Sadly, this NOT new news.

Many of us knew this in late 2020 from reviewing Pfizer's original EUA documents.

In addition, Boula admitted this publicly back in December of 2020:

> Bourla said it's still unknown whether people who've been vaccinated could still be carriers of the virus, able to transmit it to others. "I think this is something that needs to be examined. We are not certain about that right now," he said.

-- https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/3-vaccine-executives-say-after-approval-distribution-will-be-main-n1249928

And the Chief Medical Officer for Moderna made a similar admission early on:

> "Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission because in order to do that you have to swab people twice a week for very long periods, and that becomes operationally untenable.”

-- https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4037

Learn More:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_f773ec91f01e_2082393ca172_3e25

I've also been shocked that more people haven't commented on the fact that Pfizer's explicitly stated focus/priority was on "understanding what is taking place in the "market"!

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EXACTLY! "take the vaccine, but still wear a mask" - This was the rhetoric in late 2020 that I was aware of.

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And masks were a spectacular fail all on their own:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/7da588bbf314

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They knew full well that an injection in the arm could not possibly prevent a lung infection and subsequent transmission. It was never even a possibility.

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Start building scaffolds! FYI: Home Depot is having a sale on heavy rope!

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This is not news. Read the comment by Metta Zetty.

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See how the narrative is nothing but lies. It’s safe (no it’s not) it’s effective in that you won’t spread the virus (no we never even tested for that). So it’s neither safe. Nor effective it’s doesn’t even meet the definition of a vaccine so they changed the definition of vaccine. Resist and vote everyone in power out. It’s time to take our country back from these monsters and fools.

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So many doctors blindly went along with this, they all need to be held accountable https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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So it doesn't prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization, or death.

So, just risks and profits?

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Actually it seems to increase all 4 variables you mentioned.

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Let's keep spreading the word. Thanks Etana.

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Del Bigtree said that from the BEGINNING. I tried to warm people. All I got was vitriol

Now it’s all “yOu dOnt uNdErStAnd hOw vAcIneS WoRk”

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In late 2020 they said "take the vaccine but still wear a mask". I thought is was clear enough that Pfizer had not tested for transmission prior to jab roll-out. In April of 2021 the CDC dropped the lie that the jabs stop spread.

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The CDC even (eventually) admitted that natural immunity trumps vaccinal immunity:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_127a870a7908_b231a8a8f4bb_7786

Bet you didn't hear THAT on the mainstream evening news.

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You are on this! Well done. What a world of propaganda and lies decent people have to put with!

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Thank you, Karen, for your positive feedback. I began collecting resources related to the whole COVID debacle right at the beginning ~ and at the start of this year, I began sharing some of these resources online.

If you are interested, you can read more and share with others using the following links:

> "Red Pill" Library: https://BeyondC19.org

> "Red Pill" Newsletter: https://BeyondC19.net

There's also more chilling data on the whole propaganda campaign located here:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/63e7cb0add54

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Mind boggling! Great write up! Thank you so much.

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I recommend watching the video clip of this exchange, where you get the full nuance.

The Pfizer spokeswoman (CEO Bourla chickened out and sent a MARKETING exec in his place) did admit plainly that the jab was not tested for effectiveness in stopping the transmission -- but the way she said "no" was in a tone that clearly implied: "how could you even ask that??"

And with that one word, she dismissed the question as either impertinent or unfair.

Then she dove into an answer that was the height of tone-deaf arrogance.

She considered the company to be heroic in producing their horrific jab at such a fast pace that they couldn't take time to test it.

She explicitly said that all the "risks" were on Pfizer (using that word FOUR TIMES in two minutes).

Then she threw in this whopper without batting an eye:

"I would hate to imagine what the situation we would be in, in the world right now" if Pfizer hadn't taken "those risks".

Watch it for yourself.


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Let me guess...once this goes viral, the USA will unleash something worse on us, maybe even the UFOs!

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Meanwhile the Pfizer and Moderna genetherapy got final marketing authorisation.

"The show must go on"



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Meanwhile the Pfizer and Moderna genetherapy got final marketing authorisation in the EU.

"The show must go on"



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