Respectfully, Senator Chuck Schumer has badly missed the boat on many aspects of his public statement today. While his intentions may be good, misplaced compassion is dangerous and can be blinding.
The main obstacle to peace is the giant elephant in the room which he failed to mention, while calling for a two-state solution and equivocating between Hamas terrorists and Jews in Judea, between Bibi Netanyahu and Abbas.
The elephant in the room is that Hamas and the Palestinian people are almost inextricably intertwined. Hamas, aided by @UNRWA has ushered in decades of sheer propaganda and a love for violence that permeates almost every school, mosque, and public institution.
The soldiers who have been fighting in Gaza return saying that they find weapons in most houses and Nazi/ Jihadist propaganda on most bookshelves. The mothers raise children with Jihadi martyrs as their heroes and get celebrated if they send their child to die as a Shahid.
The people of Gaza cheer and celebrate when Israelis are murdered by their fellow Gazans and then the murderer's family gets paid for life.
Gazans took billions of dollars of international aid sent both by well-meaning but blind countries and by nations that support the Jihadi cause and built a tunnel system of your worst nightmares.
Is There a Leader in Gaza?
Senator Schumer - Where is the leader in Gaza who will step up and say that he would like to lead Gaza toward a better future? Where is the leader who understands that to accomplish that there must be a complete overhaul of the education system and the value system that most of the Gazans embrace?
If such a person comes forward, would the Gazans accept him? Would they embrace the chance to pull themselves up, abandon the thirst for violence, and become truly good neighbors?
Chuck Schumer, your idea of a "demilitarized state" was tried back in 2005. I remember it. I remember the beaches of Gush Katif filled with the orange flags of hopeful teenagers who begged the Israeli govt not to endanger us all by removing our security and our Jewish people from the zone.
The Gazans had an incredible opportunity. Sadly, there were not enough Gazans willing to throw their weight up against Jihadists like Fatah and Hamas to prevent them from taking over and turning Gaza into a city of nightmares instead of dreams.
Why do you think there are currently enough Gazans who are interested in a flourishing future without Hamas at the helm that would allow a true leader to take the lead and course-correct?
You blamed everyone, including 3 democratically elected Israeli officials, yet refused to point a finger at the largest impediment, for fear of getting a finger pointed at you. The unspoken obstacle is the widespread support that the Jihadi cause garners among the Gazan population. Is it unreasonable for Israel to demand that their neighbors stop trying to kill them?
How can you make peace with someone who doesn't want to make peace with you?
So perfectly said
Who will explain to this chutzpati politician that Israel is not the 51st state of the USA?
It's a foreign democracy with duly elected leaders who make their own decisions.
And while Israeli politics are messy, Israeli elections are at least carried out in a way that doesn't give rise to suspicions of voting fraud.
Unlike some other countries I could name.
(Just saying....)
Anyway, whether Schumer likes it or not, the Israeli people are currently backing their leaders' wartime decisions with a clear majority. His advice to repeat the one-sided two-state pretense --- the same fantasy that brought us Oct. 7 --- is the LAST thing any Israeli wants to hear.
If the good senator wants to have a say in Israel's future, let him make aliyah first.