This was one of the best articles of the sequence of events outlining the debacle that is harming & debilitating our workforce, our heroes on land & sea & air.

Thank you for writing this.

Tragically, the next step on this diabolical agenda is that the ones who control the food, control the people.

May we all decide to appeal to Heaven & ask our Creator God to give us strength, diligence, bravery, & Divine wisdom to stand against this onslaught of personal liberty, conscience & freedom of the will.

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Not to be overlooked in this frightening story: Dan Crenshaw is a piece of shit.

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Totally agree.

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He sure is.

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He's part of WEF.

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The brave young soldier who died protecting the Southern border was killed by a shot - not from the enemy's gun but from a syringe. How insane and absurd is that...

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It's devastating

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Another EXCELLENT post. Thank you for all of your hard work.

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Thank you, BT!

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We have to realize damaging the USAF may have been job #1 of this entire cluster.

The USN, job #2.

Without NATIONAL SECURITY, we have exactly nothing!

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We just need one operational Boomer.... any country (or countries) on Earth can be annihilated in minutes with the nukes aboard just one Boomer... so... bring it on China

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hi Lawrence from Jacquelyn, operational Boomer...(uncooperational?)

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Hey Jacquelyn... Funny.... yes you are extremely operational and capable of taking down a country too! LOL

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The root of the name Jacquelyn, Jacob, etc means to take, usurp. Usurp. So, yes, I usurp. I guess my parents must have wanted me to usurp. Did they not know? I suppose not. I was so ready to usurp when I was born, I came out breech. However, one leg only came out, so they had to send that leg back in and get them both together. (Gotta coordinate if you wannt usurp, I guess) No, mum and I never got on too well after that day, but we made the best of it I suppose. I could do the splits easily till about 3rd grade, when I stopped practicing.

nb-Usurp also rhymes with burp, which I am most skilled at as well. I try to be able to say phrases such as 'Luke I am your father', or simply 'Mama!', depending on how serious things get. Better than the alternatives!!

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The industry will soon be non-functioning and for the most part completely dead. Almost everyone working in the industry was "injected". The ones who don't die will be unable to work because of their injuries and diseases. Next will be health care. The End.

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I've said this numerous times but people go about their day merrrily. We've got huge issues with Geo Engenerring as well. Will be starved as will all living things. All one needs to do is look up. Lack of water caused by this. Fires. Holes in the Ozone

On and On. We've little time. Meteorologists under ' Gag Orders'! ' They really do want us gone!!!

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Not sure about the plan. I think that "injecting" 5.9 billion humans with a poison is not going to turn out to well for the totalitarians or the folks injected. We are running up on a near mass extinction event. For the Pure Bloods.... it's going to be about survival of the coming shit storm. After that? Who knows?

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They have aerosolized the delivery system.

There will be no "purebloods."

The "plan" was announced decades ago: 500 million will be allowed to survive and now, it's clear that the "survivors" will be cyborg slaves.

It IS an Extinction Level Event, with but a meager chance for humanity to survive:


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And it looks like chemtrails interact with other sources of mass poisoings:


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Thank you for this!! First thing I’ve read this morning: an excellent compilation of the corruption, cowardice and sheer stupidity that runs far and wide.. But I’m also heartened by the courage and determination shown. As for the soldier at the border, sickening! The parallels I see with the plot of “The Terminal” series (Amazon Prime) starring Chris Pratt that I finished watching last night are striking. In the end, ALL those involved in the wrongdoing and cover-up were shown Old Testament justice by the Chris Pratt character: I surprised myself by how good it felt to me to see that no one involved was let off…even when they had convoluted mealy-mouthed justifications for their actions. Bottom line: we have to hold these people accountable, and I’m convinced that we will! Meanwhile, we must all fight (and contribute) any way and manner that we can!

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Thank you Deborah!

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From your mouth to God’s ears…….

Most of you are too young to remember the 3 man cockpit on commercial flights…..having an extra set of eyes up front was useful (as I have personally witnessed the flight engineer notice something that the PIC (pilot-in-command) and other flight officer missed)….the 2 man cockpit has been safely overseen for years, but now I’d “kill” for an extra heart up “front” (in the cockpit )

Thanks again Etana for making people aware of this.

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Correction: It is “The Terminal List”(not “The Terminal”)

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Amazon is not our friend. By continuing to give money to them, we enable them to carry out their agenda.

We can’t just pin our hopes on a few lawsuits. If we want to win, we have to change our lifestyle.

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Watched the Nuremberg Trials movie again- so many parallels leading up to that!

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Every other industry has "Consumer Protection" laws, but not pharma.

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Thank you Etana, your wonderfully researched and well-crafted feature is the first thing I've read this morning.

Meanwhile in Australia, where Qantas was given a 2 billion dollar handout from the feckless, profligate government during lockdowns, the managers have given themselves a massive million-dollar pay rise despite overseeing chaotic scenes at airports due to staff shortages and poor management - they sacked thousands of skilled workers, forced the experimental vaccines on existing pilots and air crew through mandates, forced masks on passengers (imagine being seated in a plane for 24 hours with a mask stuck to your face) and only allowed unvaccinated international passengers on their planes last week. All staff are still required to be vaccinated. Boycott the b*******.

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They are fighting for all of us. Let’s help them out.

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Absolutely. The few warriors who are in the trenches every day on behalf of our freedom deserve our full support.

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All of this killing and maiming and destruction of peoples lives was and is UNNECESSARY. Emperor Brandon and his ilk own it.

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We should understand that one reason for this demand for Pilots to be vaccinated is to kill the Airline industry with the excuse of climate change. They don't want people to fly, except for the Elite

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“No one should have to sacrifice their life for livelihood, because a nation built on the dignity of work must provide safe working conditions for its people.” -Secretary of Labor, Thomas Perez

Thank you to those such as Josh Yoder, Dr Long, Dr Chambers, Cody Flint and Bob Snow for coming forward.

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Etana - I posted this comment on Substack articles from today from Kirsch, Malone, Roguski and Bad Catitude. They seem to have many subscribers.

FYI. From Etaba Hecht’s recent substack:

The flight that Capt Snow landed when he coded is AA flight 1067 from Denver to Dallas Fort Worth on April 9, 2022. If you or someone you know was on that flight, please reach out to the US Freedom Flyers at info@usfreedomflyers.org. They already have a few passengers from that flight and are seeking more to join a future class action lawsuit.

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Awesome, thank you!

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I am here as a result of your comment. I thank you for adding the

link. Terrific article.

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if you were trying to end all air travel (except for private jets to epstein island and davos), this would be one way to institute the un's unsustainable development goals, wouldn't it? trap people where they are and make it impossible to escape the deadly needle...

remember that lufthansa participated in event 201

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It is time for the white hats to step in and arrest the heads of the FAA and the heads of the airlines , heads of the evil military officials and the big Pharma heads . They should all be lined up and shot . This is a planned agenda for the Great reset which should be called the Demonic reset which clearly states the depopulation of the world . It’s time for everyone to stand up against evil hold all these criminals to account .

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