We have to step back and see why these fear-inducing horrors keep visiting humanity, and who is behind them. We need to see the patterns of evil and deceit and the hands pushing them:
- The Maine
- Fire bombings of civilians in Europe and Japan in WWII
- The wholesale murder of civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima (unrestricted warfare)
- Gulf of Tonkin
- Viet Nam and Korean Massacres
- The war on the unborn
- Trafficking of crack cocaine to the inner cities of the US, especially to black neighborhoods
- Building #7 on 9/11 right after 9/10 and Rumsfeld reporting missing billions
Interesting that you are so distressed about the fire bombings of "civilians" in "Europe" (you meant Germany) and Japan during WW2. I wonder if those events might have been connected with the tens of millions of Europeans and Asians murdered by the genocidal empires of Germany and Japan in the preceding years.
Who is responsible for "The Maine"? Tell us, o sage.
You forgot the multi-generational open air Warsaw Ghetto 2.0 concentration camp in Gaza. You can only contain 2 million people in an area the size of large metro airport and bomb their hospitals, neighborhoods, and schools, and cut off their food and water every 3 years before you suffer terrible blowback, this is just beginning, not the end. The Zio-Nazi regime will fall!
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121
The Nazis said that too while committing genocide like the IDF are committing in Gaza, God frowned on the Nazis and will frown on the butchers of the IDF as well.
“institutions knew this was going to occur, and that’s why money was pouring into stocks yesterday” also going to affect the bond market, money will flow into bonds, push yields lower, Question EVERYTHING!!
When all else fails ,they bring us to war- war is positive for the stock market
Liquidity Crisis? No Problem, Just Start Another War!
Also worth reading- to get the background on the looming liquidity crisis:
https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/maximum-saturation (excellent explanation of what's going on in the global financial situation--the central bankers debt based monetary system is collapsing, overloaded with debt, war spending could prop it up for longer)
IMO, the central banking cartel rules the world. They have captured all national governments by getting the power to issue national currencies created out of thin air and loaned to governments at interest. Central bankers have enslaved all national governments with debt. National leaders are puppets. The central bankers are behind the wars- they make money financing wars from all sides and the goal is to enslave nations with debt. They deliberately keep people/nations in conflict, so they can kick of a war as needed. Citizens slaughter each other while the central banking cartel gets wealthier and wealthier. All wars are based on deception and lies. We can never take anything at face value. Many wars are set of by false flags.
People caught in false binary narrative traps: they don’t want to hear it.
When their Weltanschauung is challenged, they launch into logical fallacies to protect their dogmatic notions. The below has a pretty interesting take on the money cycling of the endless wars:
Yes, very interesting. Thanks for posting. We should never take anything at face value. Things are never as they seem to be (e.g. the official narrative of 9/11 was not the truth- all wars are based on deceptions).
Keep encouraging others to keep doing their own research rather than being spoon fed propaganda from poorly-written textbooks and MSM drivel
Even the usual suspects reveal how the nazis escaped prosecution and moved to the US to infiltrate NASA, the military, the UN, the MSM and society through many operations
False flag!!! I’ll spare you the videos, but my morning started with my father sending me videos of IDF soldiers slaughtered in their barracks still in just their underwear, to which both of us as former service people ourselves immediately agreed that it’s im-fucking-possible! I did a service with IDF and have been to most bases in the south, and the ones close to the borders are always on highest level security alert: armed guards on towers 24/7 and all personnel are required to carry their personal weapons at all times… including sleeping with it literally under your mattress exactly for such situations! So how the hell could a group of Palestinians break into a base and make it all the way to the barracks unnoticed and unheard? I saw the media trying to sell a story that Iranians provided some equipment that jammed the electronically monitored fence, but any disturbance immediately notifies command and control center in Israel’s equivalent of the pentagon and someone would be immediately in touch with the bases’ commanders especially in the middle of the night. But even if that story is true, where were the night guards not to see the combatants approaching and alert everyone? With bases neutralized, there were no one to come to help the civilians in the area… how convenient.
Indeed, on its own soil, Israel has long been documented as creating “fake” al-Qaeda groups to justify its treatment of the Palestinian people.
With that in mind, it is important to note that Israel’s arch nemesis, Hamas, was created by Israel itself for the purpose of splitting the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and Fatah, the leading outfit for the Palestinian freedom and resistance movement.
As Justin Raimondo of AntiWar.com wrote in his 2006 article “Hamas, Son of Israel,”
Amid all the howls of pain and gnashing of teeth over the triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian elections, one fact remains relatively obscure, albeit highly relevant: Israel did much to launch Hamas as an effective force in the occupied territories. If ever there was a clear case of “blowback,” then this is it. As Richard Sale pointed out in a piece for UPI:
Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years. Israel ‘aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),’ said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International] Studies.Israel’s support for Hamas ‘was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,’ said a former senior CIA official.
All wars are bankers wars? Does that include the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Empires? The Mongol Empire? Good grief, take off the tinfoil.
Yeah, I’m sure that “the bankers” are behind Iran and Hamas.....just giving them orders to attack Israel when interest rates go up, or down, or credit default swaps, or whatever.....
Next we’ll hear that Mossad and the Rothschilds planned the whole thing, just because......
This expanding war situation WILL add liquidity to the system, that is what it is designed to do, at the cost of as many human lives as it takes… But there is a BIGGER problem. Just as the Russia/Ukraine war has added liquidity, which is still being pumped into it today, it will NOT BE ENOUGH! So yet ANOTHER False Flag event will occur- just like this new war. BE READY FOR ANYTHING! This will not be the last FF… It sickens me to listen to the mainstream propaganda, PUSHING THE “Intelligence Failure” narrative, its quite the opposite really, and the timing of this is IMPECCABLE! With global debt market instability, stock markets rattling, crude oil falling… and POOF! Just out of nowhere, REALLY? Here is yet another conflict which will also go on, and on, requiring MANY MORE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS, and MANY more lives. Oh! And lets not forget that this new declared war according to the MSM, is against “militants.” Its “The Militants?” Really? Go ahead, make this up…. Its impossible. (read his other posts on this, it's obvious that insiders knew from money suddenly moving into the market on Fri, bets on crude going much higher, just like the put options on 9/11)
Its Iran’s money. Iran, like it or not, acts with principles of protecting the victims of Israeli territorial conquests. political subversion and remote-control of false-flag terrorism. (See books like Rise & Kill First by Ronen Bergman.)
Iran supports countries Israel seeks to destroy, which is ANY country that stands up to them. Screw that.
Your visions of Iranians or anyone else congratulating themselves is Zionist or Christian Zionist delusion frothed and foamed up by legions of Zionist propagandists which saturate US media with the express purpose of validating Israels right to slaughter anyone, anywhere, at any time. Screw that, too.
I hope Americans realize who brainwashed they are by their Zionist-owned, Zionist-operated mass-media. And I hope they realize social media is run by the same powers gradually censoring every opinion or discussion unfavorable to Zionist propaganda.
So you really think this begins and ends with Israel?
You never heard the Iranians announcing since 1979 that "ISLAM MUST RULE THE WORLD"?
It's in their Constitution!
Their mission as a nation includes "fulfilling the ideological mission of jihad in Allah’s way; that is, extending the sovereignty of Allah’s law throughout the world.”
LOL, youur arrogance will be undoing doing literally billions of people in the world hate Jews. There are what a 100,000,000 of your tiny tribe if that.
Along came crypto which was first ridiculed, then studied and now the govts want CBDCs
The banksters know who controls money controls the planet - or at least they think they do - and to an extent, they do, so long as people keep themselves in that mental cage of fear
The banks and politicians are the Pharisees and Sadducees of our day- the have an agenda and it’s to control society through manipulation and fear! Fear not! The battle has already been WON!
Thousands of Israelis have not died. However, Israel has killed 150,000 Palestinians since 2008. When you commit genocide on a people over many decades, you can't be surprised if one day they have had enough. You would think Israelis would understand that, but no.
The longer Israel denies they are at fault for invading and stealing Palestine, for committing massacres, ethnic-cleansing and cold-blooded murder, and for regarding all two-legged lives outside their tribe as sub-human, the sooner they can repent and start disassembling their racist, supremacist colony and enterprise. Time to leave Palestine to Palestinians and find some other country to invade.
Obviously you haven't read any Middle East history. Islam from the beginning was a colonial conquest, which explains why THE ARABS INVADED "JUDEA" in the 7th century.
(Get it? Judea? Land of the Jews?)
They also INVADED North Africa, Persia, large parts of Christianized Asia, and parts of Hindu Asia, in the name of their god.
You obviously haven't been listening to the Palestinian imams either. Well, I have. They are preaching that the whole world belongs to Islam, and that Europe and the US are next in line for conquest. I don't envy your ignorance.
I don’t care about Islamic claims of world conquest if they have done nothing to advance that goal. Israel, on the other hand has a Talmudic vision of a time when every superior Jew owns 1,800 slaves. And they have scriptures saying the borrower is slave to the lender. And other that declare they will control larger countries by loaning them money. And so, by the time the world population hits ten billion, and by the time everyone is in debt up to their ears, Israels vision of each Jews having 1800 slaves will have been fulfilled.
Do you have student loans, car payments and a mortgage?
I haven't paid a dime on my student loans for almost 40 years, LOL, and I own my car and house outright. Bring back Medieval Catholicism and make usury a death penalty level crime!
Those ancient sins of Islam are not much different than the wests conquest of the Americas. And those ones you bring up are far older and wholly irrelevant.
You’re spewing accusations that actually apply today against land-stealing, no-official-borders Israel, with a plan to use the USA as its Golem for expanding Israel into Greater Israel, from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Read Israel’s Strategic Plan written by Oded Yinon and translated into english by Israel Shahak. This basic plan was reiterated by Richard Pearl in his “Clean Break” document. Then that jumped the pond into the PNAC “think” tank document Rebuilding Americas Defenses, then into Pentagon planning for Secen Wars in Five Years reported by General Wesley Clark a few weeks after 9/11.
Thus, ISRAEL is ACTUALLY COMMITTING the crimes if conquest you accuse Islam of planning. Yet you do not acknowledge that Islam is not raising or deploying their own armies other than to defend against the armies of terrorists created, trained, armed and supported by the US, at the orders from Israel. Are you even aware that Israel directed the US and others to create armies of Wahabi terrorists and turn them loose on Syria, where they murdered 600,000 people and destroyed $400 BILLION in infrastructure? Do you know those basuc facts?
And do you know who revealed that Israel was the one who ordered the US and helpers to do this? And what has been done to him since? If you can guess his name, you might also be able to figure out why he has been treated so badly.
I used to believe all that Zionist bullshit you recite. But just before 9/11 I started having misgivings. It took a long time to break out of the brainwashing. Now I see who is controlling our government. Hey, since this is not Youtube, I can paste a string of links on the subject.
OTOH, your confused advice is unintentionally correct: "The longer Israel denies they are at fault... the sooner they can repent..."
Yes, we need to repent of our politically correct halfway measures in curbing Hamas-Iranian barbarism. It's time to end the program of suicide-by-a-thousand-cuts that started with Oslo.
There is reason to believe that many ordinary Gazans will also welcome the downfall of Hamas, just as most Iranians will welcome the downfall of their overlords.
If you really care about the Palestinians, you will listen to the first-hand interviews (translated from Arabic) in the series "WHISPERED IN GAZA"
Israel created Hamas and Israel likely controls Hamas as much as Israel controls US politics.
Shahs begot Ayatollahs. Nevertheless, Iran is no threat to the USA and could be a great friend if it weren’t for the dread, scheming Zionists sabotaging every opportunity for reconciliation and discussion between the US & Iran. See Mearsheimer & Walts book Israel and US Foreign Policy. (The title is redundant because the one is the other.)
The late NSA Director Gen. Willam Odom used to give talks on the backwardness of our relations with Iran. He pointed out how average Iranians like Americans more than the Sunni arabs we call our friends who will privately admit they are just waiting for the chance to dispense with infidels.
On the terrors of touring through Iran. Watch through to the shocking, gruesome end of the video where Ed gives his conclusions.
Good luck facing off against the Islamists, the global south, the BRICS countries, the hard left and the hard right. Literally well over half of the world is sick of Zionist Jew shit!
I know you are used to treating goyim as servants but this isn't Jewberg Fascistbook, and you have no power here over the untermensch. Doesn't that just piss you off Jew?
But can we? Every time I try to comment on Youtube videos they ban me from commenting for 24 hours. They are censoring everyone who opposes Zionist propaganda.
Etana, you can literally look up the casualties and it says 200 for latest attack, are you reporting accurately or are u a propaganda wing of Israel and US?
Over 500 dead Israeli civilians as of today 10/9 (with many missing) and the fighting still going on.
Just read an article about how Hamas is bragging about how they acted ‘all peaceful’ for almost a decade, lulling the Israelis and the west to sleep.....all while preparing for the slaughter.
Also read a piece about a German girl who went to Israel for a desert music rave celebrating PEACE.
She was kidnapped at the rave, gang raped, and murdered..... and then her body was dragged through the streets while the ‘peaceful’ Palestinians danced around her corpse shouting ‘Allah Akbar’.
And then they bragged about the whole thing online.
And that’s just one of the atrocities.
Words fail.......
Anyone taking up for these monsters is just as bad, or perhaps worse....
America can blame,the war in the Middle East on everyone in the Biden administration.Biden gave Iran billions to arm themselves and other enemies of Israel and America. Now that same Hamas attacking Israel is in America with other terrorists-thanks to democrats open borders!😡🤬
Because of COVID, I, like many Americans, have finally discovered the evils of our government. Come to find out, our leaders have often done nefarious things in the name of "democracy", but were actually pursuing/trying to maintain a global hegemony. I am so ashamed...
Very true. The US has been headed down the toilet since just after that happened in the late 1800's. The FED didn't just appear one morning in late December 1913 it was many decades in the conspiring.
This is a post that originates with propagandists filling Americans heads with bullshit.
We stole that money from Iran - on the order of a $100 Billion. They’ve done nothing to deserve our ire. US hostility towards Iran is the result of Israel controlling US foreign policy and sabotaging every opportunity for discussions and relations.
One single act of sabotage came when the infernal lobby prevented a US oil giant from gaining a share of the Iranian South Pars gas field which would have brought in $ tens of billions per year after construction of LNG facilities. (South Pars is one of the largest gas fields on Earth, but Israel is our Lord & Master and we date not make friends with any country Israel is hell bent on getting the US to destroy, no matter how many lies that takes.
The entire Arab Muslim region is full of cultural genocide against minority languages and religions. But what really drives you bonkers is the fact that one tiny country, 0.2% of the total land area in the Middle East, is not majority Arab Muslim. Deal with it, and stop projecting.
LOL, and you think you can hold out against a world that hates you for your global scale usury crimes and manipulations of governments everywhere. Not going to happen...
So if the nazis had failed in their genocidal effort and only managed to kill 1000 jews and paid for it with 150.000 of their own lives you would sympathize with the nazis because of the ... numbers?
You are the one with a Warsaw Ghetto 2.0 in Gaza and the whole world is watching this genocide unfold in real time. The rage is building like a volcano, if you keep going jews won't be safe anywhere!
Yea, only this time it's the genocidal nazis tucked in the ghetto to keep them in check and the jews living outside. Im sure the rage is red-hot in every antisemite globally.
Literally you are the Nazis this time bombing a trapped people with no army to fight back. It's morally sickening and wrong, and the world is watching and hates you for it. You wandering Jews better pack your bags and get to wandering soon and not staying anywhere too long soon you won't be safe anywhere. That's what you get for betraying Christ and bombing hospitals, no one can stand you, that's why you suffer endless progroms.
"That's why Rep, Schakowsky and I have introduced this bill, to create a special envoy for monitoring and combating Islamophobia at the State Department." (Ilhan Omar, Dec. 2021)
"Republican opponents to the bill argued against it based on a technical matter many felt created a larger problem: the text doesn’t define 'Islamophobia' and thus would elevate Islam above criticism." (Spectrum News NY)
In contrast, the Muslim Council of Britain HAS defined Islamophobia, and it includes the "unjustified assumptions" that Muslims take any of the following precepts seriously:
- time-honored hadith that promote brutal violence in the service of religious coercion.
- the right of Muslim men to violate women's rights.
- public calls to the Muslim faithful to conquer non-Islamic lands for the glory of their god.
- genocidal and dehumanizing anti-Jewish passages from the Quran.
So you see, sweet Lisa, you are safe as long you don't criticize THAT group.
And that's why millions worldwide feel free to bash Israeli Jews for supposedly throttling free criticism, but they tiptoe around the Palestinian Muslims.
Seems to be an inside job. We in America have traitors at the helm. Israel probably does too. The nation building days when all worked together are long gone. I never imagined America would be betrayed by insiders and I never imagined Israel would be betrayed by insiders.
I’m sure the $6billion released to Iran by the traitors at the helm of the democrat party played a big role. I’m sure clueless Jews in America who help put these traitors in office will feature blue and white digital memes as if that does a thing. There are wicked people in every generation and people with morals must always be on guard. Am Yisrael Chai.
"I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this??
What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?
How come border crossings were wide open??
Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system."
I was astonished that Netanyahu signed the deal with Pfizer, and planned an intrusive, thorough medical database to go along with the mandatory injections. It appears he and his circle did not consult the many experts available to inform on the history of coronavirus vaccines, mRNA tech, LNPs and available treatments and prophylaxis. Or worse, maybe he did. There were financial incentives complementing the move as well; excellent IMF terms, grants of money from nations, and for example, from the EU to help defray costs of implementing the rollout of injections. Israel was experiencing expansive aliya; its population is now over 8 million. Implementing everything gives Israel unprecedented surveillance and control of its people, and the program is killing most of them. We know that the injected will be gone within 5-10 years. Mossad is rife with a leftist agenda; they were involved with the mostly imported rioters over judicial reform. Of course, Israel as every country is infiltrated with satanic minions. Given history and the Jews, it seems more monstrous for Israel to me.
The stark deadly silence of mRNA/LNP/plasmid contaminated shots rendered in contrast to the horrors of this appalling moment demand intense reflection.
Yes. Israel knows the severe perverse cruelty of the Islamists. It's "leaders" deliberately inflicted this; they created the "war." It will also justify hitting Iran.
Israel is in a tight spot, iran and saudi arabia buddying up is not a good thing. But I don't think the muslim countries are using their heads. There is a point where Israel will end the constant threat from the muslims. That time may be approaching rapidly.
Without question, this wouldn't be happening if Trump had been re-elected in 2020. biden is massively at fault for this, no question about it.
My heart goes out to everyone suffering from what has happened today and what is still happening. Unfortunately we live in the times of evil clowns and monsters we’re not allowed to correctly name and identify. Perhaps tomorrow, my friends. Perhaps tomorrow….
Praying for the safety of you and your loved ones.
Continuation of sad times.
We have to step back and see why these fear-inducing horrors keep visiting humanity, and who is behind them. We need to see the patterns of evil and deceit and the hands pushing them:
- The Maine
- Fire bombings of civilians in Europe and Japan in WWII
- The wholesale murder of civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima (unrestricted warfare)
- Gulf of Tonkin
- Viet Nam and Korean Massacres
- The war on the unborn
- Trafficking of crack cocaine to the inner cities of the US, especially to black neighborhoods
- Building #7 on 9/11 right after 9/10 and Rumsfeld reporting missing billions
- The War on Drugs
- The War on Terror
- The War on a virus
All these "invisible enemies"
Search more.
RIP to the fallen faithful.
Interesting that you are so distressed about the fire bombings of "civilians" in "Europe" (you meant Germany) and Japan during WW2. I wonder if those events might have been connected with the tens of millions of Europeans and Asians murdered by the genocidal empires of Germany and Japan in the preceding years.
Who is responsible for "The Maine"? Tell us, o sage.
More interesting is you not seeming distressed by it.
More interesting still is you not mentioning the tens of millions of Europeans and Asians murdered by the genocidal empires of Germany and Japan.
Straw man
Red herring and
Ad hom
You’ve missed the point.
Also never mentioned the biggest murderers of the Great Leap Forward (40-80 million), Stalin’s gulags (20-40 million)
The point was to raise awareness, not inflame puerile bickering
There shouldn’t be a place for that kind of thread-crapping like Twitter or Facebook, but those exist. No need for it on Substack
In other words, everyone is entitled to your opinion...
You are the one who brought up WW2, not me. Get a grip abdul
Attacking strangers is a sure fire way to further create division
If your intention is to be divisive and rude, you’re succeeding.
Rudeness and ignorance have gotten humanity to this point.
Suggest you try kindness and compassion instead.
I love and agree with this. Rest In Peace to the fallen faithful.
You forgot the multi-generational open air Warsaw Ghetto 2.0 concentration camp in Gaza. You can only contain 2 million people in an area the size of large metro airport and bomb their hospitals, neighborhoods, and schools, and cut off their food and water every 3 years before you suffer terrible blowback, this is just beginning, not the end. The Zio-Nazi regime will fall!
The nazis are shapeshifters.
Operation Paperclip is just one of the many portals through which they slither.
Dear God. Be with Israel.
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121
The Nazis said that too while committing genocide like the IDF are committing in Gaza, God frowned on the Nazis and will frown on the butchers of the IDF as well.
What about the God Micah was channeling:
I am so very sorry. How this is happening, the way it is happening—it’s incomprehensible. Prayers for all who suffer from this senselessness.
Dig deeper. War is massively profitable.
Cui bono? Follow the money
Yes, always follow the money.
All Wars Are Bankers Wars- Mike Rivero (on bitchute)
There have been major problems in the markets- bond market collapsing, last week people were worried that we were soon headed for collapse.
Special Report: WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED! But NOTHING Is What It Seems To Be… Mannarino https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/special-report-war-has-been-declared
“institutions knew this was going to occur, and that’s why money was pouring into stocks yesterday” also going to affect the bond market, money will flow into bonds, push yields lower, Question EVERYTHING!!
When all else fails ,they bring us to war- war is positive for the stock market
Liquidity Crisis? No Problem, Just Start Another War!
Also worth reading- to get the background on the looming liquidity crisis:
https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/maximum-saturation (excellent explanation of what's going on in the global financial situation--the central bankers debt based monetary system is collapsing, overloaded with debt, war spending could prop it up for longer)
IMO, the central banking cartel rules the world. They have captured all national governments by getting the power to issue national currencies created out of thin air and loaned to governments at interest. Central bankers have enslaved all national governments with debt. National leaders are puppets. The central bankers are behind the wars- they make money financing wars from all sides and the goal is to enslave nations with debt. They deliberately keep people/nations in conflict, so they can kick of a war as needed. Citizens slaughter each other while the central banking cartel gets wealthier and wealthier. All wars are based on deception and lies. We can never take anything at face value. Many wars are set of by false flags.
People caught in false binary narrative traps: they don’t want to hear it.
When their Weltanschauung is challenged, they launch into logical fallacies to protect their dogmatic notions. The below has a pretty interesting take on the money cycling of the endless wars:
Big money profits
Humanity writ large loses
Yes, very interesting. Thanks for posting. We should never take anything at face value. Things are never as they seem to be (e.g. the official narrative of 9/11 was not the truth- all wars are based on deceptions).
Bless you - Keep raising awareness
fwiw- based on my research, I tend to think that most "terrorist" groups are manufactured by the intelligence agencies.
Keep encouraging others to keep doing their own research rather than being spoon fed propaganda from poorly-written textbooks and MSM drivel
Even the usual suspects reveal how the nazis escaped prosecution and moved to the US to infiltrate NASA, the military, the UN, the MSM and society through many operations
MK Ultra
Good job, teacher
Keep going
Here's a comment from someone who was in the IDF 20 years ago:
False flag!!! I’ll spare you the videos, but my morning started with my father sending me videos of IDF soldiers slaughtered in their barracks still in just their underwear, to which both of us as former service people ourselves immediately agreed that it’s im-fucking-possible! I did a service with IDF and have been to most bases in the south, and the ones close to the borders are always on highest level security alert: armed guards on towers 24/7 and all personnel are required to carry their personal weapons at all times… including sleeping with it literally under your mattress exactly for such situations! So how the hell could a group of Palestinians break into a base and make it all the way to the barracks unnoticed and unheard? I saw the media trying to sell a story that Iranians provided some equipment that jammed the electronically monitored fence, but any disturbance immediately notifies command and control center in Israel’s equivalent of the pentagon and someone would be immediately in touch with the bases’ commanders especially in the middle of the night. But even if that story is true, where were the night guards not to see the combatants approaching and alert everyone? With bases neutralized, there were no one to come to help the civilians in the area… how convenient.
Hamas was formed and paid for by Iran.
History: Was Hamas A Creation of Mossad?
Who Is Hamas?
Indeed, on its own soil, Israel has long been documented as creating “fake” al-Qaeda groups to justify its treatment of the Palestinian people.
With that in mind, it is important to note that Israel’s arch nemesis, Hamas, was created by Israel itself for the purpose of splitting the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and Fatah, the leading outfit for the Palestinian freedom and resistance movement.
As Justin Raimondo of AntiWar.com wrote in his 2006 article “Hamas, Son of Israel,”
Amid all the howls of pain and gnashing of teeth over the triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian elections, one fact remains relatively obscure, albeit highly relevant: Israel did much to launch Hamas as an effective force in the occupied territories. If ever there was a clear case of “blowback,” then this is it. As Richard Sale pointed out in a piece for UPI:
Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years. Israel ‘aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),’ said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International] Studies.Israel’s support for Hamas ‘was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,’ said a former senior CIA official.
If by Iran you mean Net Tan Yahoo!
All wars are bankers wars? Does that include the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Empires? The Mongol Empire? Good grief, take off the tinfoil.
Yeah, I’m sure that “the bankers” are behind Iran and Hamas.....just giving them orders to attack Israel when interest rates go up, or down, or credit default swaps, or whatever.....
Next we’ll hear that Mossad and the Rothschilds planned the whole thing, just because......
OK (((Mark))) we know you need to take a break to go back to Hasbara central to get more talking points.
Greg Mannarino looks at this from a financial perspective and with an understanding of the global debt-based fiat ponzi scheme monetary system:
This expanding war situation WILL add liquidity to the system, that is what it is designed to do, at the cost of as many human lives as it takes… But there is a BIGGER problem. Just as the Russia/Ukraine war has added liquidity, which is still being pumped into it today, it will NOT BE ENOUGH! So yet ANOTHER False Flag event will occur- just like this new war. BE READY FOR ANYTHING! This will not be the last FF… It sickens me to listen to the mainstream propaganda, PUSHING THE “Intelligence Failure” narrative, its quite the opposite really, and the timing of this is IMPECCABLE! With global debt market instability, stock markets rattling, crude oil falling… and POOF! Just out of nowhere, REALLY? Here is yet another conflict which will also go on, and on, requiring MANY MORE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS, and MANY more lives. Oh! And lets not forget that this new declared war according to the MSM, is against “militants.” Its “The Militants?” Really? Go ahead, make this up…. Its impossible. (read his other posts on this, it's obvious that insiders knew from money suddenly moving into the market on Fri, bets on crude going much higher, just like the put options on 9/11)
And who is behind the central banks? Hint they wear small hats...
Yes indeed, I followed the 6 billion US taxpayer dollars that recently went to Iran as protection money... and all Israelis braced themselves.
The only surprise is that some of that came flying at us from Gaza so quickly.
As I write, Hamas leaders and Iranian mullahs are publicly congratulating each other and smiling -- telling the world that their god "is greater".
At least the spiritual face of this political 'two-state' pretense is unmasked.
So be it.
We shall see if they are still smiling this time next week. Our God is about to respond.
People never learn
Think there are blueprints written with end results of Jewish persecution:
In the Bible (OT) and in Europe
Germany was flattened during WWII
And the various wars in the ME
Pray that cooler heads prevail in the human family
RIP to the dead
We have already been taken over, but not by muslims.
Cenk Uygar on Ehud Olmert, W Bush
Mark Bruzonsky
MJ Rosenberg
Stephanie Schriock
Glenn Greenwald
General Wesley Clark
French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas
Gonzalo Lira on Vicki Nuland
We are all Palestinians…
Lawrence Wilkerson on the dread lobby
On Jacob Schiff’s support for the Communist takeover of Russia
Its Iran’s money. Iran, like it or not, acts with principles of protecting the victims of Israeli territorial conquests. political subversion and remote-control of false-flag terrorism. (See books like Rise & Kill First by Ronen Bergman.)
Iran supports countries Israel seeks to destroy, which is ANY country that stands up to them. Screw that.
Your visions of Iranians or anyone else congratulating themselves is Zionist or Christian Zionist delusion frothed and foamed up by legions of Zionist propagandists which saturate US media with the express purpose of validating Israels right to slaughter anyone, anywhere, at any time. Screw that, too.
I hope Americans realize who brainwashed they are by their Zionist-owned, Zionist-operated mass-media. And I hope they realize social media is run by the same powers gradually censoring every opinion or discussion unfavorable to Zionist propaganda.
You earned a follow Fred.
So you really think this begins and ends with Israel?
You never heard the Iranians announcing since 1979 that "ISLAM MUST RULE THE WORLD"?
It's in their Constitution!
Their mission as a nation includes "fulfilling the ideological mission of jihad in Allah’s way; that is, extending the sovereignty of Allah’s law throughout the world.”
(https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Iran_1989.pdf?lang=en - page 8)
Hamas has the same goal - it goes way beyond Israel to global Islam. Watch as a Hamas leader says it to his own people.
Now watch as Muslims in NYC say the same thing about America - and this is in English so you won't misunderstand:
Wake up, Fred, the war is already on your doorstep.
Ok (((Hannah)))
LOL, youur arrogance will be undoing doing literally billions of people in the world hate Jews. There are what a 100,000,000 of your tiny tribe if that.
Where are my replies going?
100% No Banks, no wars ! Debank the banks!!!!🙏🌎
Along came crypto which was first ridiculed, then studied and now the govts want CBDCs
The banksters know who controls money controls the planet - or at least they think they do - and to an extent, they do, so long as people keep themselves in that mental cage of fear
Have a great Sunday
The banks and politicians are the Pharisees and Sadducees of our day- the have an agenda and it’s to control society through manipulation and fear! Fear not! The battle has already been WON!
Amen - but we must do our part.
Participate well!
God bless🙏 Eyes to the sky! 😇
Thousands of Israelis have not died. However, Israel has killed 150,000 Palestinians since 2008. When you commit genocide on a people over many decades, you can't be surprised if one day they have had enough. You would think Israelis would understand that, but no.
Feel free to unsubscribe
The longer Israel denies they are at fault for invading and stealing Palestine, for committing massacres, ethnic-cleansing and cold-blooded murder, and for regarding all two-legged lives outside their tribe as sub-human, the sooner they can repent and start disassembling their racist, supremacist colony and enterprise. Time to leave Palestine to Palestinians and find some other country to invade.
Obviously you haven't read any Middle East history. Islam from the beginning was a colonial conquest, which explains why THE ARABS INVADED "JUDEA" in the 7th century.
(Get it? Judea? Land of the Jews?)
They also INVADED North Africa, Persia, large parts of Christianized Asia, and parts of Hindu Asia, in the name of their god.
You obviously haven't been listening to the Palestinian imams either. Well, I have. They are preaching that the whole world belongs to Islam, and that Europe and the US are next in line for conquest. I don't envy your ignorance.
I don’t care about Islamic claims of world conquest if they have done nothing to advance that goal. Israel, on the other hand has a Talmudic vision of a time when every superior Jew owns 1,800 slaves. And they have scriptures saying the borrower is slave to the lender. And other that declare they will control larger countries by loaning them money. And so, by the time the world population hits ten billion, and by the time everyone is in debt up to their ears, Israels vision of each Jews having 1800 slaves will have been fulfilled.
Do you have student loans, car payments and a mortgage?
I haven't paid a dime on my student loans for almost 40 years, LOL, and I own my car and house outright. Bring back Medieval Catholicism and make usury a death penalty level crime!
Those ancient sins of Islam are not much different than the wests conquest of the Americas. And those ones you bring up are far older and wholly irrelevant.
You’re spewing accusations that actually apply today against land-stealing, no-official-borders Israel, with a plan to use the USA as its Golem for expanding Israel into Greater Israel, from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Read Israel’s Strategic Plan written by Oded Yinon and translated into english by Israel Shahak. This basic plan was reiterated by Richard Pearl in his “Clean Break” document. Then that jumped the pond into the PNAC “think” tank document Rebuilding Americas Defenses, then into Pentagon planning for Secen Wars in Five Years reported by General Wesley Clark a few weeks after 9/11.
Thus, ISRAEL is ACTUALLY COMMITTING the crimes if conquest you accuse Islam of planning. Yet you do not acknowledge that Islam is not raising or deploying their own armies other than to defend against the armies of terrorists created, trained, armed and supported by the US, at the orders from Israel. Are you even aware that Israel directed the US and others to create armies of Wahabi terrorists and turn them loose on Syria, where they murdered 600,000 people and destroyed $400 BILLION in infrastructure? Do you know those basuc facts?
And do you know who revealed that Israel was the one who ordered the US and helpers to do this? And what has been done to him since? If you can guess his name, you might also be able to figure out why he has been treated so badly.
I used to believe all that Zionist bullshit you recite. But just before 9/11 I started having misgivings. It took a long time to break out of the brainwashing. Now I see who is controlling our government. Hey, since this is not Youtube, I can paste a string of links on the subject.
Cenk Uygar on Ehud Olmert, W Bush
Mark Bruzonsky
MJ Rosenberg
Stephanie Schriock
Glenn Greenwald
General Wesley Clark
French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas
Gonzalo Lira on Vicki Nuland
We are all Palestinians…
Lawrence Wilkerson on the dread lobby
On Jacob Schiff’s support for the Communist takeover of Russia
OTOH, your confused advice is unintentionally correct: "The longer Israel denies they are at fault... the sooner they can repent..."
Yes, we need to repent of our politically correct halfway measures in curbing Hamas-Iranian barbarism. It's time to end the program of suicide-by-a-thousand-cuts that started with Oslo.
There is reason to believe that many ordinary Gazans will also welcome the downfall of Hamas, just as most Iranians will welcome the downfall of their overlords.
If you really care about the Palestinians, you will listen to the first-hand interviews (translated from Arabic) in the series "WHISPERED IN GAZA"
Israel created Hamas and Israel likely controls Hamas as much as Israel controls US politics.
Shahs begot Ayatollahs. Nevertheless, Iran is no threat to the USA and could be a great friend if it weren’t for the dread, scheming Zionists sabotaging every opportunity for reconciliation and discussion between the US & Iran. See Mearsheimer & Walts book Israel and US Foreign Policy. (The title is redundant because the one is the other.)
The late NSA Director Gen. Willam Odom used to give talks on the backwardness of our relations with Iran. He pointed out how average Iranians like Americans more than the Sunni arabs we call our friends who will privately admit they are just waiting for the chance to dispense with infidels.
On the terrors of touring through Iran. Watch through to the shocking, gruesome end of the video where Ed gives his conclusions.
Good luck facing off against the Islamists, the global south, the BRICS countries, the hard left and the hard right. Literally well over half of the world is sick of Zionist Jew shit!
You've made your views clear, several times over. You can now do as the Owner of the site suggested.
Unsubscribe from this "Jew shit" blog that you are so sick of.
Are you going to report me to the manger Karen? Sorry I didn't put the correct number of ice cubes in your glass of water. Serving you is a pleasure.
Still here, U mad Jew?
I know you are used to treating goyim as servants but this isn't Jewberg Fascistbook, and you have no power here over the untermensch. Doesn't that just piss you off Jew?
Can't we grieve for the innocent dead?
In Gaza?
Well put. People are waking up, thank God with the internet we can route around Zio propaganda.
But can we? Every time I try to comment on Youtube videos they ban me from commenting for 24 hours. They are censoring everyone who opposes Zionist propaganda.
Not JewTube but here, Rumble and independent websites.
Etana, you can literally look up the casualties and it says 200 for latest attack, are you reporting accurately or are u a propaganda wing of Israel and US?
Over 500 dead Israeli civilians as of today 10/9 (with many missing) and the fighting still going on.
Just read an article about how Hamas is bragging about how they acted ‘all peaceful’ for almost a decade, lulling the Israelis and the west to sleep.....all while preparing for the slaughter.
Also read a piece about a German girl who went to Israel for a desert music rave celebrating PEACE.
She was kidnapped at the rave, gang raped, and murdered..... and then her body was dragged through the streets while the ‘peaceful’ Palestinians danced around her corpse shouting ‘Allah Akbar’.
And then they bragged about the whole thing online.
And that’s just one of the atrocities.
Words fail.......
Anyone taking up for these monsters is just as bad, or perhaps worse....
And found later alive atrocity propagandist!
Over 800 civilians killed
Over 100 civilians kidnapped and threatened with death by Hamas
Upadate Zio Nazis have murdered 3000 people the majority women and children, 500 at one hospital alone (((Mark))).
I’m hearing over 1100 now
No "people" like you need to hear this most!
America can blame,the war in the Middle East on everyone in the Biden administration.Biden gave Iran billions to arm themselves and other enemies of Israel and America. Now that same Hamas attacking Israel is in America with other terrorists-thanks to democrats open borders!😡🤬
Why can’t the USA keep its nose out of the affairs of other countries.
Because of COVID, I, like many Americans, have finally discovered the evils of our government. Come to find out, our leaders have often done nefarious things in the name of "democracy", but were actually pursuing/trying to maintain a global hegemony. I am so ashamed...
Because its nose belongs to someone else.
Yep. Here he is, nose and all.
Very true. The US has been headed down the toilet since just after that happened in the late 1800's. The FED didn't just appear one morning in late December 1913 it was many decades in the conspiring.
“Avoid foreign entanglements “ - US Constitution
This is a post that originates with propagandists filling Americans heads with bullshit.
We stole that money from Iran - on the order of a $100 Billion. They’ve done nothing to deserve our ire. US hostility towards Iran is the result of Israel controlling US foreign policy and sabotaging every opportunity for discussions and relations.
One single act of sabotage came when the infernal lobby prevented a US oil giant from gaining a share of the Iranian South Pars gas field which would have brought in $ tens of billions per year after construction of LNG facilities. (South Pars is one of the largest gas fields on Earth, but Israel is our Lord & Master and we date not make friends with any country Israel is hell bent on getting the US to destroy, no matter how many lies that takes.
So much this!
Not the time...not the place just because you can. Horrible response to her piece....go away.
Try telling the IDF that when they come to bulldoze your home and steal your land. It is always the time to speak out against such depraved evil.
Indeed ask Rachel Corrie's family. You earned a follow.
How dare people tell the truth about Jew lies, sob!
The entire Arab Muslim region is full of cultural genocide against minority languages and religions. But what really drives you bonkers is the fact that one tiny country, 0.2% of the total land area in the Middle East, is not majority Arab Muslim. Deal with it, and stop projecting.
LOL, and you think you can hold out against a world that hates you for your global scale usury crimes and manipulations of governments everywhere. Not going to happen...
1 or 1,000, it's sad.
Violence won't drive out violence.
I have watched documentaries on how the Palestinians have been treated by the israelis. They were not very complimentary of the israelis.
Understatement of the year!
So if the nazis had failed in their genocidal effort and only managed to kill 1000 jews and paid for it with 150.000 of their own lives you would sympathize with the nazis because of the ... numbers?
Let me guess: you never leave your TV couch?
You are the one with a Warsaw Ghetto 2.0 in Gaza and the whole world is watching this genocide unfold in real time. The rage is building like a volcano, if you keep going jews won't be safe anywhere!
Yea, only this time it's the genocidal nazis tucked in the ghetto to keep them in check and the jews living outside. Im sure the rage is red-hot in every antisemite globally.
Your motto is literally "Billions will die." The Jew blood lust is endless!
Your reaction precisely proved my point (and kinda made my day as well). BTW Im a very arian German.
You are a sick man you mock genocide.
Yes "people" like you seem to WANT WWIII. Why? Bloodlust?
Literally you are the Nazis this time bombing a trapped people with no army to fight back. It's morally sickening and wrong, and the world is watching and hates you for it. You wandering Jews better pack your bags and get to wandering soon and not staying anywhere too long soon you won't be safe anywhere. That's what you get for betraying Christ and bombing hospitals, no one can stand you, that's why you suffer endless progroms.
Oh look a Jew lie, I am shocked, shocked I tell you!
“If you want to know who controls you, look at who you’re not allowed to criticize.”
"That's why Rep, Schakowsky and I have introduced this bill, to create a special envoy for monitoring and combating Islamophobia at the State Department." (Ilhan Omar, Dec. 2021)
"Republican opponents to the bill argued against it based on a technical matter many felt created a larger problem: the text doesn’t define 'Islamophobia' and thus would elevate Islam above criticism." (Spectrum News NY)
In contrast, the Muslim Council of Britain HAS defined Islamophobia, and it includes the "unjustified assumptions" that Muslims take any of the following precepts seriously:
- time-honored hadith that promote brutal violence in the service of religious coercion.
- the right of Muslim men to violate women's rights.
- public calls to the Muslim faithful to conquer non-Islamic lands for the glory of their god.
- genocidal and dehumanizing anti-Jewish passages from the Quran.
So you see, sweet Lisa, you are safe as long you don't criticize THAT group.
And that's why millions worldwide feel free to bash Israeli Jews for supposedly throttling free criticism, but they tiptoe around the Palestinian Muslims.
LOL bless your heart.
OK (((LIsa))).
The truth hurts
We are praying for Gods protection over you all.
Seems to be an inside job. We in America have traitors at the helm. Israel probably does too. The nation building days when all worked together are long gone. I never imagined America would be betrayed by insiders and I never imagined Israel would be betrayed by insiders.
I’m sure the $6billion released to Iran by the traitors at the helm of the democrat party played a big role. I’m sure clueless Jews in America who help put these traitors in office will feature blue and white digital memes as if that does a thing. There are wicked people in every generation and people with morals must always be on guard. Am Yisrael Chai.
ex-IDF soldier explains that the events that took place today are impossible.
She was a boarder observer with the highest tech available.
"If a bird came close we knew"
"Even even a cockroach came to our fenced border we knew"
"How did 400 hamas pass through today"?
"I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this??
What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?
How come border crossings were wide open??
Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system."
Israel knows everything that twitches even so much as a whisker, so much as the wing of a small fly.
This was allowed to happen.
Now, Israel can justify flattening Gaza.
Today, Israel gave Gazans 24 hours to get their women and children out.
This is the saddest part about the whole thing, and that is just the lowest level. We are watching 9/11 all over again.
I was astonished that Netanyahu signed the deal with Pfizer, and planned an intrusive, thorough medical database to go along with the mandatory injections. It appears he and his circle did not consult the many experts available to inform on the history of coronavirus vaccines, mRNA tech, LNPs and available treatments and prophylaxis. Or worse, maybe he did. There were financial incentives complementing the move as well; excellent IMF terms, grants of money from nations, and for example, from the EU to help defray costs of implementing the rollout of injections. Israel was experiencing expansive aliya; its population is now over 8 million. Implementing everything gives Israel unprecedented surveillance and control of its people, and the program is killing most of them. We know that the injected will be gone within 5-10 years. Mossad is rife with a leftist agenda; they were involved with the mostly imported rioters over judicial reform. Of course, Israel as every country is infiltrated with satanic minions. Given history and the Jews, it seems more monstrous for Israel to me.
Israel leaders appear to be just as corrupt as those of every current western country .
But not as incompetent, which is worrisome indeed
The stark deadly silence of mRNA/LNP/plasmid contaminated shots rendered in contrast to the horrors of this appalling moment demand intense reflection.
Yes. Israel knows the severe perverse cruelty of the Islamists. It's "leaders" deliberately inflicted this; they created the "war." It will also justify hitting Iran.
Hold on sweet child...your testimony is needed to tell the story of the present.
I am heartbroken for Israel and praying for her peace — I’m so sorry
Praying for you and the people of Israel. May justice be served. God Bless you, Elana.
Correction, Etana I wrote Elana.
You are in my prayers.
Evil knows no bounds.
Israel is in a tight spot, iran and saudi arabia buddying up is not a good thing. But I don't think the muslim countries are using their heads. There is a point where Israel will end the constant threat from the muslims. That time may be approaching rapidly.
Without question, this wouldn't be happening if Trump had been re-elected in 2020. biden is massively at fault for this, no question about it.
Holding you, your loved ones and the children and families of Israel in my heart and peace-embracing prayers.
Prayers for you, your family and nation.
My heart goes out to everyone suffering from what has happened today and what is still happening. Unfortunately we live in the times of evil clowns and monsters we’re not allowed to correctly name and identify. Perhaps tomorrow, my friends. Perhaps tomorrow….