You're out of your minds if you think anybody will ever be taken to an international criminal court and charged with crimes against humanity, fraud, conspiracy to commit murder, and outright murder. These poison jabs were already in the works and covid was rolled out so that DoD and DARPA could roll out the "countermeasures" and give Big Pharma total immunity. Nobody is ever going to be held to account for this criminality just like no one was held to account for the crime of 9/11.

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It will be down to the people to hold the perps to account.

Very light touch on vaccine harms from the doctors. At least MTG was brave enough to ask. I need to watch the whole thing. Look fwd to more reports, thanks Daily Clout.

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The only justice served will be from mobs of parents that lost children to this so called vaccine. People like Fauci should take notice and never again walk in the streets.

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I agree that Fraudci should die screaming, but this goes WAY higher than that pipsqueak. Getting to the psychopathic MIC, Big Pharma CEOs and technocrats is going to be nigh impossible. Bill Gates should be on the list as shouldRalph Baric of UNC @ Chappell Hill and Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance. Lots of people should be on the list that we don't even know. The covid psy-op has been the biggest global medical experiment in human history. These fuckers make Dr. Mengele look like a piker.

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You are absolutely correct

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Very dark, but I must confess I fear you are correct.

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Same shit, different decade. Never forget WTC7, the one that was “pulled” but never hit by an airplane. Still went down.

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The whole goddamn attack on the towers was a coup d'etat. The 900 page anticonstitutional PATRIOT Act was already written. Dennis Kucinich was the only member of Congress who stayed up all night and read it. The other members of Congress voted for it sight unseen. Oh, and those planes didn't take down the towers. Nanothermite charges were placed on several different floors of Tower 1 and 2 as well as Tower 7. ALL the towers fell into their own footprint. Only controlled demolition does that. Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda had nothing to do with the attacks.

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Remember 9/11 was done by the Bush administration. Granddaddy Prescott Bush was a Nazi supporter during WWII. He along with Ford and other big names supplied Hitler to rebuild and arm Germany. The banking cartel led by the Rothschilds are the root of evil taking orders directly from Satan

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They're just plain evil, and it has nothing to do with some make-believe satan. The Rothschilds, among others, do everything for power and money. Those are the gods they worship.

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100%. People are delusional if they keep thinking some court order f justice will happen.

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The only way for justice for many families is to learn to be sniper and take care of them yourself. Or maybe the next pandemic that will be rolling in later this year and take out those who lied and people continue to die.

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Nothing about this crime was "a mistake."

Let's please get that straight.

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And the lab leak wasnt a mistake. There was nothing accidental about it.

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Should be called a lab release.

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I do believe that once the virus made it out of the Wuhan lab and into the public the Chinese government deliberately spread it around the world as widely and quickly as possible. But I can't help wondering, if the release was deliberate then why didn't they "find" the first case of it somewhere in the vicinity of the bat caves where they pretend it originated hundreds of miles away from Wuhan instead of in a "wet market" just a couple of miles away from the lab where it was created? Can they possibly be that stupid? Whether they were developing it and planning to eventually release it intentionally as a bio-weapon is an entirely different question, and I won't be at all surprised if that turns out to be the case. But at least for now I'm sticking with the theory that it escaped when it did by accident before they were ready to deliberately release either this virus or an even more virulent cousin of it.

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The Chinese didn't spread it, the US DoD did.

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Or an insider knowing what they were up to, released it before it was ready.

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I already have problems with the narrative being presented...that it was a small fierce determined group of doctors and scientists that resisted the propaganda. The problem is, it wasn't just scientists and doctors. We came from all walks of life. Why do you think so many of us "non scientific" people had to suddenly start digging into data and reading research studies and papers, because we felt like it?

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The full video is also on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2bc3bi-select-subcommittee-roundtable-examining-covid-policy-decisions-full-unedit.html (disclaimer: I have no idea who's account it was posted on.)

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I know right! My rumble channels list is so enormous now, filled with random channels in order to save long videos to share.

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The Republicans are holding a circus. They know the truth and that it is damning. They only want a show of righteous indignation-NOT JUSTICE. Convictions of treason and crimes against humanity require death. The perpetrators will not stop their totalitarian pursuit unless they are snuffed out.


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These ''expert'' doctors need to be TOLD that every ''vaccines'' are poisonous, full of junk, intentionally. They decry the C19 jab, but they celebrate all other jabs. WRONG!!!

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Fortunately there are a few, very few, like Dr. Pierre Kory, co-founder of the FLCCC alliance, who eventually did wake up to the fact that throughout his entire career he had been deliberately deceived by much of what he thought he "learned" in the Big Pharma-controlled medical schools and major journals like the Lancet, including all the bs about the conventional vaccines all being "safe and effective." Sadly, unlike Kory, the egos of Battacharya, Kulldorff and the vast majority of people with the letters M.D. after their names won't permit them to say, even just to themselves, "I was told a bunch of lies and was foolish enough to swallow it all hook, line and sinker." While their reaction to the counterproductive official plandemic response was in fact 100% consistent with what they did learn in medical school, seriously doubting what they were told in medical school about vaccines and about Big Pharma products in general is simply not possible.

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There's far more "antivax' doctors and scientists that you know. Their voices have been silenced, now and years ago. Andrew Wakefield has been canceled and demonized just for asking a question about the MMR vaccine.

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Not just their voices silenced, Grammy. Good practitioners and researchers have Died Suddenly for years, and not just in Arkansas! Me and 8 of my colleagues have been Wakefielded too, in our little "team of 5 million" country. And nothing has changed yet since our " wicked witch of the WEF" PM resigned, to be replaced by a clone.

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Thank you. I miss the old you but I know your super busy with DailyClout and I'm happy for you about it. Keep fighting the good fight.

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I'm still here!! <3

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They should look no further than this. Will they? 2010 Rockefeller Foundation -Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development highlight a 2012 pandemic.


Point by point explanation here:


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I’m counting on our ALMIGHTY GOD & His justice. As far as I’m concerned it can’t come soon enough

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Prosecute the crimes! 💪🏼🙏🏻

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People keep complaining about what was done, not one person has been arrested, or went to trial much less held in jail till a trial starts. They now have a vaccine tracking system approved by both dems and republicans. They keep slowly turning up the heat on the pot of frogs who will refuse to notice till its too late.

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I know we'd like to think that we "broke through" the lying narrative and are finally able to discuss this because there was simply no stopping us. Maybe. But I'm pretty sure these voices would still be tamped down and censored everywhere if that's what the powers that be wanted. Fox News would not allow Tucker to discuss it---as we have seen, they won't let him air any more of his Jan. 6 videos--obviously the insurrection narrative is still too important to them.

So why is the vaccine narrative not still important? Because they accomplished their goal of vaccinating every single person they could. The mission is complete. For now. Next time they will figure out a way to forcibly inject the hold outs, but for now there is no one left to convince. SO they don't care as much anymore. Even the military dropped its mandate---but only after every single young man submitted to the deadly injections or left the service. Too late to help them now.

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There is a PNAS document published in 2016 that shows the University of Chapel Hill got a strain from China and then augmented it to be contagious to humans. Why are none of these doctors bringing up that published data. The pandemic was planned. NIAID funded both aspects of this work, in China and the US. The one thing these people have the hardest thing doing is admitting what they did and that it was knowingly wrong. It was a psychological weapon that allowed them to create fear and then release the real bioweapon called mRNA vaccine.

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Still waiting for one intimate truth to emerge from the covid pandemic narrative.

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No need to wait. The truth has been out for a long time. Open those eyes. G

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Thanks for the update!

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i had a real problem with all the people questioning Dr. Benjamin. he had nothing to add. obviously the people doing the questioning were trying to stress the need for more public health funding and power. they just wanted someone to validate their position. also notice that Dr. Benjamin was overweight while the other 3 doctors were not. he obviously needs government intervention to protect him

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