Very good write up..... It's been a LONG LONG time coming... You're right though, what a time to be alive and AWAKE.

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I agree--let's use it.

On a darker note, I can't help but feel this whole thing is so much bigger than any of this. Toby Rogers published an excellent Substack yesterday describing the very depths of infiltration by the powers that be--all the way to the Dalai Lama and Mother Teresa. The trillionaires run the show and have done so for ages. Are they really going to "let" us take our lives back? I think they will just try another day when they've corrected their mistakes and/or simply destroy us by even uglier means---what have they got to lose? When you've captured the fiat system, the tech, the military (MIC) and the media all around the world, when your puppets are in place in every country killing their own people, when elections are rigged, when injections are forced and when every stop is pulled to ensure food shortages and starvation, how are we to fight back?

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'Never doubt the ability of a few determined men to change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has.' Margaret Mead, anthropologist.

As has been touched on recently in a few substacks, we don't need to inform and convince everyone, or even a majority. Just enough that people feel things are "common knowledge" and thus OK to talk about.

We're already heading towards that level.

The deeply sickening thing is that there will be many, far too many, airly dismissing the horrors with "Well everyone always knew that, duh!", about the EXACT SAME FUCKING SHIT THEY WERE DENYING YESTERDAY!

Sorry about that...

Some of course will take a different tack, of "Well nobody could have known..." but they did, THEY KNEW.

Anyway, yes, there will be a lot of "First they laugh..." stuff; my painfully sincere hope is that at least some of them suffer the painful justice they so desperately deserve for their part in this horror story.

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Fundementally it is quite simple. Practically much more difficult. We stop contributing to the system - all their money comes from us worker bees does it not?

En masse halting of discretionary consumption and just earning what you need to survive would bring change pretty quickly.

This is the essence of Tang Ping or 'lying flat.'

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Yes simple. I could do it! I’m not sure about the other billions or even millions of people.

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Great questions.

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Is it too late to subscribe to CNN+? I'd kinda like to see it fade/blink out at the end.

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Each post sharpens my critical thinking, Etana. Thank you. For too long many of us slipped into a comfortable stupor where we just went along with everything. Never again.

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Well said, Etana. I know how much hard work goes into writing these Substacks. Well done!

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Great and inspiring article, Etana. I think the powers that be have seriously underestimated the power of the human spirit.

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Good listing. I would add - the fall of the transportation mask mandate in the U.S., the Denmark suspending of the vaccinations, and Libs of Tik Tok going over 1 million followers on Twitter after the attempted doxxing. Thank you for all your good work

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Love this!

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A little bit of light in a cloudy sky! ❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️ We can still make a difference if we really believe and never stop fighting!

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Yes, we need to enjoy the wins in order to encourage more!

Note that we have won some battles only....

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thoughts become things - when people imagine and believe the change the change happens - it's happening :) - evil lost a while ago; they are just circling the board, deluded hopeless, still bluffing, creating havoc for many, but irretrievably beaten - before they exit the game altogether

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Etana, Have you heard anything from or about Celia Sue since she had a heart attack? I remember seeing you chat a time or 2 on your (or her) stack.

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