So perfectly said

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Who will explain to this chutzpati politician that Israel is not the 51st state of the USA?

It's a foreign democracy with duly elected leaders who make their own decisions.

And while Israeli politics are messy, Israeli elections are at least carried out in a way that doesn't give rise to suspicions of voting fraud.

Unlike some other countries I could name.

(Just saying....)

Anyway, whether Schumer likes it or not, the Israeli people are currently backing their leaders' wartime decisions with a clear majority. His advice to repeat the one-sided two-state pretense --- the same fantasy that brought us Oct. 7 --- is the LAST thing any Israeli wants to hear.

If the good senator wants to have a say in Israel's future, let him make aliyah first.

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Well said.

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Wow this place is scary……. One comment: ‘a foreign democracy with duly elected leaders who make their own decisions’. I wonder if those ‘decisions’ would change much if the US turned off the tap tomorrow?

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Schumer also thinks Israel should have a do-over on their election to remove Netanyahu. Hmmm.

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Schumer needs to butt out of another country’s election or their election results.

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When it's baby killers versus baby killers... I don't take sides.

Religion is a perversion of spirituality. And all "Holy Wars" are really about money.

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All wars, period, are ultimately about money but you are right on about religion. Netanyahu helped fund Hamas in the hopes of splitting allegiance between them and the Palestinian Authority. Didn't work out so well for him so on to plan B...bomb the shit out of them.

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If only he had actually done that, this war would be over and counterintuitively, he would have saved lives.

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Oh, he did do that. Even mainstream press has written about that. Not a secret.

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People like Schumer are the same people who accused Trump of “insurrection” yet he is promoting just that in Israel., and who can forget his tirade against the Supreme Court justices. He is a disgrace to the Jewish race.

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Schumer is a disgrace to Senate, to NY, and our country. His demand should fall on deaf ears as he has no bearing on how Israel reacts to Hamas terrorism.

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Jews like Chuck Schumer will get us all killed. And, still, American Jews will keep voting for democrats. There is nothing I can say to my democratic relatives.

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They will never stop killing until they accept Christ as their Savior.

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Which "they"?

Asking for a friend.

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You Sabbateans.

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We all need Christ . "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. " -Romans 3:23

And we ALL deserve punishment... "For the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 6:23

So if .."we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved."- Romans 10:9.

Jesus commands Christians to, " Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.."- Matthew 5:44

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That's an evasion, and we both know it. "We all" are not personally involved in this war.

The identity of those who you said "will never stop killing" has only two options. There is Hamas, and there is Israel.

So instead, how about this thought experiment:

Q- If all of Hamas were to accept Christ tomorrow, would Israel stop killing them?

A-YES. Because the war was started by Hamas, not Israel.

Q- If all of Israel were to accept Christ tomorrow, would Hamas stop killing them?

A-NO. Because the war was started by Hamas, not Israel.

Q- If all Israeli soldiers were to lay down their weapons, in the name of loving their enemies (it's in the Jewish Bible too, you know), and let Hamas annihilate them, will that cause anyone to accept Christ?

A-NO. Because Hamas would give the credit to their Islamic god. The watching world would do the same. And Israel would already be gone, totally, forever.

Be careful about judging others, lest you be judged by the same standard. Isn't that also in the New Testament?

Someday soon, you Christians in the USA will need to decide whether you will kill sadistic jihadis in order to save your children, or let your enemies butcher and enslave them in the name of 'love'.

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You know damn well that Israel created Hamas and launched the false flag of 7th Oct.

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Muslims in Israel created Hamas in 1987 as a branch of Muslim Brotherhood (est. 1928). Its leader was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, and at first Israel supported it as an alternative to Fatah -- because Hamas claimed to be a non-violent Islamic group interested only in humanitarian aid and religious instruction.

That proved to be a cynical deception. By 1989 Israel regretted giving them the benefit of the doubt.

The same Hamas pretense also deceived Gaza's voters after Israel's voluntary withdrawal, promising social benefits and omitting the part about putting missiles under the beds and in the schools of the civilians' children.

AND to this day Hamas continues to con the public with the help of the UN, which can't bring itself to call them a Terrorist group.

You know damn well that the 'false flag' notion is a fabricated libel, designed to absolve Hamas from responsibility for proudly recording their mass murders and torture of Israelis.

Post the evidence to the contrary, or be ignored from now on.

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And as for the false flag"libel" rot in hell cunt.

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Fuck off you lying cunt. Plenty of statements from Israeli government officials, Israeli newspaper articles, and of course from Wikileaks...

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Yahweh’s covenants to Israel have not and will not fail. Praying for you

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We are all sinners like the Bible says. I am not judging anyone. This is what God's word says. You are a sinner. I am a sinner. This is what I believe as a follower of Jesus Christ my Lord & Savior. I actually agree with you about "peace" in the Middle East. I don't know how old you are, but back when Bill Clinton sat down with Yitzhak Rabin & Yasser Arafat in 1993 trying to sign the Oslo Accord, the world saw what any Christian could read in their own Bible that there is NO WAY that there will ever be peace between the Palestinians and the Jews. The P.L.O. leader in so many words told Mr. Rabin that he wanted ALL the land......and he didn't WANT HIM ON IT!! How's that for a 50/50 deal?? You should've seen the cartoon memes in the newspapers....... Jesus come quickly.

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Yet Israel founded, funded, and promoted Hamas, and it's an obvious false flag attack.

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In Schumer's case it isn't misplaced compassion. He's a self loathing JINO. A leftist F-TARD cccccuuunnnntttt. A collaborator k!k€. He's been selling out Israel for 30+ years since oslo.

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All good points and very well said.

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How many Germans were killed in WWII vs how many Brits? Does that make the Germans right and the Brits wrong?

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