This is a phenomenal job describing in unprovocative language how the "Team Freedom" ppl legitimately and accurately see the historical parallels between covid policies and the 1930's leadup to the Holocaust.

יישר כח

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Also, I’d like to invite everyone to join me in piling on the Illinois Holocaust Museum for introducing Nuremberg Laws against the unvaxxed (https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/kitten-corner-immersive-education/).

I posted several tweets to their New Year’s Eve post (https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1476934101420716034) and then moved to their New Year’s post along with the other resisters today (https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1477293543060230144). This was necessary because they blocked comments on the original post about their new Gestapo policy. Every time there’s a new post, we need to try and hold them accountable until they finally break and rescind their discriminatory policy against the unvaxxed.

For anyone who wants incontrovertible evidence of the parallels between 1930s Germany and today, see my extensive list of quotes from Milton Mayer’s “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45” and Christopher Browning’s “Ordinary Men” in the following threads:



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I frequently make comparisons between 1930s Germany and the current mass psychosis because the parallels are undeniable.

I addressed the hypersensitivity to drawing these parallels in “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative):

“I realize we had relatives at Auschwitz, and some people think it’s insensitive to draw comparisons between the World War II Holocaust and the New Holocaust.

“I, however, consider it a contemptuous insult to the memories of those who endured discrimination, incarceration, starvation, torture, and slaughter to fail to heed the burning message of ‘Never again!’ And Holocaust survivors like Marianne von Rosen, Marian Turski, and Vera Sharav agree.”

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Etana Hecht

The answer to your last question is:

"By their deeds shall ye know them."

Freewill is the one major attribute distinguishing Earth from all other countless planets in the Universe, however that is defined. Therefore, anyone or anything that attempts to interfere with or restricts the freewill of man is to be opposed.

They need to remember the universal prime directive "Non interference!"

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I imagine that most people who are pro-'Shot' believe the media & governmental organizations. I also, many years ago, was similar. 'Ignorance rules the day.' Ivermectin is the medicine of these times-- a 'Miracle Drug.' Those believing the 'bought' FDA are in error, Grave Error.

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How many must suffer & die due to coerced & lied about toxic injections before this qualifies as a global holocaust? Because it looks like billions have been injected with the slow acting, cumulatively damaging, ultimately lethal jabs.

For a bad head cold.

We've barely scratched the surface of suffering. Since the onset of the toxic jabs, all cause mortality has risen some 40% in the US, per the insurers.

In France, a life insurance company successfully avoided payout when a court declared taking the lied about, *mandated* jab was an act of suicide!

Meantime, there have been 2nd, 3rd & in some people 4th toxic jabs.

Patients are deliberately being killed in US hospitals, *literally* forced onto a deadly protocol of remdesivir & ventilators. Latest victim, Dan Pisano, murdered by the once prestigious Mayo Clinic, who claimed Mr. Pisano gave up his rights when he entered their premises for an ear infection.

Crippled victims are left to fend for themselves. Categorized as "stomach cramps" by our feckless, lying government experts, 13 year old Maddy Garay is now a tube-fed paraplegic, en route to becoming quadraplegic.

How many hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions have been injured already? How many millions or billions will die over the next months and years, their immune systems damaged beyond repair, succumbing to everything from head colds to cancer? Or of immune systems now trained to attack their own organs?

How many millions or billions have to die in this global "medical" experiment fostered & paid for by Dr Anthony "The Science" Mengele Fauci before this qualifies?

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Amidst all of the pain and suffering something wonderful has arisen. I remember that after September 11 Mr. Rogers advised children that when something terrible happens to try to think about the helpers. That doesn't mean a turning away from the horror. On the contrary. Heroes turn towards the pain, the suffering, the horrors, and the injustice. There have been and there continues to be many heroes throughout this whole epoch. There are heroes large and small. Everyday heroes as well as those known by many. I could name names but this post would be very long and I would be sure to miss many of those who are well known to many of us.

I think we should honor the heroes of this movement. That is what it is, a movement. A movement that promotes truth, justice, liberty, and the dignity of

all people. It is a movement of historical proportions. Many have stepped up and have done the right thing instead of the easy thing. Heroes are brave. They place themselves at risk and the possibility of loss to do what in their heart they know to be right. I have been touched by these heroes. They give us hope. Their courage and bravery is contagious.

In March it will be two years since we entered the covid era. As bad as things are it would be much worse without the heroes, those known to many and those known only to some.

I propose that we declare March 5th as Covid Truth Heroes Day. On that day we will celebrate our victories, honor our cause, honor the heroes, and send a loud message that we will not be silenced. Please join me in spreading the word far and wide in making March 5th Covid Truth Heroes Day.

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I just read an interesting insight into the portion of the week by The Lubavitcher Rebbe.

We would expect God to tell Moses to 'Go to Pharaoh" rather than to "Come to Pharaoh. By saying "Come to Pharaoh" God is teaching us how we should understand the Exodus from a broader perspective, including our personal process of redemption from our own states of "bondage" and "Exile."

Redemption can only happen if we are "Coming" rather than "Going." Going somewhere implies that our home base is where we already are; we are simply visiting the place we are headed towards. "Coming" somewhere, in contrast, implies that we are 'moving' our home --- that we are going where we are headed, with our whole being.

Thus, when we free ourselves of the bondage of materiality by communing with God and Torah study or prayer ,we should be sure to "Come home," immersing ourselves in the words and ideas completely, rather than just "going" there for a visit. In this way our study and prayer can affect us and change us; it can take us out of our personal Egypt.

Moreover, going out of our personal Egypt hastens the Advent of the collective Redemption of the Jewish people and all Humanity as well.

Sichot Kodesh 5740, vol.1, pp. 843-845

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Sorry, but I don't accept the faux outrage at the rightful comparisons between 1930's Germany and now. By ignoring the lessons of history we dishonor those who suffered through those years. Only fools would refuse to see the patterns of fascism forming again in the West. We can't go down this road again.

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