the totalitarian state is here & contrary to some people thinking it will all go away if JFK Jr. or a Republican candidate wins the presidency, it won’t.

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I think you mean RFK Jr, but yes, you're correct. This isn't magically going away.

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Another witch-hunt by our weaponized IRS.

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Anyone else sick and tired of the Biden administration. Some sick puppies working for joe. Let’s get rid of them and elect people with integrity and intelligence rather than those with their snouts in the trough.

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It seems like nowadays it is their demo(n)cratic right to be corrupt. Poor Biden.

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This is such a dumb drama. Since when does the IRS feel the need to send an agent to your house about a mishap? They first send a letter, and then a legally binding letter.

Taibbi knew they had nothing on him, but instead they turned this whole thing into a waste of time.

Forget the many other journalists that are still banned on twitter etc... Focus on the gatekeeper Taibbi who insulted those who questioned 911.

He's a shitty journalist for doing that and not yet apologizing for it.

That's why he was put into this story as a huge distraction.

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Nailed it! This is intelligence steering and directing all eyes to an already dead end.

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That’s so disconcerting that the truth is being so vilified by people asked to help. It’s like me gassing up at a gas station and the man working there asked what I did. I said, “ truth. “. His reaction was horrified and he retorted, “ no, no one wants the truth. “. I’m sorry this type of behavior is happening to Matt and others. I keep praying Revelation’s will be different than documented at the back of the book. But more and more it keeps coming out to the way it is stated. I keep praying, “ His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. “. Amen and Amen, hallelujah.

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Thank you -- the insanity should end soon - see today's lunatic and criminal statement by Mrs. Lindsey Graham on benefits to US by Ukraine war.

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The URS is an unconstitutional entity. 😕

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