The problem with the public opinion is that the vast majority of the public are too busy with work and raising children and their hobbies and habits to do any research on their own. So they trust Apple News or CNN etc. to tell them what they need to know or what is going on outside their local domestic dramas. That’s the huge beast. I am voracious about finding the truth behind the scenes. The preoccupied majority thinks I’ve got too much time on my hands running through all of these rabbit holes.

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Totally agree. That's why those of us with the privilege of using our time to research and inform, have an obligation to do so in these crazy times!

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Back in the EUSSR (Beatles' parody) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/back-in-the-eussr

Oldsmobile Submarine (Beatles' parody) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/oldsmobile-submarine

Pink Pelosi Hammer (Beatles' parody) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/pink-pelosi-hammer

Elizabeth Rigby (Beatles' parody) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/elizabeth-rigby

Born Gay (Parody of Matt Munro's 'Born Free') https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/born-gay

Whole Lotta Cheatin' Goin On (Parody of Jerry Lee Lewis) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/whole-lotta-cheatin-goin-on

Ballad of Epstein's Island (Ballad of Gilligan's Island parody) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/ballad-of-epsteins-island

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I can personally attest to what you say Steshu. I considered myself a hardcore cynic when I was working. I retired three years ago and came to realize as cynical as I thought I was, I was actually hopelessly naive.

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Amen 🙏

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You are so right. I research everything now and do not watch any mainstream media, which are all lies.

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Predictably, the Michigan legislature very much understates the issue. Pfizer is the most visible culprit, but the corruption of medicine has extended its tentacles into every nook and cranny of healthcare. Both public and private.

In that regard, the silver lining of the wrongful firings of medical professionals over vaccination status is that there's no longer any reason for them to remain silent. Same goes for the vaccine injured, who have courageously come forward and informed us despite their being demonized for it.

Indeed, the standard of care has been declining for over a decade, and I've been scratching my head as to why. Whistleblowers from across the medical profession have connected the dots for me, and I'm grateful for that. So have many other individuals. We now know what we are dealing with.

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Those doctors straight up lied to his face.

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That is the most likely answer.

OR they are so criminally inept, they just parrot the official narrative without question.

Abandoning any pretence of "First do no harm".

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It’s great that his letter has over 640k views already but the language in the letter is less than milquetoast. Pfizer doesn’t care - they injected that poison into over 70 children during their trials, half under the age of 4 and as young as 2 months- all with serious injury outcomes and even death. And then tried to hide the data. I wish this representative all the best but his letter is pointless. Start crafting state legislation to protect Michiganders to end the incestuous relationship between big tech, big pharma and hospital corporations. He can do a great more with change on the local level.

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Big Pharm is an agent of the US Dept. of Defense and these are military countermeasures.

That was the whole point of Operation Warp Speed. The injections were treated as prototypes, not vaccines, legally.

This the bait and switch problem that nobody wants to deal with. The US DOD contracts with Pharm are huge and also make the injections the property of the DOD.

No legislator wants to deal with it because to do means taking on our Real State, the Military.

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Uplifting article, thanks. This is how it ends, middle ground people with their own experiences, daring to question and then speak out.

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Nobody regrets NOT taking it. (This written in chalk on a sidewalk in a big city) https://westcoastjohn1978.substack.com/p/a-photo-worth-a-thousand-words

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It's so sad when people have to be basically incapacitated to make change in their own lives. Big Pharma remind of Wall Street. They will blame the previous leadership, choose a fall guy and siphon off the profits - rinse and repeat. They done this poop since the early 20th century fake vaccines, non-edible bleached seed oils & boiling all the good stuff out of milk. I suppose there is a reason most civilisations expired around the 250 - 300 year mark.

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