i want to lock up the media, they are a big problem for us all

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without the complicity of the msm they never could have pulled off the scamdemic. Gov + Big Pharma + Media worked hand in hand.

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We need control of the media. It needs to be an opposing force to the Corporatocracy.

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Praying for Israel.

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I was so excited and proud to be part of the Freedom Convoy in Israel yesterday. It was truly a movement unlike any other. I picked up an Israeli hitchhiker who said he had never witnessed anything like this in Israel. It was truly an impressively organised endeavour with convoys of cars and truck leaving from 40 cities and towns across the country. Our contribution from Ramat Gan numbered at least 40 vehicles. Everyone was in such high spirits it was incredible. No matter what happens now this event was a Rubicon, a point of no return. The pols will have a hard time ignoring it but I do believe they will try. But we will keep up the pressure until we win. And we will win.

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Wow thanks for that description! Yes, it was absolutely amazing, and it's definitely not over! I hope to go back at least once or twice over the next week and join those who have set up camp.

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Looks like this is starting to happen around the world!

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Thank God! Finally!

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yes, great... fyi, a friend in Canada told me that tomorrow they are voting in Parliament and Trudeau needs the votes to pass or continue the emergency act and they are already freezing people's bank accounts ... we need to make noise and pray, too, thanks.

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You gotta fight, for your right.... To party! Congrats!

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Well done Israel!! And I loved newsies! Time for a rewatch I think.

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Go Israel! My exhusband went back there last year. He goes back and forth (to the US where I am). I went over there a couple of times. I was having a hard time imagining how you all were doing with all the mandates, being first to mass vaccinate. I am glad you are waking up. We have to resist, all over the world. Those who stole freedom won’t return it. And if they did, it wouldn’t be freedom, only permission. We have to take it now.

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The MSM CAN'T speak up! That would be biting the hand that feeds them and feeds them WELL. Years ago, some idiots decided pHARMa could advertise. (Begs the question, WHY advertise your drug to a doctor's potential patient? Unless YOU,

Big pHARMa, plan on running the entire medical show? Who needs doctors, the way they are going? Just plug in your symptoms and out pops a pill. It's more like getting your car inspected than medical care, but hey...)

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