Excellent compilation Etana. Someone needs to dumb this information down further for Mainstream Media, release some emojis and slick information graphics and perhaps they'll start reporting it. On second thoughts... and pigs might fly in Ukraine.

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I think pigs ARE flying in the Ukraine, war pigs...I like to say, the dose dose dose dose makes the poison for SURE!

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“…spend time behind bars”

Only a short time.

Just until they are sent to their Final Accounting.

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Albert Bourla trying to cover his ass. He knew everything.


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Great post, thank you!

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Nice compilation Etana. In Edward Dowd's interview yesterday with Steve Bannon he hinted that some big hitter analysts on Wall Street will soon come out in support of what he has revealed about the growing democide, not just among 25-44 year olds, but across all age groups. He was talking about an 80% increase in mortality in Millennials from 2020 to 2021. A couple months ago the Indiana insurance company was reporting a 40% spike, while competitors showed similar jumps. In any event, this is turning into a disaster, or a demographic catastrophe, whichever is worse. Quick personal story: I had a former tenant in Central California who was found dead in her sleep from a heart attack. Her three-year old daughter had been at her side trying desperately to wake her Mommy. 26 years old. The "vaccine" strikes one by one, silently, and all across the country and the world.

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That is horrific, I'm so sad to hear that.

I'm following Ed's role in this closely, and I look forward to more people going public.

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There is no reason to respect the US GOV or the corporations that own it. There are approximately 5 members of House and Senate who are exempted from this. This year I am voting Libertarian for the first time, and putting my taxes in a holding fund. 1040 line 7 exempt is another idea. Stop them by all peaceful means.

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This is some high quality reporting!! The kind we sometimes used to get! 😁

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You, know, a couple years ago there was the really funny, yet oddly prescient, meme going around about NPCs (Non-Player Characters), and that SJWs were really just NPCs....people who are walking around through life, but not really aware of what is truth and what is lie. Do you think that the vast majority of our world are really just NPCs with no clue what's going on around them? Will there be a gigantic red-pilling over the next weeks and months to wake them up? Or is it that they truly are awake, but are now in the denial phase? Maybe the Panic set in last Spring and Summer and they realized, quickly, what a blunder they had made, and that is why, to compensate, they screamed and stammered that EVERYONE MUST BE VAXED!!! There is a dark humor behind all this, but one only laughs to keep from crying.

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Nobody more able to scare than a vaccine salesman.

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This part resonates with me as one of those who hasn't seen grandkids in 2 years since the parents were afraid of us unvaxx. I wonder if our millenial kids will ever see: "The people who were vilified and barred from parts of society for being wary of taking a new medical treatment deserve an apology. The people who were forced into taking a new medical treatment deserve an apology."

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That's devastating, i'm so sorry. I am the millenial kid, and I can't imagine keeping my kids from family members because of a medical decision. I hope your kids get some clarity soon and realize what's important in life!!

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Thanks! It has been hard.

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Great summary 😊. And yes "the dose DOES make the poison"-- as a homeopathic and holistic doctor-- that is the main tenant of this branch of medicine. Arsenic can kill at a specific dose but can address symptoms of arsenic poisoning at a much diluted dose. Like cures like.

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Etana, thank you for your writings. I appreciate the compilation of information and the clear way you present it for your readers. I do website work with Dr. Cole in Idaho and when I post the Steve Kirsch video in our News blog, I will also link to this article. Thank you for your part in sharing truth.

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Thank you so much, I'm honored!

Would love it if you can send me the link when it's ready.

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Here is the post on Dr. Cole's site where I linked back to your Substack. Thank you for your work!


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Wow, thanks so much!!

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