Dr. Ryan Cole is a heroic doctor with a background in pathology, immunology, and virology who has been publicly and firmly warning against the Covid-19 vaccines for months, based on what he’s seeing with his own eyes. He’s been treating Covid patients throughout the pandemic and has not lost a single patient.

Dr. Cole had a conversation with Steve Kirsch yesterday regarding a sharp rise in blood clots that have been reported by embalmers and morticians in recent months.
Key Points from the Conversation:
The reason embalmers are the ones noticing these blood clots is that they inject an embalming fluid into cadavers. Since the 2nd half of 2021, they’ve encountered a phenomenon where the fluid being injected faced pressure inside the body. Upon further inspection, they started pulling long white blood clots out of the veins of the cadavers, unlike anything they’ve seen in their careers.
Embalmers who have been reporting these clots have stated that once the clots started, it occurred in 40% or higher of the bodies they treated.
People can live with small or medium-size blood clots for a while, but the clot itself grows as time goes along until it damages the tissue surrounding it, or it completely stems the blood flow in the body which causes death.
There are clots they’ve pulled out that are up to 3 feet long.
Dr. Cole obtained samples of the clots (which he shows in the video) and has studied them extensively. When Steve asked him why the reports of these clots only ramped up a few months after the vaccines were introduced (ie, mandated) Dr. Cole theorizes it’s a combination of the fear factor of facing political or career repercussions, but adds that “the dose makes the poison” and these reports gathered speed as boosters were introduced.
He referred to the Stanford study that came out showing that the spike protein was found in the body up to 60 days post-vaccination.
Dr. Cole talks about Dr. Petorius from South Africa who did a study comparing blood against blood with spike protein, and when spike protein was introduced, abnormal clots appeared immediately.
Dr. Cole wrapped up the interview by saying that he has a few more studies to complete over the next week or so before being able to definitively state that the clots are caused by the vaccine, but as he said, he’d “put 9/10 on it in Vegas”.
To hear directly from Richard Hirschman, an embalmer from Alabama who’s been blowing the whistle for a while, check out his conversation with Daniel Horowitz of Blaze Media.
This information is so unpleasant to be learning. The people who were vilified and barred from parts of society for being wary of taking a new medical treatment deserve an apology. The people who were forced into taking a new medical treatment deserve an apology. Most importantly, the people who forced this upon society must at the very least NEVER be allowed to make decisions for others ever again, and at best, spend time behind bars.
There are many doctors who genuinely thought they were doing right by their patients by following official guidance. One of them, Dr. Fraiman, issued a very public and sincere apology for the damage caused by his following of the official policy.

Noteworthy Updates:
Ed Dowd’s charts on excess mortality rates further explained here and here:
Dr. Malone issued an extremely moving, informative, and sincere statement on where we’re at today:
If you’ve never come across this site before, take a look. It tells the stories of thousands of people who’s lives have changed significantly since taking the Covid vaccine. Real Not Rare
The Backtracking
Those who made extremely personal and invasive decisions on behalf of hundreds of millions of people are beginning to realize the magnitude of the responsibility they accepted upon themselves when they did so. Seemingly, they’re beginning to get nervous that they will face accountability for their draconian decisions. Notice how both of these figures of authority vaguely refer to an unknown “they” while insinuating that “they” were ultimately responsible for the information being shared.
Rochelle Wolensky, director of the CDC stunningly shows how removed she was, or how removed she wants you to think she was from the decision process.
Albert Bourla in another stunning admission/reversal states that he was surprised by “their” decision (who is they?) to utilize mRNA technology for the vaccines.
In a glaring example of the Asymmetric Information phenomenon and heavy media censorship, the above video was removed from Twitter from the time that I made the draft for this post, to the time I finished it. Thankful to Gettr, and other alternate media platforms for allowing the open sharing of information.
Excellent compilation Etana. Someone needs to dumb this information down further for Mainstream Media, release some emojis and slick information graphics and perhaps they'll start reporting it. On second thoughts... and pigs might fly in Ukraine.
“…spend time behind bars”
Only a short time.
Just until they are sent to their Final Accounting.