He had no chance. Pfizer payed good money to turn Israel into Pfisrael.

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For a limited time, it is going to be over soon.

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What is going to be over? In US its been too slow with very few of those in positions to make a difference standing up and speaking out. Too many ppl still refuse to open their eyes or too afraid still. I guess many of them think they will “be given favor later” as opposed to being punished in the NWO. Rampant evil and lack of moral courage.

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The trust in ‘vaccines’ has been shattered.

‘What’s in your syringe?’

Should be Pfizer and Big Pharma’ tag line now.

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We're up to 16 dead doctors in Canada.

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This is so tragic.

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17 I think now.

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Thank Y-h, for the Angels in our world willing to help others.

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Machats has just published, who does PR of MOH. This is great news. Thank You so much!!! With this pace there may be finally some real Day of atonement.


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That's pretty wild - took a screenshot before FB wacks it. How did they get the information of the names?

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Dr. Mark Crispin Miller substack.com pays homage weekly or monthly to all the dead people from the vaxidents.

The are numerous videos circulating of the people keeling over mid sentence incase people don't believe it. Sometimes that is what is needed to wake people the heck up I suppose.

Maybe the VAERS numbers will have a little more significance when there is a face and a description with the report.


Multiple by 40 for totals per the CDC

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The MOH finally has handed this over. Although the court system kept some information secret, it seems this time they figured out, this cannot be kept secret anymore. But once lie machine is exposed... You know how it goes. Withut lies this can not work.

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Schizer corrupted the Israeli government. Period!

Dr Paul Alexander | Danger & failure of the covid “vaccines” – $1 million bonus and 50K salary per month. Offer turned down.


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Video: A Review of What Occurred in Israel Since the Onset of the Corona Crisis


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I don't think this Israel IIBR so-called "vaccine" should be held up as necessarily or even likely superior to the mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) or adenovirus vector (AstraZeneca, J&J). There are other reasons than outright corruption to explain the Israeli governments lack of support, excessive barriers or whatever.

I am not at all supporting the mRNA or any other vaccine for COVID-19. It was and is always much better to use proper vitamin D3 supplementation to raise circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels from typical unsupplemented (and with little recent UV-B skin exposure) levels of 5 to 25 ng/mL to at least the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L level required for full innate and adaptive immune responses, as well as greatly reduced risk of wildly dysregulated inflammation. Please read the research articles cited in https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

Assuming the mind-set of all these people - which is vaccine-centric and generally or specifically opposed to, uninterested in, and ignorant of nutritional and early treatment approaches - why would the Israeli government bet the health of their country on a locally developed vaccine which has different unknown unknowns to the vaccine widely used by other Western nations? They might have, just because they are Israelis (the work means one who argues with God). I recall that when they launched their first satellite, they put it in a retrograde orbit to the west, rather than launch it to the east over hostile countries. They thumb their nose at both their nearby adversaries and attempts by their allies at reducing nuclear proliferation. If any country was to go its own way on this, Israel would probably be the one because they have exceptional expertise and capacity for immediate action in many areas of life.

However, the IIBR COVID-19 solution is not a vaccine by ordinary definitions, which still should be upheld. It is a viral vector vaccine, https://www.precisionvaccinations.com/vaccines/brilife-vaccine based on the vesicular stomatitis virus. This is a virus which primarily affects large animals, such as horses and livestock.

While AstraZeneca seems to have largely avoided negative publicity due to the fact that its adenovirus vector quasi-vaccine was based on a virus isolated from chimpanzee feces, imagine the marketing types in the Israeli government trying to launch their country on this path, in defiance of whatever the other Western countries preferred:

"Vesicular stomatitis (VS) is a viral disease of livestock transmitted primarily by biting flies and midges. The disease results in characteristic vesicular lesions that can occur on the muzzle, lips, tongue, ears, sheath, udder, ventral abdomen, and/or coronary bands. The disease is generally self-limiting, with no specific treatment, but some animals may require supportive care. VS is a reportable disease in most countries, . . . In ruminants and swine, the disease is clinically indistinguishable from foot-and-mouth disease, swine vesicular disease, and vesicular exanthema of swine, which must be ruled out first on diagnostic testing. Vesicular stomatitis virus is zoonotic and can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with lesioned animals, so personal protective measures should be used when handling infected livestock. "

Just as the marketing types are downing their stiff whiskeys, they learn furthermore that while the mRNA and adenovirus vector quasi-vaccines program our own cells to produce viral spike proteins (actually, somewhat modified) to be displayed on their cell surfaces for the purpose of giving the immune system target practice (with these proteins also floating around in the blood, in part due to the resulting destruction of those cells), the IIBR BriLife "vaccine" https://ir.nrxpharma.com/news-events/press-releases/detail/77/nrx-pharmaceuticals-announces-initiation-of-phase-2b-trial is a "differs from other COVID-19 vaccine approaches in that it is a ***self-propagating***, live-virus vaccine . . . .".

Also, https://www.dermcoll.edu.au/atoz/enteroviral-vesicular-stomatitis/: "Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis or hand foot and mouth disease is a common contagious viral illness that *** spreads from person to person ***. It *** usually occurs in children *** but can affect individuals of any age. It is a usually a short illness (7 to 10 days) that results in fever, tiredness and tiny oval shaped blisters on the hands, feet and painful erosions in the mouth but resolves without treatment. In rare cases, the disease can be more serious."

https://vetmed.iastate.edu/vdpam/FSVD/swine/index-diseases/vesicular-stomatitis: "Widespread epidemics usually occur about every 10 years. The virus is endemic in sections of the southeastern U.S. but has not spread to swine. Most outbreaks of VS affect horses and cattle, less often swine. Infection also occurs in deer, bobcats, raccoons, feral swine and rodents." "Vesicular stomatitis was first recognized in horses during the Civil War. In 1943 [???], infection occurred in swine stemming from the use of VS-contaminated hog cholera serum. The endemic nature of VS in limited geographic areas and its epidemic nature in other areas remain unexplained by epidemiologists. The close resemblance of VS to foot-and-mouth disease and other exotic vesicular diseases continues to compel interest in the disease by animal health officials." "The complete epidemiology of VS is not known. There may be unknown reservoirs and vectors of the virus, including insects. The disease remains endemic in certain river basins and coastal areas. In temperate zones, the appearance of VS usually coincides with the appearance of warm weather and ceases with the first frosts. This suggests virus is transmitted by insects, especially to horses and cattle, . . ." It goes on to mention feral swine, biting and non-biting insects, sandflies, loss of pigs' hooves, lesions on the mouths, excessive salivation, slobbering and chomping "Vesicles usually rupture within 24 hours and the overlying epithelium detaches to leave shallow erosions with reddened or hemorrhagic surfaces. Lesions usually heal within two weeks unless secondarily infected with bacteria." "Emergency measures for control of outbreaks of vesicular diseases in swine require quarantine, identification of the disease, and slaughter of all infected and exposed swine. This is followed by a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the premises." etc.

So were these leaders of Israel and their public health officials, absent all the corruption and cluelessness which abounds in these fields, likely to recommend, to the point of enforcement, that their citizens thumb their noses at the mRNA and adenovirus vector quasi-vaccines and have most of their population (and likely their horses, livestock and perhaps domestic and wild animals) **infected** with a genetically modified version of a pernicious zoonotic disease, with many similarities to foot and mouth disease - especially when the virus is engineered to be festooned with the whole SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein?

Obviously not.

To do so would also probably involve not recognising people visiting Israel who were treated with mRNA or adenovirus vector quasi-vaccinated as being "fully vaccinated". Likewise, their own citizens traveling to other countries might not be recognised as such.

I had not heard of this attempt at making a COVID-19 "vaccine". The fact that it was taken seriously at all - and the fact that this professor at least still regards it as likely superior to the mRNA, adenovirus vector, inactivated virus (Chinese and others) and lipid-protein systems (Novavax) - shows how intense human fascination with anything called a "vaccine" can be. This is a form of insanity. It has harmed and killed millions of people just due to COVID-19 alone, let alone the widespread use of influenza vaccines year-after-year, when proper vitamin D3 supplementation is vastly more effective. Contrary to popular belief (AKA unjustified faith, corrupted groupthunk ineptitude, insanity) influenza vaccines do not reduce hospitalisation or death to any discernible degree: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/influenza-vaccines-do-not-reduce .

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World-wide genocide.

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Despicable but not surprising that the Israelites sold out their own people so quickly and aggressively

for what ??? for ..........$$ money??

What does the Hebrew Bible say about that? Do these people still go to Temple? How do they hold their heads up?

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The thing is, almost anyone was (and frankly is) susceptible. There is this delicate ballance between workin, earning money, be easygoing and having boundaries. And it is not easy. People do mess up. We also used to believe FDA, You know? But not anymore.

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High school educated and Doctorates are the populations that avoided the bioweapon the most. See Carnegie Mellon study.

Came down to good old " Common Sense " ie Haiti and African countries who suspect the white man already AND higher education to know the malevolence of some of mankind and have the deep understanding of the pure Sciences to know what is possible and what is not. ie one treats a sickness with a therapeutic medicine and NOT a vaccine.

There were a lot of Red flags for this one that were numerous to those that figured it out. In the US you could get a " free beer " if you took it, a lottery ticket ( whatever happened to the drawing ? $ 5 coupon etc etc....paying people to be a Guinea pig with those rewards? Very public information it was a human medical experiment.

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I found many other educated, including a doctorate (a dentist) just too busy to look beyond what they were being told and trusted the CDC, some afraid of giving it to elderly parents or mandated to keep their job and not in the position to not comply. A few just “wanted to take a vacation”, some tired of being harassed by family members or criticized. I sniffed something was wrong early on and didn’t trust it entirely. Fortunately, I was in a position to WAIT it out until more info became available which was in the summer of ‘21 when I knew I wouldn’t take the poison!

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Yes, yes, yes. There are always lots of reasons but it comes down to depth of your beliefs and character. For every story of " I was forced to take it " there is a story of " I walked away and did without "and moved across the country or to another country and got another job that didn't " require it " most every place took Religious and or Medical Exemptions because they were Lawful. They would say they didn't to everyone but those of us that had them knew better. You definitely needed to stand up strongly for your rights though. And if ultimately fired, sue. You are legally in the right. Those are starting now.

In the US there were always Post Office jobs with good pay and benefits and no vax requirements. Can't have the fake ballot deliverers keeling over. That was a big clue when they exempted the Postal workers after the fraudulent mail in ballot election.

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The Bible (including the first five books of the Torah) speaks of Satan ruling the earth after Adam & Eve, and how by the end of times, how pervasive the evil. I hope its not the end just yet, except the end of some of this incomprehensible evil towards most all of humanity, GOD’S CREATION! The implementation of digital currency & facial recognition/banking etc. seems to be advancing quickly with ppl signing up for it not realizing what the longer term picture is of total control of those who survive all this.

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God is still in control and “if the people will turn from their wicked ways and acknowledge God, he can and will turn this around!

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The idiots are going to sink us into Chinese slavery system where the peaceful loving kind religious people are held in captivity to murder for organs.

Guess we are going to need a religious war among others to fight for our Freedom yet again. I am no history scholar but seems like every century or so.

The problem is the ignorant, the Evil Billionaires are taking advantage because of them. How to help that situation? All I can think of is education. Of course many refuse to open their minds.

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Sorry but education is lost! Therein lies most of the problem! Defund the Department of education immediately!

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People need to learn to think for themselves and stop this groupthink NONSENSE!!!!! Public school no longer teaches one to think, they teach to obey, activism and sexual deviance! Parents your children are God’s gift to

you~learn to do without and homeschool or join with other parents to start neighborhood schools! Lots of great homeschool curriculum out there! Kids will never have to wear masks again!

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But still the focus was on the deadly toxic spike protein. It would have been nice to have had a vaccine using all the surface proteins together except leave out the nasty spike protein. By using multiple surface proteins you make immune escape more difficult. By leaving out three spike protein you avoid introducing a toxin into the body and also avoid putting evolutionary pressure on the virus to evolve new spike proteins. And make it a nasal mist instead of an injection.

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