I was shocked to see my dentist demanding a vax passport or a negative PCR test for my next appointment in Sydney, Australia. So I replied by reminding the surgery they don't have any authority to impose such conditions for an essential service. Remove them, or I will escalate the matter. And I will.

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Wow. Good luck and let us know how they respond! What's it like these days in Sydney?

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I will update you.

I saw an Asian female quack had a vax passport requirement notice on her door.

Since most have been vaccinated, people have returned to work, pubs, clubs, restaurants; sports. Except they cannot escape overseas; or to some States.

Masks indoors and on public transport only.

The unvaxed can only access essential services, which are defined in their public health order.

Most south east Asians still wear masks outdoors even though they are not required to. They even masked their kids outdoors, and indoors even kids under 12 yo were never required to.

I saw an old lady sitting on a bench waiting for a bush with two masks on! Saw people pensioner couples outdoors, only one man was unmasked.

It was the opposite with masking in another suburb where most of the people are not SE Asians!

In Sydney, at this stage on 15 December 2021 they will unchain us the unvaxed; and remove masking for most indoor settings, except public transport.

Yes, I've engaged in unrequired correspondence with the NSW govt and Health.


Vaccine rollout


92.8% fully vaccinated

92.8% first dose


87.9% fully vaccinated

92.8% first dose

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Barry, what does it mean that on Dec 15 they're "unchaining the unvaxxed"? Glad to hear your mask mandates will be mostly gone!

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"unchaining the unvaxxed" was a figure of speech. They will allow us to congregate with the vaccinated; clubs, pubs, non-essential shops; haircuts, etc. In short, an informal no vac certificate policy. At the moment, a household with an unvaxed adult cannot accept visitors. And unvaxed adult must not visit anyone. However, private businesses can still impose vax passport as a condition of entry. It is a legal grey area whether they can do that. But, unless it tested in court, argued by competent and honest lawyers before competent and honest judges they can impose it for non-essential services. For example, anyone can go to supermarkets without having to show a vax passport.

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absolutely WILD that governments around the world took the liberty- literally - of deciding who may and may not enter private homes. Just unbelievable.

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That is indeed surely illegal. Good luck with holding their feet to the fire. Mind you, if they are so unscientifically bewitched by Covid mania, and believe that vaxx passports or dodgy PCR tests have anything to do with health rather than the Covid Narrative of Control, then it may be time to take your custom elsewhere to a dental practice which still has some scientific credibility.

Phil, from Adelaide (not as crazy as Sydney, but give us time!)

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I don't expect them to explain. I texted them this on Saturday:


Dentistry is an essential service. Your dentistry surgery has NO authority to impose these requirements.

Remove these requirements immediately or I will escalate this matter!!!!"

Since I am jobless - but not because of rowuhan - I have time to rip into them. I am able and willing to give them heaps with all legal means that don't cost me money. I have time; they don't. If I don't hear from them by COB 10 Dec 2021, I will do the following:

Complain and demand an explanation/investigation from

1. Their dental association

2. NSW Fair Trading

3. NSW Health

4. NSW Humans Right Commission

5. My local State MP.

6. Virate this matter on social media.

The surgery is owned by a viet cong dentist.

It is the principle. We need to nip it in the bud. If only we have tackled all those issues as they arose rather leaving them to last minute. Like any disease, including rowuhan, it is best dealt with early.

Of course, hopefully, there are other more sensible dentists around.

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Rooting for you! Keep us posted.

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Thankfully I found another dental clinic - non-Asian - which does not have those requirements.

After two text replies, I spoke to my former clinic on Monday 13 Dec. She said she would speak to her manager and ring me back. 1.5 days later she still had not. Bye.

I also emailed another Asian-run clinic. No response.

(I am an Asian refugee who arrived legally in Australia, btw! I slag off all races equally.....)

1. I got a response!:

"I would like to confirm that you are correct - there is no need for a patient to be vaccinated to access dental care, nor provide a negative COVID test result.

We are grateful for your feedback and informing us of the situation, we will raise this point and make sure the membership community is reminded of this requirement."

2. Not applicable (I should have known).

3. No. Actually they supported that discrimination!

4. No. Since there is no law specifically prohibiting this practice, which is new. It is OK to discriminate. Yet it is illegal to discriminate against people for having other INFECTIOUS diseases....That is the subtly of law - if it is not specifically prohibited, it is fine.

5. No. Essentially the staffer who handled my call is one of "them". All the statements - about 5 she made in support of that discrimination were wrong! I was astonished. I even caught her "red handed" with an inconsistency. She was at least morally negligent!

6. I will.

In short, the unvaxed have no legal recourse if any private business or facility decides to discriminate against us. Why? Because we are a small minority since ~95% of adults have been injected. I am still in disbelief at that massive rate.

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Thanks for this, Etana. It is indeed a nail-biting time. It's strange how the justifications and obfuscations pile up. On heart attacks, it is now being put down to lockdown PTSD. Try raise it with a vaxanatic, they say that there are "lots" of athletes who die every year. Pure thumbsucks. Unsubstantiated. Just sheer belief and willful ignorance. Where are the comparative studies? Is this not an absolute priority for the world to investigate? I cannot believe they plunder on, regardless, when it would be prudent to hold back. The other, unspoken, one is menstrual and ovarian disorders. The silence of female issues. The less overt and visible world of the womb. And yet, arguably the most critical. Swathes of women with ovarian problems is an existential threat of the highest magnitude for the human race.

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Totally agree. We're getting choked, and we as a people will either remove their hands from our throats, or fall.

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Steve Kirsch is doing such valuable work, and he puts his money where his mouth is. His offer to debate anyone at the FDA, CDC or drug companies for a million dollars had no takers, so now he just offered an undecided amount for anyone at these organizations to come forward as a whistleblower. Hero!

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Team Freedom vs Team Control – Quite so.

Or Team Free-Range Humans vs Team Battery-Hens.

We Free-Rangers are unjabbed, untested, un-QR-coded, unglued from the TV … and unafraid of a run-of-the-mill virus because we haven’t outsourced our thinking to the enemies of freedom who are in a mad frenzy of vaxx stabbing to cover up their monumentally disastrous decision to shut down society, deep-six civil liberties and place human freedoms on ice in order to be seen ‘to be doing something’ against a virus which most people will never get because of pre-existing cross-immunity from related coronaviruses (including the common cold) and which most of those who do get infected will be asymptomatic (aka healthy) and for which a majority of those who are symptomatic will experience only mild-moderate symptoms (gaining really cheap natural immunity) whilst the vast majority of those who do have more severe symptoms will recover a long way short of death which is reserved almost exclusively for the aged, institutionalised population with multiple comorbidities in the prime of their immuno-compromised senescence who would likely have succumbed to any other routine seasonal respiratory virus (sad, of course, but neither tragic nor exceptional).

The Battery-Hens, alas, are cooped up in a fear-prison of their own imagination and doing untold damage to their bodies and their psyche in the process, and all for nought.

I will happily vote for you as captain of Team Freedom.

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Lol, I was always picked to be Color War captain when I was a kid- what should our team color be?

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White hats, please!

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Someone in Germany tried to get this video pulled. Twitter reviewed it and (surprisingly?) found it was NOT subject to removal. 2 minutes that might be worth a look and share, especially with people have scoffed at your references to Nazi Germany.

- Auschwitz survivor 94-year-old Marian Turski

"And that's how it is done ... step by step ... slowly."


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I have some friends who's grandparents are survivors, and they have a visceral adverse reaction to these mandates. Government should never ever ever have this amount of detailed power over people's lives.

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We have been lied to for so very long about Germ Theory. Most are indoctrinated to believe viruses are invaders out to kill us. We should all be sick all the time with no breaks and perhaps extinct, if that were the truth! But it is not: virusesarenotcontagious.com

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