The medical community is their own worst enemy, and the primary reason I have little to no faith in the medical community. This wilful obtuseness makes it much worse, my distrust of them. They come across as arrogant, aloof, plain stupid and dangerous.
Here are a few more thoughts and links that may be of interest...
"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."
~ David Bohm (1981)
NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.
Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.
The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...
“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."
The gobbledygook spoken by these midwit wannabe censors is another manifestation of evil. These are just clowns in clown world, but this is no laughing matter because the power behind these idiots is dead serious and laser-focused on shutting down info and opinions that diverge from the approved narrative. Sickening. Thank you EH for exposing it for what it is.
Well, they are using the solid foundation that our ancestors built to now systematically destroy any hope of doing things right for the next generation.
If we get lucky, the sand dune becomes a sink hole and swallows them all up into Dante's Inferno before they pollute our ears with more conniving drivel.
Every doctor now knows the experimental biologicals caused millions of adverse events and deaths. They know this because they have been faced with trying to figure out how in the hell to treat vaxxed injured patients. Any doctor who is not yet awake, I would stay well away from folks.
The Wuhan 'sequence' was in silico...i.e., created on a freaking computer. That's why the questions, "Is it a bat? Is is a pangolin?" It's a chimeric conglomeration of some scientific psychopaths. (I'm a scientist, BTW). Nothing was 'isolated' because there was nothing to isolate. BTW, the conotoxins are looking very real in some of these injections...
I do not discredit Dr Ardis or Dr Braun. I've seen the papers on the use of conotoxins, as well as the Italian paper published recently finding 36 conotoxins in fecal and urine samples of 'covid patients'....and this is a very real possibility in 'some embodiments' (as the patents would word it).
The CDC: In a new hour-long presentation – watch it here: – Latypova lays out the copious evidence she has compiled – including “receipts” – to show that covid injections are nothing more than a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) via the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Latypova, who worked with 60 different pharmaceutical companies throughout her 25-year industry career, says that any alleged benefits associated with the shots pales in comparison to the many adverse events they cause, sudden death being one of the most prominent.
It turns out that covid jabs are not pharmaceutical products at all, Latypova found. Instead, they are military bioweapons. (Related: Last year, Latypova’s “Team Enigma” spoke with Dr. Jane Ruby about Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed scam and how it was used to unleash these bioweapons.)
The shots have never been properly tested for safety, either – obviously because they are not safe and were designed to kill. They produce negative efficacy, meaning a person is much better off not getting injected if he or she wants to live.
While the world has been led to believe that the likes of Pfizer and Moderna are responsible for these deadly shots, the head of the snake looks to be the DoD and other military-industrial complex actors who made them “toxic by design.”
Covid jabs were also a long time in the making, it turns out. Latypova uncovered evidence dating back to 1997 when Congress passed two new laws: the FDA Modernization Act and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Together, these bills allowed for the implementation of “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA), which is what the FDA used to fast-track the shots onto the market at warp speed.
Changes were also made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021 that amended the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) of the DoD. Here is how Cornell’s Legal Information Institute describes what that accomplished:
“The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of each military department [the ability to] enter into transactions (other than contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants) [in order to carry] out basic, applied, and advanced research projects. The authority under this subsection is in addition to the authority provided in section 4001 of this title to use contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants in carrying out such projects.”
In short, the changes made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021, implemented by the Obama regime in 2015, allow the DoD to order the production of “undisclosed military prototypes” from private manufacturers like pharmaceutical companies – be sure to watch the full video presentation from Latypova.
Covid jabs are a death sentence for many.
Those who have "volunteered" to have the experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines were forecast to be injured, or die, 6 months before the vaccines were released in early 2021, at 1,000 American's a day.
However, by February and March of 2021 the deaths and injuries far exceeded the projected, expected kill and injury rate and further millions of American Dollars were released to General Dynamics (the contracted records recording company), to handle the considerable increase in deaths and injuries to be recorded for VAERS by the CDC, which is funded by Bill Gates, which presumably he owns to some extent. "He who pays the piper calls the tune" - logic.
VAERS records 1% of all deaths and injuries and it has been suggested that multiplying VAERS numbers by 41 (x41) a more accurate picture can be achieved, so when the CDC was expecting 1,000 American's to be killed and injured by vaccines, in actual fact, it was nearer 41,000 American's were being killed and injured, on a daily basis - however - this does not take into account the many millions more, around the world, who were being deliberately killed or injured, by these vaccines - which can only be described as Genocide, had they been "human".
Vaccines purpose not to save anyone from Covid, but to install nanotechnology, past the blood brain barrier, and into the very workings of the body, in billions of lipid packages in each synthetic mRNA vaccine shot - which also contains 99% Graphene Oxide particles - advanced nanotechnology which we won't be able to produce, with our limited scientific understanding of any nanotechnology, before 2035 - yet this advanced nanotechnology was being injected, deliberately from January 2021 - which begs the question - "we" did not have that 2035 nanotechnology in 2021, so what, or who did?
The experimental synthetic test mRNA are patented to the vaccine maker of choice, or the USDOD, because the synthetic mRNA are not naturally occurring in the body and only those who "volunteer" to have the vaccines, can have them, because, according to US Law (2013) anyone synthetically mRNA vaccinated is no longer human and all human rights are lost. They are a new species for which zero rights have been passed into Law and their bodies are now owned by the vaccine maker of choice, like a GMO product, so the deliberate 2035 injected nanotechnology , Graphene Oxide causing murder and injury - Genocide, is not covered by any Law and is perfectly acceptable and legal, by our human Laws, which we the not vaccinated are covered by, as long as we refuse to volunteer, for these experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines:
There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines. It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added (increases in deaths and injuries beyond the initial contracts)
VAERS updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41 to arrive at December 2022 numbers) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow
Part Two: BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Friday updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022, so for 100% x41 = 60,730,266 dead or injured Americans so far and it does not include the numbers your governments are inflicting on you, if you don't live in America.
The US Department of Defense (US DoD) has had a dominant role in the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the US DoD took charge of the Covid vaccine funding, development and testing from the very start of the perceived threat in early 2020 and in the development, and distribution of the Covid 19 vaccines, a fact hidden from the general public. In those processes many standard steps and procedures, otherwise required for pharmaceutical products, were omitted or circumvented.
The US FDA’s website (FDA, 2020) reveals that the United States Department of Defence (DoD) has been in full control of the Covid Vaccine development program since its beginning. The DoD has been responsible for development, manufacturing, clinical trials, quality assurance, distribution and administration, since that time (FDA, 2020; Rees and Latypova, 2022; KEI, 2022; Medical Defense Consortium, 2022; Rees, 2022). The major pharmaceutical companies have been involved as “Project Coordination Teams” effectively performing as subcontractors to the DoD. The Chief Operating Officer for (Trump's) Warp Speed vaccine program is the US Department of Defence, and the Chief Science Advisor is the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Definition of these vaccines as “countermeasures” rather than therapeutic agents has permitted their expedited progression to emergency use authorisation and widespread rollouts. Many adverse consequences have been the outcome of this secret military response to a public health matter. Excepts From: Phillip Altman's Essay he is Pharmacologist and Clinical trial and drug regulatory affairs consultant in Melbourne, Australia and Brownstone Institute
Synthetic mRNA vaccines - they were never, ever, intended to kill Covid anything, because viral infections attack your breathing apparatus, which is your FIRST closed system in itself and the mRNA vaccines injected into your blood which kid the brain blood barrier into thinking they are safe, is your SECOND closed system too - so taking anything by mouth - well that goes down into your stomach acid, where it is broken down into its elements, which your body does not need and expelled in your piss and shit is your THIRD closed system, too and they all interact to give us life, while not having internal access to each other and interact in the body, but differently - which is why cures taken by mouth, are just another way to skim you for your money and more mumbo jumbo.
The obvious question then is, for the vaccinated - is what to do about the installed nanotechnology which is far ahead of our technical ability - how to explain that.
So let's go with aircraft engines:
Up to the end of World War 2 (1939-1945) all aircraft were powered by piston engine technology and it was only towards the end of World War 2 (1944) that the jet engine was invented, in its infancy and because it delivered more thrust, provided faster speeds, took up less space, than piston engine aircraft - it eventually became our main mode of aircraft propulsion.
So with the nanotechnology in 2023 - we are at the beginning of World War 2 as above and the vaccines are to become jet engines, way beyond our understanding or mechanical ability to create in now, because we didn't have the specialized equipment, or the engineering capability to create them and won't reach that level of capability for at least 10 years forwards from today, let's see 2033 and here we have them being injected with the Pfizer's (and other vaccines) from January 2021 - do you see the conundrum?
How is the impossible possible, when the possible, makes the impossible, totally impossible and since "human" technology did not create this 2033 nanotechnology by 2021 when the Pfizer and other vaccines were injected, what did and why and why I personally think it is essential we eachkill it off as quickly as we can and especially if you lose your soul and your body in the process - it just another radio controlled toy, controlled offsite with no memory of its past - like the early Van Damme movie "Universal Soldier" 1992
Thanks Harold - I added your link to my overall overview of how badly humanity has been screwed by these assholes - I'll be posting some updates on THE WEF and what they say is what their future holds for us
Sahin made the confession months before others finally figured it out probably because it needed to be translated from German to English. So it has always violated the publicly acknowledged definition of a "vaccine".
You know, when someone punctuates every statement with “you know” my first thought (you know) is that they’re full of shit and making it up as they go. Also known as lying and needing little pauses to make up what they actually don’t know.
Killing and maiming people goes way beyond being "trustworthy". You have committed genocide and crimes against humanity. Your agency should disband and your records turned over to trustworthy law enforcement for criminal prosecution.
Did you really think there is nothing wrong with murder and assault? Do you think it is o.k. to lie and send people to their deaths? You're still doing this. You have killed and maimed children. If you had any decency you would immediately stop and tell people the truth.
If you trust the government, the mainstream media, the institutions (like the WHO, controlled by Bill Gates), then it makes sense to get the jab and you will believe that it is the most noble thing to do, to protect others. But why would anyone trust the gov't., the msm, or the WHO?
AB 2098 tells me, exactly what doctors have up their sleeves...and it isn’t being trustworthy!
I’ve been in the hospital for surgery twice since last August (absolutely necessary)...I was absolutely petrified. In 59 years. I have NEVER felt like this about doctors and nurses! Now I’m taking MY body and MY health into my own hands! Make it a point to stay healthy: exercise, sunshine (no poisonous sunscreen), intermittent fasting, healthy food, PRAYER AND GRATITUDE.
Do not comply and become ungovernable! God bless all!
They appear to be psychopaths searching for ways to appear human & disguise their motivations. The story of the black doctor in the hospital - sorry but not a race thing but rather a human thing. I have many (white) relatives & friends who have suffered terribly at hands of our medical industrial complex these past 2 yrs. Also some black friends. It's our failed system led by these psychos -not the race of the patients. Also noteworthy is language of "other tools" and "pulling levers." There is no trust where there is no truth. Pound sand, psychos.
Funny. I mean, you know, nothing about this is really funny. But I had did have to laugh at this. "Science is evolving"... yes, but not inside your echo chamber.
I worked for 16 years for an alliance of hospitals whose purpose was to improve patient care through graduate medical education. Vineet Arora presented at one of our annual meetings a few years ago.
I started to have serious doubts about supporting this organization when they went woke. Once I realized what the healthcare industry had done with regards to Covid, I resigned (one year ago). I worked for one of my dearest friends (28 years of friendship). She refused to even try and understand my reasons for quitting. We no longer speak (oh so many friends I no longer speak to).
Their conference theme this year is “Creating a Sustainable Culture: A Roadmap for the Future”.
The medical community is their own worst enemy, and the primary reason I have little to no faith in the medical community. This wilful obtuseness makes it much worse, my distrust of them. They come across as arrogant, aloof, plain stupid and dangerous.
They don't care about people at all. They're just billing codes for these sleazy shills.
Check this BS out:
Diagnostic codes for the unvaccinated:
Z28.310 -
Z28.311 -
Z28.39 -
This info above and below is taken from Katherine Watt's Balliwick News Substack:
The Medical Mafia (2002)
~ Ghislaine Lanctôt
Direct link to PDF file:
Thank you S., for the links you supplied. I was slipping well below a dozen books on Nook that I have haven't opened.
The first few pages resonated highly with me. I'm sure it will be an enjoyable read.
It's moved to the top.
Here are a few more thoughts and links that may be of interest...
"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."
~ David Bohm (1981)
NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.
Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.
The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...
Aware Parenting website:
“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."
~ Alice Miller
Full article 👇🏼
"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?
It's an INSANE society!"
~ Tim "Mac" Macartney
Please Watch this Video presentation:
Why males are more violent:
Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:
The gobbledygook spoken by these midwit wannabe censors is another manifestation of evil. These are just clowns in clown world, but this is no laughing matter because the power behind these idiots is dead serious and laser-focused on shutting down info and opinions that diverge from the approved narrative. Sickening. Thank you EH for exposing it for what it is.
My thoughts exactly--just gobblygook nonsense spoken. Made actually no sense.
"Build trust" Beyond laughable! These clowns need to fade to black soon!
How do you build on a sand dune.
These idiots with their best effort couldn't even build on a solid foundation! And they're complicit partakers in this ongoing genocide!
This dehumanization and contempt for patients has been going on for decades. But it has gotten worse.
Well, they are using the solid foundation that our ancestors built to now systematically destroy any hope of doing things right for the next generation.
If we get lucky, the sand dune becomes a sink hole and swallows them all up into Dante's Inferno before they pollute our ears with more conniving drivel.
I don't care if our entire medical system collapses.
How about minimizing public hatred?
'Build trust' is corporate management speak. Trust as a Project rather than an ethic or a behaviour.
Out in the real world, you build trust by BEING TRUSTWORTHY.
Interesting how every organization that lies to us is "investing" in misinformation/disinformation countermeasures, i.e. propaganda.
Every doctor now knows the experimental biologicals caused millions of adverse events and deaths. They know this because they have been faced with trying to figure out how in the hell to treat vaxxed injured patients. Any doctor who is not yet awake, I would stay well away from folks.
I hear they're diagnosing them with mental illnesses. No bio markers needed for those.
Check this BS out:
Diagnostic codes for the unvaccinated:
Z28.310 -
Z28.311 -
Z28.39 -
This info above and below is taken from Katherine Watt's Balliwick News Substack:
Dr. Michael Yeadon: “The Authorities Have Lied to Us About Everything Including the Emergence of a New Virus”
Reminder. Dr Phil Febo: Moderna and Pfizer Never Had the ‘Isolated’ Virus in Their Lab, They Used the Sequence Sent From China
Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test
The Wuhan 'sequence' was in silico...i.e., created on a freaking computer. That's why the questions, "Is it a bat? Is is a pangolin?" It's a chimeric conglomeration of some scientific psychopaths. (I'm a scientist, BTW). Nothing was 'isolated' because there was nothing to isolate. BTW, the conotoxins are looking very real in some of these injections...
I do not discredit Dr Ardis or Dr Braun. I've seen the papers on the use of conotoxins, as well as the Italian paper published recently finding 36 conotoxins in fecal and urine samples of 'covid patients'....and this is a very real possibility in 'some embodiments' (as the patents would word it).
The CDC: In a new hour-long presentation – watch it here: – Latypova lays out the copious evidence she has compiled – including “receipts” – to show that covid injections are nothing more than a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) via the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Latypova, who worked with 60 different pharmaceutical companies throughout her 25-year industry career, says that any alleged benefits associated with the shots pales in comparison to the many adverse events they cause, sudden death being one of the most prominent.
It turns out that covid jabs are not pharmaceutical products at all, Latypova found. Instead, they are military bioweapons. (Related: Last year, Latypova’s “Team Enigma” spoke with Dr. Jane Ruby about Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed scam and how it was used to unleash these bioweapons.)
The shots have never been properly tested for safety, either – obviously because they are not safe and were designed to kill. They produce negative efficacy, meaning a person is much better off not getting injected if he or she wants to live.
While the world has been led to believe that the likes of Pfizer and Moderna are responsible for these deadly shots, the head of the snake looks to be the DoD and other military-industrial complex actors who made them “toxic by design.”
Covid jabs were also a long time in the making, it turns out. Latypova uncovered evidence dating back to 1997 when Congress passed two new laws: the FDA Modernization Act and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Together, these bills allowed for the implementation of “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA), which is what the FDA used to fast-track the shots onto the market at warp speed.
Changes were also made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021 that amended the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) of the DoD. Here is how Cornell’s Legal Information Institute describes what that accomplished:
“The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of each military department [the ability to] enter into transactions (other than contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants) [in order to carry] out basic, applied, and advanced research projects. The authority under this subsection is in addition to the authority provided in section 4001 of this title to use contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants in carrying out such projects.”
In short, the changes made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021, implemented by the Obama regime in 2015, allow the DoD to order the production of “undisclosed military prototypes” from private manufacturers like pharmaceutical companies – be sure to watch the full video presentation from Latypova.
Covid jabs are a death sentence for many.
Those who have "volunteered" to have the experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines were forecast to be injured, or die, 6 months before the vaccines were released in early 2021, at 1,000 American's a day.
However, by February and March of 2021 the deaths and injuries far exceeded the projected, expected kill and injury rate and further millions of American Dollars were released to General Dynamics (the contracted records recording company), to handle the considerable increase in deaths and injuries to be recorded for VAERS by the CDC, which is funded by Bill Gates, which presumably he owns to some extent. "He who pays the piper calls the tune" - logic.
VAERS records 1% of all deaths and injuries and it has been suggested that multiplying VAERS numbers by 41 (x41) a more accurate picture can be achieved, so when the CDC was expecting 1,000 American's to be killed and injured by vaccines, in actual fact, it was nearer 41,000 American's were being killed and injured, on a daily basis - however - this does not take into account the many millions more, around the world, who were being deliberately killed or injured, by these vaccines - which can only be described as Genocide, had they been "human".
Vaccines purpose not to save anyone from Covid, but to install nanotechnology, past the blood brain barrier, and into the very workings of the body, in billions of lipid packages in each synthetic mRNA vaccine shot - which also contains 99% Graphene Oxide particles - advanced nanotechnology which we won't be able to produce, with our limited scientific understanding of any nanotechnology, before 2035 - yet this advanced nanotechnology was being injected, deliberately from January 2021 - which begs the question - "we" did not have that 2035 nanotechnology in 2021, so what, or who did?
The experimental synthetic test mRNA are patented to the vaccine maker of choice, or the USDOD, because the synthetic mRNA are not naturally occurring in the body and only those who "volunteer" to have the vaccines, can have them, because, according to US Law (2013) anyone synthetically mRNA vaccinated is no longer human and all human rights are lost. They are a new species for which zero rights have been passed into Law and their bodies are now owned by the vaccine maker of choice, like a GMO product, so the deliberate 2035 injected nanotechnology , Graphene Oxide causing murder and injury - Genocide, is not covered by any Law and is perfectly acceptable and legal, by our human Laws, which we the not vaccinated are covered by, as long as we refuse to volunteer, for these experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines:
There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines. It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added (increases in deaths and injuries beyond the initial contracts)
The Contracts 23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te.. 00099 Eagle Health Analytics, Ll j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF0 Grand total? $35,425,642 The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) records 1% of all reports:
VAERS updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41 to arrive at December 2022 numbers) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow
End Of Part One
Part Two: BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Friday updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022, so for 100% x41 = 60,730,266 dead or injured Americans so far and it does not include the numbers your governments are inflicting on you, if you don't live in America.
See Electron Microscope studies of blood at cellular level and the nanotechnology to be found there:
The US Department of Defense (US DoD) has had a dominant role in the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the US DoD took charge of the Covid vaccine funding, development and testing from the very start of the perceived threat in early 2020 and in the development, and distribution of the Covid 19 vaccines, a fact hidden from the general public. In those processes many standard steps and procedures, otherwise required for pharmaceutical products, were omitted or circumvented.
The US FDA’s website (FDA, 2020) reveals that the United States Department of Defence (DoD) has been in full control of the Covid Vaccine development program since its beginning. The DoD has been responsible for development, manufacturing, clinical trials, quality assurance, distribution and administration, since that time (FDA, 2020; Rees and Latypova, 2022; KEI, 2022; Medical Defense Consortium, 2022; Rees, 2022). The major pharmaceutical companies have been involved as “Project Coordination Teams” effectively performing as subcontractors to the DoD. The Chief Operating Officer for (Trump's) Warp Speed vaccine program is the US Department of Defence, and the Chief Science Advisor is the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Definition of these vaccines as “countermeasures” rather than therapeutic agents has permitted their expedited progression to emergency use authorisation and widespread rollouts. Many adverse consequences have been the outcome of this secret military response to a public health matter. Excepts From: Phillip Altman's Essay he is Pharmacologist and Clinical trial and drug regulatory affairs consultant in Melbourne, Australia and Brownstone Institute
Synthetic mRNA vaccines - they were never, ever, intended to kill Covid anything, because viral infections attack your breathing apparatus, which is your FIRST closed system in itself and the mRNA vaccines injected into your blood which kid the brain blood barrier into thinking they are safe, is your SECOND closed system too - so taking anything by mouth - well that goes down into your stomach acid, where it is broken down into its elements, which your body does not need and expelled in your piss and shit is your THIRD closed system, too and they all interact to give us life, while not having internal access to each other and interact in the body, but differently - which is why cures taken by mouth, are just another way to skim you for your money and more mumbo jumbo.
The obvious question then is, for the vaccinated - is what to do about the installed nanotechnology which is far ahead of our technical ability - how to explain that.
So let's go with aircraft engines:
Up to the end of World War 2 (1939-1945) all aircraft were powered by piston engine technology and it was only towards the end of World War 2 (1944) that the jet engine was invented, in its infancy and because it delivered more thrust, provided faster speeds, took up less space, than piston engine aircraft - it eventually became our main mode of aircraft propulsion.
So with the nanotechnology in 2023 - we are at the beginning of World War 2 as above and the vaccines are to become jet engines, way beyond our understanding or mechanical ability to create in now, because we didn't have the specialized equipment, or the engineering capability to create them and won't reach that level of capability for at least 10 years forwards from today, let's see 2033 and here we have them being injected with the Pfizer's (and other vaccines) from January 2021 - do you see the conundrum?
How is the impossible possible, when the possible, makes the impossible, totally impossible and since "human" technology did not create this 2033 nanotechnology by 2021 when the Pfizer and other vaccines were injected, what did and why and why I personally think it is essential we eachkill it off as quickly as we can and especially if you lose your soul and your body in the process - it just another radio controlled toy, controlled offsite with no memory of its past - like the early Van Damme movie "Universal Soldier" 1992
Also see this -- In 2020, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin proudly announced, "...we chose lipid nanoparticles that promote migration from the muscle cells into the lymph nodes." -
Thanks Harold - I added your link to my overall overview of how badly humanity has been screwed by these assholes - I'll be posting some updates on THE WEF and what they say is what their future holds for us
Sahin made the confession months before others finally figured it out probably because it needed to be translated from German to English. So it has always violated the publicly acknowledged definition of a "vaccine".
Dr Arora, the last person in the world I trust right now is you, YOU KNOW!
Picked up in that too, you know!!
You know, when someone punctuates every statement with “you know” my first thought (you know) is that they’re full of shit and making it up as they go. Also known as lying and needing little pauses to make up what they actually don’t know.
It's like stuffing, filling all that blank space left by missing IQ points.
Killing and maiming people goes way beyond being "trustworthy". You have committed genocide and crimes against humanity. Your agency should disband and your records turned over to trustworthy law enforcement for criminal prosecution.
Did you really think there is nothing wrong with murder and assault? Do you think it is o.k. to lie and send people to their deaths? You're still doing this. You have killed and maimed children. If you had any decency you would immediately stop and tell people the truth.
If you trust the government, the mainstream media, the institutions (like the WHO, controlled by Bill Gates), then it makes sense to get the jab and you will believe that it is the most noble thing to do, to protect others. But why would anyone trust the gov't., the msm, or the WHO?
Politicians, media, big pharma - three of the least trusted entities pre Covid hysteria and even to this day.
And yet, the masses disengaged their faculties and went along with everything these three entities peddled.
If these women are in Commifornia, it’s a wrap!
AB 2098 tells me, exactly what doctors have up their sleeves...and it isn’t being trustworthy!
I’ve been in the hospital for surgery twice since last August (absolutely necessary)...I was absolutely petrified. In 59 years. I have NEVER felt like this about doctors and nurses! Now I’m taking MY body and MY health into my own hands! Make it a point to stay healthy: exercise, sunshine (no poisonous sunscreen), intermittent fasting, healthy food, PRAYER AND GRATITUDE.
Do not comply and become ungovernable! God bless all!
Great advice, I actually did exactly that about 8 years ago.
They appear to be psychopaths searching for ways to appear human & disguise their motivations. The story of the black doctor in the hospital - sorry but not a race thing but rather a human thing. I have many (white) relatives & friends who have suffered terribly at hands of our medical industrial complex these past 2 yrs. Also some black friends. It's our failed system led by these psychos -not the race of the patients. Also noteworthy is language of "other tools" and "pulling levers." There is no trust where there is no truth. Pound sand, psychos.
"Untrustworthy." I prefer the term "Lying scum."
Yes, Dr. Arola. Many have lost trust in your medical system and many more will soon. Why? Because it is run by lying scum.
Oh noes. How can they restore public trust while selling even more of their precious drugs that kill and maim?
With even more lies and judicious gaslighting.
Funny. I mean, you know, nothing about this is really funny. But I had did have to laugh at this. "Science is evolving"... yes, but not inside your echo chamber.
Is Dr. Fauci evolving?
I worked for 16 years for an alliance of hospitals whose purpose was to improve patient care through graduate medical education. Vineet Arora presented at one of our annual meetings a few years ago.
I started to have serious doubts about supporting this organization when they went woke. Once I realized what the healthcare industry had done with regards to Covid, I resigned (one year ago). I worked for one of my dearest friends (28 years of friendship). She refused to even try and understand my reasons for quitting. We no longer speak (oh so many friends I no longer speak to).
Their conference theme this year is “Creating a Sustainable Culture: A Roadmap for the Future”.
Yeah. How’s that gonna work out for ya.