Not a chance any pro-vaxxer shows up to debate. Steve Kirsch has been trying for months. They know they’ll be torn to shreds.

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There may have been a time in some bygone day when intelligent well informed people could listen to a debate and process new information and come away with a new understanding.

I'm not sure that world exists right now.

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Lord knows I've tried. They won't even show up for $1M for no strings (offer to VRBPAC and ACIP committees).

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I know. Keep the pressure on. Don't let up.

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Always has been

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Well-thought out challenge. However, The silent reply you’ll receive from all pro-vax doctors or scientists you send it to will be deafening. We’re dealing with a new collective mass formation faith now, not science. Evidence no longer matters and no amount of it will change minds. You could livestream on CNN a stadium full of 60,000 people all falling over dead in seconds with the covid vax needles still in their arms and you’d get ZERO people to renounce their faith.

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Thank you. Another excellent and valuable post. I will share far and wide!

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It is obvious that the Vaccines have nothing to do with any existing virus. They may be for control or the Great Reset, to be used for Digital I.D

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Geert has had a pretty good track record so far, right?

Makes me very worried for the future

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Thank you for this comprehensive review of vaccine skepticism. I am a nurse and wrote my story here: nancyrbenedict.substack.com. While I am not a virologist, I have enough education to understand the basic principles involved in making an informed decision. I have uneducated friends however who were determined to seek the truth even though they did not understand the scientific realities. Those of us who resisted are extremely grateful we did not give in to the deception.

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It will be hard to publicly change Dr. Vax’s mind, as he will have to admit liability for all the people he has harmed or killed. But thanks for your eloquent attempt!

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Thank you so much for this. I love the letter to the doctor. It is in the spirit of my approaches to reach people, including formerly respected colleagues who want to censor "anti-tax" conspiracy theories, . I asked my son, who works for Merck (environmental safety - not Pharma), whose kids are on the CDC schedule and spiked, to find some kind of scientist I could have a respectful dialogue with. It would be like your letter and refer to original data. I share your experience and similarly have followed every aspect of this intensely since March 2020. We are kindred spirits.

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Thank you - Stay strong!

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Belief in the Covid vaccines is a religion for some people now - that’s why facts, evidence and logic have no impact on them. They just “believe”.

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I know - but they think the same about us, somehow.

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I know - but we have the data and the evidence - they don’t! Not that it matters. I’ve given up arguing with them. If they are stupid enough to mask up and jab themselves to death, there’s nothing I can do - but I do feel very sorry for their children. The truth will be undeniable to all soon.

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I worry about what our future is going to look like knowing that these injections are 100% harmful. I was on the fence and did my own research and know the skeptics are correct. Unfortunately the masses believe the lies and propaganda. I’ve watched virtually my entire family, friends and co-workers take these products and they are struggling with cancer, tumors, illnesses, etc. I’ve lost friends and my husband and I nearly lost our jobs. Most significantly I’ve lost complete trust in the medical establishment! I commend Tucker for speaking out but unfortunately children are going to start dying for people to wake up.

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Thank you! This is EXCELLENT. I so appreciate having it all in one essay - I have emailed article after article to myself since early 2020 and this is so helpful instead of trying to find it all in my inbox and put it together. Unfortunately - most people I have tried to share with, I can’t get past the first question you suggested. I am not trying anymore - until they see it on CNN they won’t believe me.

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Yep. I sent a blue check friend a video by Dr John Campbell (who is pro vax) expressing some mild reservations about vaxing children. Her response was to check his Wikipedia page wherein It said he was a spreader of disinformation since did not demonize ivermectin.


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I’m sorry. I had a friend quote Wikipedia to criticize the association that had Peter McCullough at a particular speech. Also quoted snopes, and Reddit. Nothing more to say unfortunately

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The "Winter of the Unvaccinated" has become the "Summer of the Boosted" – See Brandon, July 21st, 2022.


Debate over!

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same hockey stick for Australia. Both have 95% vax rates. Draconian lockdowns. The vax does create a limited, weak immune system response, that is very narrow.

It wears off. This is fact.

It also forces mutations. The worn immune response is unprepared for the mutation. Furthermore, if the vaxed are more harmed by mutant than unvaxed, it proves the vax harms the immune system.

In the fullness of time, I believe the vax will have been proven to be worse than doing nothing.

Ditto masks, and anything more than quarantine of sick people is a waste. Trillions of dollars which ultimately made us all worse off, while creating at least 50 new billionaires and unleashing economy ravaging inflation (hurting the poorest the worst).

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The poison injections have already been proven to be worse than doing nothing!

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EXCELLENT post, Etana and Ashmedai.

Watching the heretofore experts be revealed as badly compromised and/or heavily motivated due to ideology and non-science worship of exp. drugs has been one of the real eye openers of this Operation.

All we ever wanted was the Truth.

And so many of these experts are painted in a corner that just keeps getting smaller and smaller.

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Fantastic article! Q#1 reveals if the person is hypnotized, willfully blind, and unfortunately too many in my world. Even if I point out that the jabs are ineffective with so many jabbed and boosted getting Covid the quick retort is "but they were effective because they prevented severe illness, hospitalization and death". There are articles now circulating that "science" says it's preposterous to think one avoided/never had Covid, and yet they (USA) ignore the logical conclusion of protective natural immunity- no vax required like countless other viruses.

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