Etana, when my family lived in British Palestine—yes I was born there—there were pogroms in which Jews were slaughtered. There was no modern state of Israel then. The reason for the killings was plain and simple; because they were Jews.

The barbarism continues today but in a different form, perpetrated by Islamists. My mother her whole life predicted there would never be peace there. The situation is in fact worse because so many around the world empathize with a subhuman cult that mutilates, murders and takes hostages. You cannot rationalize with people who extol barbarism and devoid of humanity.

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Of course, Israelii Zionists are not indoctrinated from the cradle to the grave. I forgot IDF are the moral army of the world. All Israeli's are peace loving , all Gazans are full of hate. Strange world you live in where you cannot see the inhumanity of your own society, but can some how come to the the conclusion that there are no good Gazans. Try being persecuted for 75 years by a a coluniser occupier apatheid state. Joke of an article.

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The two state system that the so called powers that be, are proposing will never work. The muslims will never let Israel live in peace. Here in the USA the public school system brain washes the children into believing the USA is racist, and that white people are evil. If you push back the FBI comes and knocks at your door. The government uses the fear of law enforcement against the average citizen. This next election will be the last one here, unless people rise up and vote these marxist demoncrats out of office. Even at that, the damage that has been done by this illegal puppet president and the minions of the deep state. most likely has ruined our economy. They have opened the border and we have an invading army waiting to come out fight. Most of the american people have guns and will fight, this is why the government works so hard to take the guns away. Unless the people of the country repent and come back to God, it may be to late. Like Nineveh we have been told repent or you will be destroyed. We cannot vote our way out of this.

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And to think Israel helped create Hamas...

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Um, no.

You aren't to blame, because that myth is all over the Internet, and it's so well accepted that no one bothers to do a fact-check.

Fortunately, award-winning journalist Daniel Greenfield did one, and his findings have been available online since Oct. 2023.


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Isn't the title itself manipulated? Nobody said netanyahu created or funded hamas. But it's been shown in video that they admitted to creating hamas to help dilute and disrupte the influence of the PLA.

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You can leave prime minister Netanyahu out of this, since neither of us mentioned him.

"it's been shown in video that they [who?] admitted to creating hamas..."

I documented my statements with a source (which you apparently chose not to read). It's only fair that you should be required do the same. Video link please.

And be advised that I WILL fact-check it.

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There is a video from 2019 where Bibi states clearly that Israel should support Hamas.

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Post the link please.

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There didn’t need to be a public act of creation, there was a constant dehumanising of women, children and men through the practise of abduction and torture, summary justice (beating people, slapping children, confiscating property, without cause) sniper attacks, repeated military invasion of homes, detaining people without cause, taking land, cutting off water and power, unfair taxes and limiting travel. Keep doing this and an enemy is created. Even the policy of treating Palestinians as if there are only good or bad, or speaking of ‘all Palestinians’ is proof of the presence of apartheid under colonial laws.

It’s not the fault of the many People who flocked to Palestine after the British, without consultation or any real authority, created another partition.

If peace is truly to be accomplished, then the peoples who exercise the most power must exercise it for peace, without condition.

Those who know colonialism and work therapeutically will recognise that unhealed trauma will always seek out another protagonist in order to act in protection of the wound.

All people are subject to misinformation and asymmetrical reportage because it fuels hate and sells weapons.

War is good business for people who we will never look in the eye.

They made money making poisonous gas and building concentration camps, now they sell torture strategies, surveillance and weaponry designed to target civilians.

I do not understand the equation that makes war a strategy for peace.

I do not understand, when there is such thirst for revenge, why one might pick the weakest, in order to exact it.

The children who suffer and who die belong to all of us.

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"Even the policy of treating Palestinians as if there are only good or bad, or speaking of ‘all Palestinians’ is proof of the presence of apartheid under colonial laws." No, it is not.

Have you ever looked up the definition of "apartheid"?

"In South Africa, a system under which people of different races were kept separate by law." (Cambridge Dictionary) All Blacks were excluded, whether "good" or "bad".

Funny thing - this describes the Palestinian areas, where all Jews (good or bad) are excluded "by law", specifically Islamic law.

Why is that NOT "apartheid"?

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"Those who know colonialism" have given us a clear description:

"Colonialism has often led indigenous people, such as tribal groups, to become a minority in an area they once were the majority (dominant) group.... Colonialism is domination by outsiders." (Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences)

The only "indigenous people" who were ever "the majority group" in Palestine were the Jews 2000 years ago. The "outsiders" who made them a minority in Palestine were first the Romans who came in from Italy, and then the Arabs who came in from Arabia, and finally the Ottoman Muslims who came from Turkey.

(The British were not colonizers, they were custodians mandated to restore the indigenous people, and then withdraw. But they perpetuated the Ottoman colonialism by restricting Jewish repatriation to ridiculously low numbers.)

"If decolonization is the removal or undoing of colonial elements, then Indigenization could be seen as the addition or redoing of Indigenous elements." (Queens University, Canada)

In that context, Zionism is a project to decolonize Palestine and restore the Indigenous population in the land originally called Israel / Judea.

So now it's your turn.

Explain to us why every decolonizing, indigenizing enterprise in the world is given respect -- except for that one.

And please be aware that repeating the myth of "apartheid inside Israel" is regarded as an insult by the 2.1 million Arab Israeli citizens - as well as by the millions of Black South Africans who suffered under real apartheid.

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It’s not just indigenous people who suffer from colonialism.

It’s a mindset which can affect everyone, this is part of its insidious nature. It separates into ‘them’ and ‘us’. It others and then uses its power to identify otherness as a problem or a justification for taking by domination.

In the developed world, it’s so tempting to imagine that apartheid and colonialism are only external events, and that it is simply a matter of engaging in a debate and winning conceptual points and using chosen facts to minimise or neutralise a situation.

It cannot be disputed that The British Empire colonised countries by force, drew borders, controlled resources and humans through coercion and violence. This broader view is necessary when there is a polarisation of a situation- and the maintaining of a position of victimhood, while causing the death and suffering of thousands and thousands of people, while destroying the environment and continuing to displace people in order to make settlements.

I believe there’s a time and a place where people can stop drawing upon notions like ‘insulting 2.1 million…’ in order to gatekeep a moral position around the murder of children.

Britain, France, Germany and the U.S. (maybe more) are supplying Israeli forces with weapons specifically to aim at Palestinian civilians. Humanitarian aid is blocked. The Israeli government is not acting without support from some of the largest arms producers in the world.

Not everyone in those countries supports the production or sales of weapons.

To make broad, sweeping statements like ‘all British’ or ‘all U.S. citizens’ would be a symptom of colonisation, it is the homogenisation of a diverse and multi-layered society into a single mind, an amorphous mass without right to identify, other than in the terms of the colonist.

Apartheid isn’t a matter of a specific race, it’s not only the act of building walls and controlling who enters and leaves by force, it’s a system which creates class and imposes social agency. It could be argued that Britain still lives under a self-policed apartheid rule maintained by economic sanctions imposed by the government.

The cycle of genocide and unprocessed trauma is being repeated and, if this attack continues and plays out, then another enemy will have to be created to avoid the accumulated unprocessed grief and terror.

Colonised people colonise others until healing takes place.

Revenge perpetuates.

Does the need to be right justify the death of innocent children?

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Your idea of human-rights violations as a "mindset" means it can't be proven or disproven - it's a form of thought-policing, and it's how witch-hunts work.

But you keep coming back to the children, which is commendable.

"Does the need to be right justify the death of innocent children?"

You are of course talking about the IDF causing the deaths of Palestinian children, from a "need to be right". Because Hamas says so, and they would never lie to you?

So here is Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, speaking to the rest of the world, where he actually says they WANT and NEED the blood of Gazan children to be spilled.

"I have said this before, and I say it again. The blood of the women, children, and elderly… I am not saying that this blood is calling for your help. We are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit, so it awakens within us resolve, so it awakens within us the spirit of challenge, and [pushes us] to move forward."


And since you are so single-minded about the innocent children of Gaza, I do think you ought to see how they have been taught for the last 30 years to dream of Genocide. Child abuse, no?


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I would appreciate hearing more about awakening revolutionary spirit. This feels like an aspect of the situation I don’t know about. Could you please say more?

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Hannah Thank you! I wasn't aware. I will share widely.

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Have you written anything that criticized, and exposed, the Israeli Netanyahu government for allowing Hamas to run rampant for six hours and kill over a thousand Israeli citizens, that the same government disarmed the communities near Gaza. in the 2 years before this incident, which is insanity, that the IDF was STOOD DOWN by the government to allow this horror to be visited upon its own citizens in order to start this Gaza Ghetto Genocide????? Have you written anything at all Etana, to expose the complicity of this government in these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY both on the Israeli side and the Gaza side? Have you written anything about all of the Israeli Defense officials who spew hatred for Palestinians, and the equally violent rhetoric in Israeli society against the Palestinians? Or is your writing focused only on blaming the genocide of Gazans upon the Gazans themselves under the false narrative that the biggest and most advanced military in the region has a right to 'protect Israel.'

The ABSOLUTE HARDEST thing seems to be for people to ADMIT the EVILS of their own governments - which was for me the greatest SHOCK and WAKE UP call over the COVID-TERRORISM that has marked the beginning of the global meltdown we are living through, which is a War on Humanity called the GREAT RESET, and to realize that the WESTERN GOVERNMENTS ARE THE GREATEST EVIL IN HISTORY was for me the toughest TRUTH that I have ever had to face, and that they are in COLLUSION with multiple other bad actors, which includes ISRAEL.

No matter how much we LOVE our nations, and how much we LOVE our own people, we cannot hide behind that to AVOID the truth about the EVIL of our governments, because to FAIL to call out the evil actions of our own governments is to SERVE EVIL ITSELF.

What say you Etana?

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Unsubscribe. This is disgusting

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Thanks for joining until now- i wish you clarity and good health.

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Great rebuttal. Bye,

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Thank you Etana. I will share widely.

Some of us knew this to be true before the horror of Oct 7. Some have realized the truth now. Those that do not want to see the truth are complicit with the savage Hamas, enabling them.

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I will substitute references to Gazans with Israelis.

"Innocent Israelis" grew up in the stench of racist apartheid Israel.

They grew up idolizing their political and military leaders who ALL said they must steal the land from the Palestinians.

They grew up believing self-destructive lies that Palestinians are “snakes”, not human.

They grew up in a culture that destroys homes, sewage systems, hospitals, schools, olive groves, fishing boats, steals animals and poison wells. It is a culture that prefers death over life, and believes the phrase “Never Again” refers to only Jews.

How can a religion that claims to be about justice demand respect and sympathy while continuously displaying the behaviour of a rabid beast?

Adults in Israel teach their children to hate “The Other”.

Does Israeli society have enough peace-seeking actors to ensure a mandate for their people that truly seeks peace?

To distinguish between light and darkness, all of us, everywhere, must find the courage to look deep within ourselves to root out the dark shadow energies that are part of human existence. We must vanquish our own darkness.

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It's cute, but it's sheer lies.

Thanks for playing.

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Does your response means that you deny that Israel destroys homes, sewage systems, olive groves, fishing boats, schools, hospitals, and poisons wells? Are you aware that Israeli soldiers in the West Bank have been spraying sewage on Palestinian homes? or shooting Palestinian children as they carry groceries?

Are you saying these are lies? Surely you cannot be saying that.

And do you deny that there are a few thousand Palestinians in "administrative detention", held without being charged, without being able to see a lawyer for a long time, who are being tortured in a variety of ways?

Truth is, it is not just Hamas who are the bad guys. The IOF is also a terrorist organization, that lives "by the steel helmet and gun barrel."

It is tragic that Hamas surely knew that Israel would respond with huge force to their actions of Oct. 7th. Yet they did their massacre anyway ... This does not mean that they do not care about their children. From my privileged perspective living in a country that is not a war zone, resisting the Occupation is about living and dying with some kind of dignity, by not succumbing to oppressive conditions - ALL of the above actions against Palestinians - and knowing they would rather die than accept that life means being "lesser than" ...

Truth is ... both Israeli and Hamas leaders are war criminals and should be tried for crimes against humanity.

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Is this essay's message supposed to be something like, "If a collection of children in society A are indoctrinated with hatred toward people in society B, then society B is legally and ethically entitled to murder those children" ?

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The good Gazans will get shot or bombed if they stand up.

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Yes, this is the assumption. I once shared it. No longer, and here's why.

If you compare Gazan behavior with the Iranian people -- who have found bold and creative ways to cheer for Israel despite the dangers from their fanatic regime -- you realize how lame the excuse is.

And when the Gazans WANT to protest against Hamas, they come out by the thousands, for example last July:


What's worse, it was the "Good" Gazans who followed the Hamas terrorists across the border to loot, kill, rape and maim on their own. They were thousands of day laborers who had received special work permits, due to their clean (terrorist-free) records. All Israel thought this was building coexistence and goodwill.

Instead, these Good Gazans spent 2 years spying on their employers and the villages where they worked, passing details to Hamas in preparation for Oct. 7, and on the day of the invasion they served as guides to the massacring hoards.

As it turned out afterwards, those who were identified as "civilians" actually outnumbered the Hamas members who invaded. And some of the most gruesome, stomach-turning videos are from those ordinary Gazans, who proudly uploaded their butchery to social media.

The Israelis are still traumatized by the cognitive dissonance.

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Bravo! We must continue to tell the truth.

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Trying to read what I can about Israel and Palestine and understand the history.

It seems there is evil everywhere we look.


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I highly suggest “Time Immemorial” by Joan Peters. She wrote this book in the 1980’s as a “Palestinian” sympathizer. Her extensive, original document research, exposed the truth. The history is one that will amaze and surprise you.

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Thank you! I will definitely look that up.

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Wow! That's great. Yu will be happy you did!!

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Type in your favorite bible version and the words Hamas or Gaza. Example: KJV Hamas or KJV Gaza. The verses that show up show history going back as far as far can go. It’s pretty clear what the words mean and what should have happened.

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Muhammed clearly said that all Jews must be murdered. Palestinians must be put in guarded refugee camps in Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon, and the UN will have to give them billions to do so. Put them in Uganda if necessary. Then try different programs to persuade them to take a different path. Maybe it might work for a few. Islam is the problem, not the solution. Beyond saying that, I don’t know what to do.

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Not all Palestinians are Muslims

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