I am with the Jewish people completely (and have always been) for all of my adult life. Their struggle against the Islamic threat that is all around them is our struggle too. Islam is a mind virus that will infect and conquer the world if we don't stop it. There is no middle ground here. The Islamists will slaughter the Jews and slaughter anyone who does not bend to their will and ultimately convert to Islam. Their fight is our fight. The future of the world lays in the balance.

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All the Jews have to do to defeat the "Islam mind virus" is kill 1.8 billion people. Preferably by getting American McChristians to do it in never ending war?

Here's Norman Finkelstein's idea on how they can pull it off:


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It's us or them.. I chose us and you chose them...

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Could we have all your fellow crazy Zionists/Jihadis/McChristians go to a depopulated area like the middle of the Sahara to take out your homocidal bloodlust on each other while the little people try to eek out some semblance of life in peace?

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You are close to being threatening here. Please refrain or I will report you.

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Oh no, please don't report me Mr. Wants to Murder 1.8 Billion People. Your moral superiority would surely do me in. I'm so sorry for being so threatening as to ask maniacs such as yourself to leave the rest of us in peace.

It's nice that someone as deranged as you has their own newsletter.

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Enjoy the 'peace' while you can. If you live in the USA, UK, or Canada, your country is filled with jihadi sleeper cells, and their hit-list includes both Finkelstein and you.

PS - the Muslim colonizers have been controlling the Sahara since the 8th century.

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There are jihadis in the closet and under your bed but they can be defeated by shining a flashlight on them. Or by giving up your natural rights that are protected by the Constitution. We have to give up our freedoms to defend them!

As for enjoying the 'peace', America has been in a perpetual state of war for over 20 years. Peace would only be experienced if deranged war pig Zionists/Jihadis/McChristians such as yourself were removed from power.

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Sure, I understand.

Your borders and citizenship requirements no longer exist, your biggest cities are crime-pits filled with poop and drug trash, your laws are enforced selectively, your kids are being groomed for pedos, and your elected leaders are bought by ChiCom atheists -- who also own all of your nation's biggest companies, and a whole lot of US property.

If only you could be rid of the "Zionists/jihadis/McChristians" who are behind it all.

But never mind. Wait until Xi finishes the takeover of America. He knows how to grant your wish. There are NO "Zionists/jihadis/McChristians" in his Great, Glorious and Correct State.

You'll have no more wars to complain about. No one under Xi's protection ever complains about wars.

There may not be any flashlights to reveal whether or not something's under your bed or in your closet. But Comrade Xi says that actually, most of you spoiled Americans don't need a bed or a closet.

See? Every Problem Solved, with no battles, and no religion!

Enjoy your bright future.

We Zionists will somehow survive without your support, just like we did for the last 3000 years.

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I am flabbergasted at the mobs chanting for "Palestine" after the sadistic acts of their terrorist government Hamas. Calls for 'cease fire' are merely demands for Israelis to succumb to genocide. I fear for my Jewish friends. Those calling October 7th "resistance" are callous and monstrous. Israel must do everything in her power to win this war.

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Thank you for making us aware. Being far aware we think we know what is happening and who is affected but we don’t.

Are you still organizing groups of children’s activities? I would like to help financially if you are.

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Thank you so much, Sara! Yes, I am and every bit is so appreciated! We're working on a Chanuka carnival for the kids who were relocated from the South, and every time I get a contribution I'm able to do a supply shop and keep preparing :)

Please feel free to email me at etanadee@gmail.com and I'll send you the info.

Thank you!!

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Exactly this... so many opinions from people who simply don't know.

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There is no choosing sides in this horrific conflict. Islam wants to destroy all who are associated with Israel, without any exception. Israel wants only to live in peace. This simple truth seems to be so hard to grasp for so many.

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How can they expect to live in peace in a stolen, colonised land? Haven't you the wit and imagination to put yourself into Palestinian shoes? The utside world needs to ensure Palestine and Israel reach a peaceful settlement. Intransigence on both sides needs to stop. Are you aware that "from the river to the sea" , is used on both sides? Let me quote from Wikepedia:- "The phrase was also used by the Israeli ruling Likud party as part of their 1977 platform which stated "Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.”

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Quoting Wikipedia immediately disqualifies you as worthy of my response.

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Took the words right out of my mouth!

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For someone promoting peace, you're doing a lot of insulting.

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Fair comment. But one would have to be super-human not to be angered by these people who make so many excuses for the Zionist murder of Gaza civilians, many of them babies and children, and who want it to continue.

Maybe I should chill out and remember the advice 63 years ago from the chief reporter on my first day of training as a journalist. He told me to go downstairs to the front office where a visitor wanted to give us a story. Take a note, he said, but remember the first question after listening should always be to yourself: "Am I talking to a nutter?" In those days many deranged people walked into newspaper offices with their fantasies. Now we have the internet.

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I have debunked this comparison before. The Likud platform says that "from the river to the sea" there would be Jews and Arabs living together like the rest of Israel. The PA-Hamas platform says "from the river to the sea" there will be NO JEWS.

And in the land they received under Oslo they do enforce that extreme apartheid. What's more, they pay their people to kill as many Jews as possible in pre-1967 Israel. So save your preaching about "intransigence" for the side that has the "pay-to-slay" laws.

As far as "stolen, colonized land" goes, that has also been debunked by every honest historian. The JEWS were living in JUDAH centuries before it was renamed "Palestine" - while the ARABS came from ARABIA 600 years after that, as raiders and colonizers. Under Turkish (Ottoman) colonial rule, there were just "Jews" and "Arabs" living in "Syria-Palestine". There were no such people as PALESTINIANS until the 20th century.

Even so, the Jews invited those native Arabs to join as full citizens in the new Jewish state. And today they are 2.1 million of them, standing as proud Israelis against Hamas.

Those who refused that invitation in 1948 have only themselves to blame.

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THEY are the thieves who STOLE land given by Yhwh God to the children of Israel IN PERPETUITY! It was not given to them or theirs to squat on in the 1st place.

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Please do not be so pathetically, naively stupid. After the Roman dispersal, arab people (and some jewish ones) were there for centuries. What the opponents of the Zionists want is a fair deal for the Palestinians.

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That is a disingenuous misrepresentation of the position of the ‘opponents’. The ‘opponents of Zionists’ want the destruction of the legally constituted State of Israel with all that entails.

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The Jews had a right to be there; the Arabs never did. Squatters, for however long are still squatters on property not theirs. They HAD a much more than fair deal: all of Jordan is their state! They got their butts kicked out of there and Egypt, mostly, but other nations as well, around the area, for bad behavior in their homelands. They don't get Israel or to kill all the Jews like they chant here as well as there! If you don't know what that chant means, look up "Judenrein" in a translator, and the history of Germany in the '20s through mid '40s of the last century in a valid source (Wikipedia is not1).

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I am sorry but you remind me of my first morning as a trainee journalist, 63 years ago. The chief reporter put down his phone and said: "Young man. I have just had a call from front office reception to say there is someone there who would like to talk to a reporter. Can you make a note of what this visitor wants to tell us? But before you go please remember for the rest of your working life what I am now going to say. After listening carefully, your very first question should be to yourself: 'Am I talking to a nutter?' "

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Avoiding debate with an ad hominem response?

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Perhaps you should look in a mirror when asking that question. Anyone supporting genocidal behavior is, in most rational adults' minds, a "nutter", and that is precisely what you are supporting, while ignorant of both sides.

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As a promoter of peaceful resolution, can the conflict can be de-escalated?

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On this presentation: "It's important for me that people hear this story in its entirety, not just little clips of it in poor quality, especially because of the sensitive nature of these stories I'm going to be talking about tonight."


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I am very sorry for this pain and suffering. Please consider negotiating for peace. War isn't the way out for your nation or the Palestinians. Get peace and I hope there will eventually be healing.

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There's no one to negotiate with, because our neighbors are run and governed by monsters whose goal in life is death and destruction. We've tried, and we got massacred. Unfortunately the only language that monsters speak is physical strength.

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If your nation called a cease fire and went to the UN or another international body to demand a negotiated settlement, I think everyone could get somewhere.

Col. McGregor and others, make a very good case about how your nation is walking into a horrible trap. Everyone thinks everyone else is a monster. Humanity still needs to get to negotiation instead of war.

I don't trust the UN but they may be a place to start. However, I think if your nation or the US sets a time and place, everyone is going to show up for negotiation. We all need to push our various "leaders" to get moving on peace and justice.

If we don't do this, it means to me that humanity simply refuses to believe that we can ever come to a new way of doing things, a better way, a way of justice. Remember every side thinks they are dealing with monsters. This is the context of what we are dealing with. It is time to get help from the international community (and I don't mean the globalists), I mean the people of the world who don't want this great suffering for any person.

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Evil is evil, and after everything Israel has done to bring peace thousands were mutilated, raped, beheaded, tortured and stolen out of israel ripped from home and family. There is only one solution and that is to eliminate evil.

For an excellent history using first sources you can read, “From Time Immemorial’ written by Joan Peters in the 1980’s. She was a left-wing journalist with Palestinian sympathies. After much research, using original documents, her worldview was informed and drastically changed.

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Sara, I am asking you to think about this situation differently. I will again go back to the US on 9/11 when we were offered a peaceful solution which we refused to take. The entire world has never been the same. We could have avoid horrific, needless wars killing both soldiers and civilians in our own and other nations. We now have a viscous, world wide fascist like security state in many nations--supposedly for our own "safety".

It is difficult for me to understand that you do not see the evil which your own nation has and is causing, even as I write this. It would be like me saying the US can do no wrong and has only wanted peace throughout our history. It's simply not true.

I'm not going to justify the use of violence by your nation, by my nation or by any other group such as Hamas. I think we all need to get hold of our governments and tell them we want them to do whatever it takes to resolve this situation using peace, justice and the rule of law.

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Whatever you want to believe about the USA, Israel HAS only wanted peace throughout its history.

Every single battle Israel has fought was defensive - starting with calls to "throw the Jews into the sea", or terror attacks across the border, or missiles raining down on our civilians.

Muslim massacres of Jews in Palestine began in the 1920s, and they've never stopped. The Hamas charter says explicitly that they want to wipe out all of Israel. The PA map likewise has NO Israel on it, and their laws forbid normal relations with the Jews.

And yet knowing all that, Israel kept trying America's "Land for Peace" idea... for 40 years now.

The Palestinians got land, they refused to make peace. They got billions in aid, and it all went for guns and rockets to kill Jews with, and to enrich the leaders. They pay their people to kill Jews - more dead Jews, more money. They teach their kids to hate Jews. They now have two mini-states that have failed at everything except apartheid - not one single Jew is allowed.

Hamas has publicly said that they hope to do massacres on the scale of Oct. 7 "again and again and again, until Israel is eliminated." They have Iran's blessing and help.

We Israelis have no more 'peace' illusions. We either fight them, or we all die.

But we are following international law - and it the media were being fair, they would admit that Israel's track record is better than any other country that ever waged a war. Experienced US and UK generals are saying so.

The UN is worse than useless - they won't condemn Hamas even once for decades of violating international law. They wish that Israel WOULD just disappear.

BTW the people of Gaza have been suffering under Hamas, and they want them gone too. But the world doesn't care when Palestinians use violence on Palestinians. It seems only Israel cares.

So please stop making it sound so simple to "resolve this situation" - you are not the one who would be paying the price.

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Dear Jill, do you think the Hutus who hacked Tutsis and moderate Hutus to death with pangas in Rwanda in 1994 are monsters? I do.

I would expect my State to retaliate if we were attacked as Israel was. Israel, as a sovereign State, has a duty to protect its citizens and operates with rules of engagement. Hamas, like ISIS before them, has no rules of engagement, no moral or ethical boundaries and no compunction about using violence to achieve political ends. Negotiating with a group that will use any means to gain their political goals is hoping the crocodile will eat you last.

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I would expect my State to go and get every party to the negotiation table. That is exactly how I wish my State would react.

After 9/11 in the US, most people don't know this. but Afghanistan offered to turn over OBL to a neutral court of law for fair trial. The US would have none of that. Our world would have been a much better place if my State had lived up to its own value system and resolved this in a court of law.

There is another way and neither my State nor yours will take it. They need to. The confusion you have is that you think protection comes from increasing violence. It does not. Disaster comes from it.

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As a realist, I disagree. We are not talking about the anarchic state system wherein States attack each other (USA/Afghanistan). Hamas is the equivalent of a local government Council running Gaza supposedly for the good of the inhabitants. Unfortunately. the inhabitants have not had a choice of representatives since the last election Hamas held in 2006 and the opposition to Hamas (Fatah) were killed in a war between the 2 sides in 2007. This is more of a clan/warlord situation only the Hamas warlord and his underlings live comfortably in Qatar. Seeing human behaviour as it is rather than as it should/ought to be is essential for survival.

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Pease now make a similar post about the civilians, many of them babies and children, slaughtered by Israel in their criminal retaliatory attacks in Gaza. Two wrongs do not make a right.

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This attempt at moral equivalency is appalling.

Appalling, and appallingly insensitive, to say this to an actual Israeli who is dealing with the aftermath of a literal massacre.

I'm sorry that you are apparently unable to see the difference between murder and self-defense; nor between targeting civilians and warning civilians to leave a war zone; nor between criminal behavior and the reality of unintended civilian casualties of war. And that you're apparently clueless that Hamas uses their hospitals and schools as Hamas headquarters and their babies as human shields.

And I'm sorry that you apparently have zero actual knowledge about the history of conflict and are only able to regurgitate Hamas propaganda.

Actually, what this article reaffirms to me is that when a country is at war, *all its citizens* are at war, not just the actual fighters. Considering that Gazan civilians elected Hamas, cheered and celebrated the Oct. 7 massacre, desecrated the body of Shany Louk as it was paraded through town, and participated in the actual pillage on Oc. 7, oh - and they teach their children to hate a murder Jews -, there is a strong case to be made that they are not "civilians," but non-combatant members of a warring nation. As far as I'm concerned, this war is with *all of Gaza*, not just Hamas.

It's good for Gaza that Israel doesn't conduct itself in line with this approach.

If Israel was callous about civilian lives like Hamas is, Gaza would have been flattened on October 8.

But thank you for being a living example of the clown world that we are now living in.

Here's a very good article, for anyone who'd like to read it: https://validscience.substack.com/p/gazan-deaths-figures-are-deceptive

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Excellent assessment! Well stated. But you shouldn't be "sorry" for someone else' free will choice, however objectionable, or ignorant it is; it was not YOUR choice. Let him be accountable for his own choices.

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Excuse me, but most of those civilians were FORCED BY HAMAS to remain in harm's way, for Hamas to hide behind. IDF did all that was humanly possible to get them away from combat areas! Hamas SHOT those trying to leave! Howabout you tell the truth about the situation, for a change??? The ideology of ISLAM is a poison in the mind and soul, and those in the MB,which includes Hamas and Hezbollah, have "double dosed" on it! Wherever it crops up, Islam causes chaos and death. Almost 1400 yrs of history prove it cannot, will not live at peace with anyone, not even itself! Yet you support it... THINK about that!

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Exactly how it seems to me, too. I am open minded to others sharing REAL EVIDENCE that Israel is actually committing atrocities (not casualties of war, but actual tortures and atrocities), since that is the claim when they make Israel morally equivalent to Hamas and other Islamic forces attacking Israelis.

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That's also been going on for yrs. There is no moral equivalency on any level. I am an US military vet and the daughter of 2 of them. I have at least a nodding acquaintance with what war is and does. I am also a student of history, for the past 7 decades of my life, including the history of wars. Civilians die, more often than not because they are simply in the wrong place, at the wrong time, but some armies have deliberately targeted civilians, and Jews have been on the receiving end of that more times than I care to count, since Yhwh God called Abram out to worship Him, not Alla, the moon deity of Ur. (ancient northern Iraq) over 3 millennia past. That Alla is the same deity Islam has chosen to follow, a deity of war and violence as far back as his history is known. The Yhwh of the Bible, Torah as well as NT, is a Deity of love and mercy, but also righteousness and justice. They are NOT the same person at all and there is no equivalence among their followers. Only liars "see equivalency" where none exists, and we know whose children liars are.

Try to keep in mind, these are the last moments of the end times, and Yhwh is allowing evil free reign, for now, so that when His wrath is unleashed (Daniel's 70th wk of yrs, also found in Revelation), those committing today's evil will have no excuse. That will end with the return of Jesus, as the Lion of Judah so long expected, for the battle at Har Megiddo, and to establish His 1K yr kingdom here, with Jerusalem as His capitol. Earth will once again know the peace and prosperity intended in Eden. There will be no communism, Marxism, socialism, or Islam, for none of which will there be room in Jesus' kingdom. I don't know precisely what form His gov't will take, but I do know it won't have room for haters or oppressors. We are not at all far from that now, by all the signs we were given to watch for, to alert us to its nearness.

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"Alla is the same deity Islam has chosen to follow, a deity of war and violence as far back as his history is known"

Well said, Sandra. I think currently we especially need to remember to include in that description "deception" also, as their 'plea' for hudna is the same false truce they offer any time they claim to offer 'peace'.

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Absolutely; it goes hand in hand with taqquiya and kitman.

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I keep hearing this being said. And my imagination allows me to envision innocent women and children (and even men) who just want to live everyday lives being killed by Israel's bombs. All of that is just awful, which the author mentioned FIRST in the piece.

But what I want to know is this: has Israel planned attacks against families purposely to rape and slaughter them cruelly in front of each other to cause fear and wipe them all off the map all the way to the sea? I really want to know, and, if so, do you have links to this evidence? Because that is the evil in this: the intentional violence against men, women and children simply to cause them harm and promote fear and chaos.

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No, of course not! Did you know IDF was moving isolattes into Gaza for NICU babies? Did you know IDF drops warning leaflets, and personally phoned Gazans' in a target area warning them to leave? Did you know HAMAS threatens, even SHOOTS their own, including infants, for trying to leave? Did you know that for yrs, they have used even UN funded schools and hospitals as storage for munitions, or launch platforms for their attacks on Israel?

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Why? No Gazan has apologised for the murder of Israeli civilians done in their name by Hamas. Why continue the pretence that Hamas is concerned about the civilian population in Gaza? Their spokesman said publicly on tv that the UN is responsible for the civilian population which is why they did not build bomb shelters for civilians.

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I do not know how you seem to be able to justify your claim that no Gazan has decried the Hamas attacks. I happen vehemently to condemn their targeting of civilians. So I wonder what kind of a woman are you who seems not to want a halt to the further murderous shelling and bombing of babies and children? I despair. Two wrongs do not make a right. The world needs to ensure Palestine and Israel reach a peaceful settlement. Intransigence on both sides needs to stop. Are you aware that "from the river to the sea", according to Wikepedia , is used on both sides? I quote:- "The phrase was also used by the Israeli ruling Likud party as part of their 1977 platform which stated "Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.” This slogan was repeated by Menachem Begin."

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How about you get your fellow Gazans to stop shooting them for trying to get to safety 1st, before you excocriate those condemning their unprovoked attacks on Israeli citizens including babies???

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Having read your comments, I scrapped my reply to you. Using emotive language for eg ‘slaughtered by Israel’ and ‘criminal retaliatory attacks by Israel’ put you in the pro-Hamas apologist group. I categorise this group as politically naive, ends justify the means types until their side is losing then the narrative pivots to claims of oppressed, victim status. Sadly, I have concluded from your comments that you are neither a serious person nor a critical thinker.

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Do you view the destruction of Hamas as a wrong?

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No, but until the ideology is destroyed, it is an exercise in futility! Another I'll just pop up in its place with a new name, and the same old agenda!

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I have some hope that the majority of Palestinians will see that ideology as catastrophic for their own lives, and Hamas will be severly weakened/destroyed. Seen a few clips of Palestinians complaining/blaming Hamas. How must they feel about all that time and money spent on building tunnels/weapons rather than developing their society? But what do I know? Is there a majority of Palestinians that want peace or do the majority want Israel destroyed? No idea.

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Muslims are seeing Islam for what it is, and turning away from it, praise God, Palestinians, however may be slower to come around, sine the Muslim world only sees value in them as poised to destroy Israel and kill Jews. That makes it harder for them to let go the very ideology that holds them in poverty and misery. Humans are weird critters: even negative attention is better than none, and without that specific status, they would get none, sooo...

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How to destroy an ideology without creating martyrs?

How to drive out darkness with darkness?

War is a grift.

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Wrong! They are saving the babies and civilians that Hamas uses as human shields. They store weapons under hospitals and schools. The idf transported patients out for safety. Stop the propaganda.

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No, first provide documentation of how "many babies and children" (a) were actually killed, and (b) were deliberately "slaughtered" by Israelis in "criminal" actions.

Come on, Mr. Journalist. You remember what "verified source" means, don't you? Or are you following the same nutters who spread the fake Al-Ahli Hospital 'bombing' report?


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God bless and keep every IDF soldier safe.

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Seems like a rift might be starting between the interests of Israelis and American (and other diaspora) Jews. Jew and Israeli are not synonyms, at least not in the geopolitical sphere. Many American Jews are stating, "not in my name." However, maybe the Israelis are thinking, "you don't speak for us here in Israel." Of course, one must recognize that there are over-lapping interests as there are many dual nation citizens. Not saying this is a good or bad or even impactful development, it is just an observation.

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In my humble opinion, Israelis living with an existential threat have skin in the game and we, who are not experiencing this war, have little to none.

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Your "mobs" are calling for a halt to the Israeli bombing and shelling of civilians in Gaza , many of them women and children. What kind of a woman, for God's sake, would object to that? Haven't you the imagination to understand why Palestinians want a country of their own, not a wired-off concentration camp in Gaza or an apartheid situation in the occupied West Bank? "There are more under heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio."

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Our "mobs" are calling for the GENOCIDE of all Jews! Be HONEST! They couldn't car less about theGazans dying there!

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Do you have any rational comments/arguments that do not involve appeals to emotion? This is a serious discussion. I suggest you recover your disposition by taking your inflammatory comments elsewhere.

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God bless you, Etana.

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I am so sorry to hear that so many are suffering. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those involved in this conflict. I will not take sides. That is part of their Psyop to get us to fight even more! Many blessings to you, Etana.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I find the whole situation deeply sad and horrifying.

I fear the Netanyahu government's decision to heavily bomb Gaza will result (or already has resulted) in the death of most or all of the remaining innocent Israeli hostages. I feel for their families because this is not a hopeful situation. I'm saddened by the loss of life on Oct 7 in Israel as well as the loss of civilian life in Gaza as a direct result of US/Israeli bombs in the weeks that have followed.

Once the world learns the fate of the hostages with certainty (which I expect to be quite grim though I hope I'm wrong), I expect we'll see even more brutal direct military action against the civilians who still live in Gaza, followed by a vigorous multi faceted effort to push all of them out permanently. I fully expect the Biden administration will bring hundreds of thousands of Gazan Palestinians to the US (and any other country that will cooperate).

And, of course, as part of that effort, the media and government voices everywhere will magically transform the reputation of these Gaza civilians. Today they are "human animals", "people of darkness" and "Nazis" who actually deserve to be bombed in their homes, schools, businesses, streets and even hospitals.

But very soon these same people will be relabeled "innocent refugees" who must be accepted by the rest of the world. And every country that refuses to accept and take permanent responsibility for these refugees (except, of course, Israel) will be vilified by US media. What an amazing transformation: Gaza's Palestinians branded as evil, guilty Nazis today will be relabeled innocent victims who deserve the world's help tomorrow. Get ready to absorb them, America.

But that will set the stage for the possibility of even larger pro Palestinian protest marches in US cities in the next decade, with possibly violent consequences for US residents and further weakening US popular support for Israel.

Another irony will be that our current support for Israel's heavy handed military approach to today's Gaza will result in a larger Muslim population in the US -- the very thing Netanyahu says his destructive military strategy will prevent. For Netanyahu is not telling us to support him so that he can spread evil Nazis all over the world. He's telling us that we must support him so he can *stop* the spread of these evil Nazis.

I hope I'm wrong about all of this. I hope that, after Israel rolls its troops in and fully takes over Gaza, all of the people there embrace them as liberators and benefactors who reform their government and civilize the place. But to me that seems unlikely. Could it be that we're driving down the wrong road?

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As long as ISLAM, the underlying ideology that promotes all the violence in the ME, and much of the world as well, continues to exist and have followers, that will not happen. The propagandist lies that keep making them out to be the "victims" are just that : LIES! Look at India, China, Myanmar, even here in the US. ANYWHERE Muslims go chaos and death follow. This has been their entire history!

Israel did not ask for this war, but they have HAD it with the unprovoked attacks on them, and are determined to END that now. After 75 yrs, can you really blame them? The land has been their, and theirs some by a covenant with Yhwh God, Who had the right to assign a portion of all His land (Earth) to whomever He chose, and He chose Abraham. No one else has had any lawful claim over that land since.

Please stop talking about Islam as an "Abrahamic" religion; the ONLY connection it ever had to Abraham was the blood relationship of Ishmael, Esau, and the sons of Keturah whose descendents the Arab Muslims are; none ever followed his faith and Islam bears no real resemblance to either Judaism or Christianity, beyond some plagiarized and grossly distorted stories.

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Thank you for pointing this out, Sandra. Islam is not, nor has it ever been, an Abrahamic religion!

Some would argue it's not even a religion so much as it is a warlike idiology in the guise of religion.

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I'm 1 f those. I began studying religions decades ago,ant it's unlike any other, even "cults", in that respect. It's a political system, based on conquest, wearing a very thin veil of religiosity behind which it hides, so as to not be challenged by host gov'ts too hard when the hijrah starts.

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If crazed men want to play destructive, war games, they should do that far away from women, children, the elderly and other innocents, including God’s creatures. The patriarchy must die!

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Etana, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a trauma specialist, has translated her trauma protocols into Arabic and is looking for someone to translate the rest of the protocol into Hebrew. The request is on her Facebook page. She has written numerous books and comes from a family who've experienced genocides and terrorism.

I am deeply sorry that our global internet culture cannot tell the difference between people who know something because they have experienced it and online polemical opinions from those who haven't a clue about those experiences or the complex histories involved. People experiencing something so atrocious may be derealized because what has happened is incomprehensible, and those on the internet may be so out of touch with their own experience in their own bodies that they mistake their opinions in an online news outrage sporting event, without costs, or bodily or emotional damage, are derealized in another way. I am so deeply sorry for the terrible suffering.

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I despise Israel. Horrible, deranged people.

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‘Othering’ the population within the State of Israel. Did you reflect on your own ‘deranged’ comment?

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That, ma'am is a spiritually very dangerous position for you to take. It carries eternal consequences, which I seriously doubt you will like. You see, Yhwh God made a promise to Abraham along with the land covenant, about those who curse Israel; He will also curse them. I have found nowhere that was recinded.

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How can those of us who live abroad help?

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