This is what the chilling of free speech looks like. Both Naomi and Mark should take this as a badge of honor. The truth *shall* ultimately prevail 🙌

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The attacks on truth will intensify as the truth about the poison jabs becomes impossible to ignore.

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As a brit I can assure you Ofcom are a bunch of government controlled clowns that can go fk themselves.

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Remember when the word "watchdog" actually belonged to people on the ground, and now it's a false front for well-paid workers* supporting supposedly-veiled corporate agenda.

It would be nice if they could quit kidnapping words and spoiling them.

*Speaking of those workers, have you noticed the false users infiltrating the comment discussions here and there? Their searingly clever strategy is to adopt user names either pretending to be doctors or 'uneducated' people from a rural background, both of which are executed with about as much finesse as a 1980's radio commercial or a credit card hotline.

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In the US the term ‘watchdog group ’ is now used by left wing political groups to push their policies.......

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In the early 2000's, a lot of the ethical and sensible objections [e.g. to abuse of power / loss of privacy and liberty; destruction of nature and healthy human conditions] were coming from the left. See for example the path of G. Greenwald. At that time the right was taking more of a yellow-ribbon + 'I've-got-nothing-to-hide' stance, which didn't help any of us maintain our basic human rights (like having a conversation with your lover without someone recording it - which before Snowden was considered by the masses to be a conspiracy theory.)

It's a good illustration of (a) how power and movement-of-masses can corrupt, regardless of the starting point; and (b) how sophisticated the manipulation used on the masses is.

With a good ethical foundation and meta-thinking, we'll be able to stay on top the wave, regardless of which way it shifts.

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Who the eff complained? People are total braindead muppets. It's disheartening to realise just how blinkered and stupid my fellow countrymen are.

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People are scared of the truth. The idea that they have been duped and that they and their children have been potentially damaged for life is untenable: as are the implications about the trusted authorities and the coercive measures, lies and deceit issued from them that are now coming to light.

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I guess, but I struggle to understand their mentality. I try yet fail. I can understand their fear at being poisoned but how they ever took it in the first place will forever be something I cannot comprehend. Also, I would have thought that the people who watch GB News would be the last to complain.

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The traitors are everywhere infiltrating where they may do damage. Bots can pick up this truth as well and organize to destroy. Signal.

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Those who were susceptible to being told what to do were targeted systematically by the “Nudge” unit (SPIE) and controlled by fear.

Those GB news snitches? - Trolls? Bots from OfCom? Lies?

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We had a bunch of snitches in our county. Shocking. They reported businesses for not wearing masks, etc. But their names were exposed by a reporter. I knew three of the people on the snitch list. I couldn’t believe it. Very disappointed in humanity at this point. 😢

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These “watchdogs” are akin to nazi guard dogs. Naomi and Mark and anyone up against this propaganda machine should sue the living SH.*t out of these people for defamation. Every attack should receive an immediate counter suit! It is the only way to fight back.

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Your making a big assumption that the courts would be fair and impartial......

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Just read and investigate Pfizer documents that were forcibly released by court order earlier this year. The truth is out there....and coming to light.

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Honk, Honk!

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