes, treatments and understanding all the deception there is a place where taking covid seriously can meet we are being lied to ... If they're not familiar with early treatment or have believed the official narrative yet are open to listening, perhaps there is hope. If they claim to know all about it and deride it as "horse dewormer", that is a clear sign to not trust them, also any media that did the horse de-wormer thing has shown themselves to never be trustworthy ...

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I'm almost too scared to find and watch it. I am freaked out enough by all of the evidence that is stacking up. My only wish is that the renegade sites that end up being the only places where this information can be found were not called things like "Dark Horse" or "Die, Government!" and such (not that "Twitter" is all that edifying!). There's not a hope in hell that Covid-captured Zombie-Muggles people are going to be lured to watch or read anything anywhere that sounds even remotely like an anti-establishment or "conspiracy" site. They need to be something innocuous and banal and corporate sounding, and without lots of stuff written in bold and red and multi-colours and different fonts with flashing boxes. The ones who are battling cognitive dissonance are skittish and quick to bolt, unfortunately, at the first sniff of "alternative" or "contrarian".

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I’ve been down the rabbit hole a long time, and the problem you mention has always been a problem, even long before SARS-CoV-2 showed up on the scene. The thing is, an incurious person will use “your link isn’t to a respectable journalist/site/newspaper” as an excuse. They likely wouldn’t give it attention even if it was reported in the front page story on the New York Times or a clip from CNN, or if they did, will still find some excuse to dismiss it. Those who are interested in truth will look for it, and be open to it wherever they can find it - be it on Rumble, The Federalist, or DemolishTheLies.net (disclaimer: I made that up on the spot. No clue whether it’s a real site.)

The rest will resist anything that goes against the herd mentality, because they care more about being “in” than what is true. They will not respond to logic, reason, or “clear as days in your face” facts as long as the rest of the sheeple believe something else.

You can locate those interested in truth pretty easily. 1. They are willing to defend what they currently believe with evidence. 2. They are willing to engage in a civil debate with you on issues that you disagree about. 3. They are willing to investigate any evidence you provide, and won’t use a lame appeal to authority to get out of investigating evidence from less-reputable websites. 4. They can digest more information than fits on the standard meme.

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You are absolutely correct, writermom. Curiosity and a resistance to peer pressure are pre-requisites to the search for truth - and more especially truth in the face of coercion, tyranny and suppressive power.

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Thank you for this great compilation!!

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Thank you for being a courageous voice of sanity and reason in this madness! Great, helpful article too.

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I have not verified this myself, but I was told that YouTube has edited the three hour panel video that Senator Johnson held to just one hour. I watched the entire thing and am appalled that they have censored it.

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I believe it. Unfortunately, YouTube has deemed themselves Kings of the Truth. I used to be able to use YouTube as my feed, but now I'm all over the place, as so many of the journalists/content creators that I follow can only be found on their own websites, or on Rumble.

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That is wonderful that they are (hopefully) willing to listen to you! This is a thorough presentation from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance about Pfizer's manipulative clinical trial data. https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/The-COVID-19-Inoculations-More-Harm-Than-Good-REV-Dec-16-2021.pdf // This is an organized summary of Mathew Crawford's vaccine articles, which are treasures of information as you know - https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-wars

Also Chris Martenson has a video where he goes over the release of Pfizer data from a few weeks ago, data that was "wrestled out" by Freedom of Information Act. James Lyons-Weiler's substack has valuable info on scientific aspects of injection harms, early treatment, etc. https://popularrationalism.substack.com/ And Dr Meryl Nass' website is a wealth of information, you can find a lot from searching there. http://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/ You're in Israel? Heartening to see dissenting voices there! Please let us know how the meeting goes!

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Ellen, I'm working on a project featuring the CCCA presentation, it's excellent.


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this is great, thanks.

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Add "conspiracy theory" to the list of debate-lockdown phrases.

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ooh good call!

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